Kate's Law Should Get Passed

Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.

Really? How many "behind bars" have you interviewed or interrogated?
Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

So the truth makes me an obnoxious hater...

I just love rubbing the truth in your face...

You know that I am right, that's what really

makes you mad.......

i'm not mad, I don't hate you. In fact I pity people like you, those whose ignorance is not willful.

That's really ironic Ding Dong...

Since it's you that denies most criminals

would vote for the democrats when we all

know they make up a large portion of your base.

They want their free shit and the ability to get

away with murder...

Why would they vote Republican?

Give me the reasons.....

I bet you can't name one....

You are pathetic...

You're new here, are you one of the lost souls who are still pissed off because Stormfront went bye-bye?

As are most of the haters, you too are uncivilized and sociopathic.

I knew you couldn't provide any examples..

And I know you can't back this one up either...

Plain to see you are full of shit...

We can all see it, you should admit it.

But you can't even be honest with yourself...

Again, you are pathetic...
Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.

Really? How many "behind bars" have you interviewed or interrogated?
Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

So the truth makes me an obnoxious hater...

I just love rubbing the truth in your face...

You know that I am right, that's what really

makes you mad.......

i'm not mad, I don't hate you. In fact I pity people like you, those whose ignorance is not willful.

That's really ironic Ding Dong...

Since it's you that denies most criminals

would vote for the democrats when we all

know they make up a large portion of your base.

They want their free shit and the ability to get

away with murder...

Why would they vote Republican?

Give me the reasons.....

I bet you can't name one....

You are pathetic...

You're new here, are you one of the lost souls who are still pissed off because Stormfront went bye-bye?

As are most of the haters, you too are uncivilized and sociopathic.

I knew you couldn't provide any examples..

And I know you can't back this one up either...

Plain to see you are full of shit...

We can all see it, you should admit it.

But you can't even be honest with yourself...

Again, you are pathetic...

It is a far left drone, they only know far left religious narratives not connected to reality.

All the drones on this board are like this!
Who would stop illegal Illegal aliens from hurting people? I am told it's complicated. it's only as complicated as you make it.
How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.


The problem here is that you're bunching people into "Republican" or "Democrat" when the reality is that most people AREN'T either. They vote one of the other because they feel there is no choice. It's just partisan bullshit.

Criminals are usually not of any persuasion at all, they do what they do, and then some of the fanatics on the right say they're "democrats" whenever something happens, with no basis for this. The same people say Hitler was left wing. They don't bother with the truth.

Tell that to all those fine young Republicans hanging out on the street corners, peddling their drugs, mugging people, raping, and shooting up the place. I guessed 85% were Democrats but I didn't take into account those who are apolitical. It's more like 7 out of 10 being Democrats.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

Even so, the majority of people behind bars would consider themselves "liberals" even if they're not Democrats.
The majority of people in prison are there for drug use. Which, IMO, is not a crime. Being a drug user hurts only the person doing it, but they are in prison for buying drugs. Dealers, yes, it's a crime. Violence against others, stealing, those are crimes, but simply buying and using drugs, not a crime.

"The United States incarcerates more people for drug offenses than any other country. With an estimated 6.8 million Americans struggling with drug abuse or dependence, the growth of the prison population continues to be driven largely by incarceration for drug offenses."

So most of those people you are counting as 'liberals or democrats' who are criminals are simply drug users. As well, your survey says they would register as a democrat, but they can't and can't vote if they are felons.

The idea that all people who hurt or rob you are democrats is ludicrous. These people are not political. They don't think about politics, and even if they could vote, they wouldn't be voting...they are too high for one thing.

You just like to hate and you hate democrats, so all people who are bad and who are wrong are democrats or liberals. Or black, brown or Muslim. I've never met so many pathological haters in one place in my entire life. One sided vision of reality. No gray. All black and white and all the bad guys are 'them,' never you.

No, wrong. Most of the people in prison are not there for drug usage. People incarcerated for drug use alone is a fraction of prisoners. Most who are in there for drugs have an associated crime like selling, theft, assault, or a number of other violations, but not just usage.

There are millions of Democrats and Republicans, my guess, and it is only that, is R's are white collar crooks and don't get sent to prison, and D's are blue collar crooks and do get sent to prison.

In short, appearance, economic standing and long term and stable employment and residence are factored in at time of sentencing.

Utter bullshit. The prisons are packed with black people and as you liberals keep telling us, "Black people are X number of times more liable to be arrested and incarcerated than whites." Even the NAACP, BLM, and the ACLU have been telling us that for years.

You've also been telling us for years that "Over 90% of African Americans registered to vote, are also Democrats." It's also a known fact that it's always the Democrats who are pushing to give incarcerated people and felons the right to vote.

Even if those behind bars are apolitical, they very seldom consider themselves "conservatives". Inmates run conservative to liberal at least 25% to 75%, and that's not even counting the 25% of inmates who are illegals. You know damned well they would vote Democratic if they could, because the Democrat Party offers them a shitload of freebies.

Quit trying to twist what everyone already knows into something to suit your liberal agenda. It's not going to work, no way, no how.
Who would stop illegal Illegal aliens from hurting people? I am told it's complicated. it's only as complicated as you make it.

Someone not in the country legally, means they are here illegally and breaking the law.

It I snot complicated, the law has been broken and should be enforced.

Not at all complicated or complex.

But for the far left they see illegal immigration as legal immigration. That is the real problem.
Who would stop illegal Illegal aliens from hurting people? I am told it's complicated. it's only as complicated as you make it.

Someone not in the country legally, means they are here illegally and breaking the law.

It I snot complicated, the law has been broken and should be enforced.

Not at all complicated or complex.

But for the far left they see illegal immigration as legal immigration. That is the real problem.

As well as that, the left seems to be unable to differentiate between those people in the world who are protected by the U.S. Constitution, and those who do not deserve the same protections given American citizens.
Who would stop illegal Illegal aliens from hurting people? I am told it's complicated. it's only as complicated as you make it.

Someone not in the country legally, means they are here illegally and breaking the law.

It I snot complicated, the law has been broken and should be enforced.

Not at all complicated or complex.

But for the far left they see illegal immigration as legal immigration. That is the real problem.

As well as that, the left seems to be unable to differentiate between those people in the world who are protected by the U.S. Constitution, and those who do not deserve the same protections given American citizens.

Yes the far left wants to give terrorists US constitutional rights, even though Obama did away with Due Process.

FYI: The cost to incarcerate a Federal Prisoner per year is approx. $32,000.

Report: U.S. Spent $1.87 Billion to Incarcerate Illegal-Immigrant Criminals in 2014

Maybe the H. or Rep. and the Congress in general out to figure out a comprehensive immigration policy, and the State Dept. find a way diplomatically to work with those countries, and the Commerce Sect. and Dept. of Labor figure out a way to work with our neighbors to the South, and the Dept of the Treasury reimburse each state for the costs of the Federal Government's failure to do any of these things. Especially provide the dollars to border states to enforce the laws as they see fit.

Brinkmanship, threats and walls don't work, Trump&Co ought to put money where their mouth is.

FYI: The cost to incarcerate a Federal Prisoner per year is approx. $32,000.

Report: U.S. Spent $1.87 Billion to Incarcerate Illegal-Immigrant Criminals in 2014

Maybe the H. or Rep. and the Congress in general out to figure out a comprehensive immigration policy, and the State Dept. find a way diplomatically to work with those countries, and the Commerce Sect. and Dept. of Labor figure out a way to work with our neighbors to the South, