Kate's Law Should Get Passed

Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.
This verdict had nothing to do with this case.

These insane lefties used it as a political

brick to be thrown at Trump and law abiding


It's time for us to throw back....

You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

Beaver Clever times were better for who?

White guys?

No Mr. Racist...

They were better for everyone...

The Black family was intact and they

weren't killing each other by the thousands

over stupid shit...

lyndon johnson's Great Society lead to

the destruction of the Black Family...

You lefties are the real racist as

proven by history...........

Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !
Yeah, he's saying Jim Crow laws and being 2nd class citizens were the best things for blacks.

It is drugs and the availability of guns that are destroying the black community. Poverty and poor education.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.

Wrong. Most people who should not possess guns get them from straw buyers who are allowed to buy guns.
But the staw buyers are selling them illegally. There needs to be more restrictions so they can't get them and move oversight so they can't sell them illegally. I still make the same point, that the availability of guns in this country leads to criminals having them. If they were not so available legally, they would not be so available to criminals.

Oh, you mean like recreational narcotics? You know, the same narcotics that are responsible for us having the highest percentage of our population behind bars than any other industrialized country? The same narcotics now responsible for killing over 50,000 Americans every year not to mention the tenfold that get rescued from death?

Laws only prevent law abiding citizens from things. The criminals don't obey laws. That's why they are criminals in the first place.

You can never disarm the criminals no matter what you do. Look at our laws today! It's illegal for a felon to possess a firearm. Does that law stop them?
Yeah, he's saying Jim Crow laws and being 2nd class citizens were the best things for blacks.

It is drugs and the availability of guns that are destroying the black community. Poverty and poor education.

No, it's single-parent households that are destroying the black community. With no father around, young males grow up to be criminals because there was nobody around to set them straight when they were growing up.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.
Beaver Clever times were better for who?

White guys?

No Mr. Racist...

They were better for everyone...

The Black family was intact and they

weren't killing each other by the thousands

over stupid shit...

lyndon johnson's Great Society lead to

the destruction of the Black Family...

You lefties are the real racist as

proven by history...........

Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !

Ahhh..the good ole days..if you were Black..you could vote..well...above the Mason/Dixon line--in most States you could even drive with a white women in the front seat..kiss her publicly..an ass-whipping if you were lucky. A black man..or any woman..could never hope for govt. office..or a professional career. You could work..but your wage would be lower...in most states. Women could not bring a charge of rape without an eyewitness--Sexual child abuse was never even charged--except in extreme..stranger involved cases. In many states..age of sexual consent was low..in at least one State 12 years old. A white man could rape a black 10 year old...and walk..if the family even dared to bring a charge..he would be tried by a jury of whites. Lynching still happened...and the American Apartheid known as Jim Crow was alive and well.

But hey...the Black family was intact....


All things considered ......

The 50's were better times..

They would have been even better

if the Racist democrats weren't running

the south. liberals shouldn't be allowed

to own guns, we would all be safer.

The reason we need guns is because we have liberals and Democrats. The only way we could possibly get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. Since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we need to protect ourselves from these violent and criminal people.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.
Yeah, he's saying Jim Crow laws and being 2nd class citizens were the best things for blacks.

It is drugs and the availability of guns that are destroying the black community. Poverty and poor education.

No, it's single-parent households that are destroying the black community. With no father around, young males grow up to be criminals because there was nobody around to set them straight when they were growing up.
That is in part but not the whole reason. Single parent households are also related to poverty, lack of education and lack of employment and career opportunity.
Yeah, he's saying Jim Crow laws and being 2nd class citizens were the best things for blacks.

It is drugs and the availability of guns that are destroying the black community. Poverty and poor education.

No, it's single-parent households that are destroying the black community. With no father around, young males grow up to be criminals because there was nobody around to set them straight when they were growing up.
That is in part but not the whole reason. Single parent households are also related to poverty, lack of education and lack of employment and career opportunity.

What are you talking about? What lack of education? The US spends the most per capita on education than any other industrialized country in the world. Lack of employment? Where? You know anybody unemployed? Send them our way. Our industry needs over 30,000 new tractor-trailer drivers we can't find, and that situation is expected to get worse as the baby boomers retire. Some companies will not only train you to do the job, but pay you while you learn. Then as long as you are willing to work, they will guarantee you a job for life with pay increases per year.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.


When I take my gun with me to the store at night, do you know why? Because of liberals. Do you think I'm worried about a Republican coming into the store, holding the place up, and hitting me over the head with a gun to steal my wallet? Republicans don't do things like that.

Or if I go to my ATM at night, do you think I'm worried about a conservative wedging himself between my car and the machine......forcing me to withdraw that maximum cash out of my checking account? No,no,no. Conservatives don't do things like that--liberals do things like that.
When I think of today's liberal,

I liken them to Nazis'

They support the killing of police

officers and every perversion

known to man.....

Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.

The very sort of thing you'd expect from a person who doesn't read what people write. He just "knows" this is the case because he wants it to be the case.

Reality Ray, it's out there somewhere.

Then tell me where I'm wrong.

Leftists side with criminals over our police.
Leftists side with our foreign enemies over our military.
Leftists side with kneelers over our police.
Leftists side with disarming the victims instead of supporting their ability to defend themselves against evil.
Leftists side with big government over big liberty.

Where are you wrong? Everywhere.

You see for example the kneelers.

You say the leftists side with the kneelers over the police.

The First Amendment was designed so people could protest the politicians, so they could talk about the problems in society. The Founding Fathers made it so the kneelers would have a voice.The police WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, they are not ABOVE the law, they are ABOVE the people. Without the ability to protest the police, you have a police state.

This is where you are wrong.

Leftists side with the foreign enemies. Well, the problem is the right makes the enemies and then DEMANDS that the left accept that they are the enemy. Er... what? And the right is making the enemy of Muslims and 2 million American people are Muslims, and yet Trump goes to Saudi Arabia.... right....

That's where you are wrong.

Everything you say is so simple a 5 year old could have drawn it in crayon. You don't think about things, you accept what you're told by your handlers. I've spoken to you a lot Ray, and I think you're genuinely a nice guy, the problem is you don't think.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.


When I take my gun with me to the store at night, do you know why? Because of liberals. Do you think I'm worried about a Republican coming into the store, holding the place up, and hitting me over the head with a gun to steal my wallet? Republicans don't do things like that.

Or if I go to my ATM at night, do you think I'm worried about a conservative wedging himself between my car and the machine......forcing me to withdraw that maximum cash out of my checking account? No,no,no. Conservatives don't do things like that--liberals do things like that.
You are ridiculous. You are ridiculous. LMAO
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.


When I take my gun with me to the store at night, do you know why? Because of liberals. Do you think I'm worried about a Republican coming into the store, holding the place up, and hitting me over the head with a gun to steal my wallet? Republicans don't do things like that.

Or if I go to my ATM at night, do you think I'm worried about a conservative wedging himself between my car and the machine......forcing me to withdraw that maximum cash out of my checking account? No,no,no. Conservatives don't do things like that--liberals do things like that.
You are ridiculous. You are ridiculous. LMAO

He's so partisan he only sees liberals everywhere. The Koch brothers told him to fear liberals.
Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.

The very sort of thing you'd expect from a person who doesn't read what people write. He just "knows" this is the case because he wants it to be the case.

Reality Ray, it's out there somewhere.

Then tell me where I'm wrong.

Leftists side with criminals over our police.
Leftists side with our foreign enemies over our military.
Leftists side with kneelers over our police.
Leftists side with disarming the victims instead of supporting their ability to defend themselves against evil.
Leftists side with big government over big liberty.

Where are you wrong? Everywhere.

You see for example the kneelers.

You say the leftists side with the kneelers over the police.

The First Amendment was designed so people could protest the politicians, so they could talk about the problems in society. The Founding Fathers made it so the kneelers would have a voice.The police WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, they are not ABOVE the law, they are ABOVE the people. Without the ability to protest the police, you have a police state.

This is where you are wrong.

Leftists side with the foreign enemies. Well, the problem is the right makes the enemies and then DEMANDS that the left accept that they are the enemy. Er... what? And the right is making the enemy of Muslims and 2 million American people are Muslims, and yet Trump goes to Saudi Arabia.... right....

That's where you are wrong.

Everything you say is so simple a 5 year old could have drawn it in crayon. You don't think about things, you accept what you're told by your handlers. I've spoken to you a lot Ray, and I think you're genuinely a nice guy, the problem is you don't think.

So why are lowlifes kneeling? They are kneeling in protest of our police. In case you didn't know, the police are the good guys.

Yes, we do have a first amendment so that everybody can speak including evil. But because they speak, it doesn't make them less evil, they will always be evil.

The right never sided again Muslims, we sided against terrorists. And the left protest our military actions in our streets. They complained because terrorists were not getting constitutional rights. They supported putting up Mosques at ground zero. Their commie judges stopped Trump from his travel ban from countries that did not fully vent their citizens coming here. They are against Israel and for the Palestinian terrorists. They complained constantly about detainees in Gitmo.

The left totally supported DumBama's order to allow boys in dresses to invade girls restrooms, lockers and showers in school; the real war on women Democrats refuse to address.

So once again, Democrats always side with evil at every turn.
Fuck. He was found "not guilty" on the murder charge.

That's San Francisco for you.

No that's the verdict of a jury that heard all of the evidence.
Really? How do you figure that? Seems like the evidence was the last thing the judge wanted to be considered.

The evidence showed no intent for it to be charged as murder. The bullet that killed her was not even fired at her, but ricocheted off the concrete. The prosecutor screwed himself by not allowing for a negligent homicide conviction. Sad, but true.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.

Wrong. Most people who should not possess guns get them from straw buyers who are allowed to buy guns.
But the staw buyers are selling them illegally. There needs to be more restrictions so they can't get them and move oversight so they can't sell them illegally. I still make the same point, that the availability of guns in this country leads to criminals having them. If they were not so available legally, they would not be so available to criminals.

If they were not available legally, they would not be available to law abiding citizens and thus violate their Second Amendment rights.
Kate's Law can be next to pass before the year ends for president Trump to sign. Make the country safe again.
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

When I think of today's liberal,

I liken them to Nazis'

They support the killing of police

officers and every perversion

known to man.....

Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.

The very sort of thing you'd expect from a person who doesn't read what people write. He just "knows" this is the case because he wants it to be the case.

Reality Ray, it's out there somewhere.

Tell that to joy behar and brian ross:banana:
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.
You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

Beaver Clever times were better for who?

White guys?

No Mr. Racist...

They were better for everyone...

The Black family was intact and they

weren't killing each other by the thousands

over stupid shit...

lyndon johnson's Great Society lead to

the destruction of the Black Family...

You lefties are the real racist as

proven by history...........

Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !
Yeah, he's saying Jim Crow laws and being 2nd class citizens were the best things for blacks.

It is drugs and the availability of guns that are destroying the black community. Poverty and poor education.

Poor liberal excesses for liberals failed policies.
No Mr. Racist...

They were better for everyone...

The Black family was intact and they

weren't killing each other by the thousands

over stupid shit...

lyndon johnson's Great Society lead to

the destruction of the Black Family...

You lefties are the real racist as

proven by history...........

Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !

Ahhh..the good ole days..if you were Black..you could vote..well...above the Mason/Dixon line--in most States you could even drive with a white women in the front seat..kiss her publicly..an ass-whipping if you were lucky. A black man..or any woman..could never hope for govt. office..or a professional career. You could work..but your wage would be lower...in most states. Women could not bring a charge of rape without an eyewitness--Sexual child abuse was never even charged--except in extreme..stranger involved cases. In many states..age of sexual consent was low..in at least one State 12 years old. A white man could rape a black 10 year old...and walk..if the family even dared to bring a charge..he would be tried by a jury of whites. Lynching still happened...and the American Apartheid known as Jim Crow was alive and well.

But hey...the Black family was intact....


All things considered ......

The 50's were better times..

They would have been even better

if the Racist democrats weren't running

the south. liberals shouldn't be allowed

to own guns, we would all be safer.

The reason we need guns is because we have liberals and Democrats. The only way we could possibly get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. Since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we need to protect ourselves from these violent and criminal people.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.

Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........
Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !

Ahhh..the good ole days..if you were Black..you could vote..well...above the Mason/Dixon line--in most States you could even drive with a white women in the front seat..kiss her publicly..an ass-whipping if you were lucky. A black man..or any woman..could never hope for govt. office..or a professional career. You could work..but your wage would be lower...in most states. Women could not bring a charge of rape without an eyewitness--Sexual child abuse was never even charged--except in extreme..stranger involved cases. In many states..age of sexual consent was low..in at least one State 12 years old. A white man could rape a black 10 year old...and walk..if the family even dared to bring a charge..he would be tried by a jury of whites. Lynching still happened...and the American Apartheid known as Jim Crow was alive and well.

But hey...the Black family was intact....


All things considered ......

The 50's were better times..

They would have been even better

if the Racist democrats weren't running

the south. liberals shouldn't be allowed

to own guns, we would all be safer.

The reason we need guns is because we have liberals and Democrats. The only way we could possibly get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. Since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we need to protect ourselves from these violent and criminal people.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.

Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

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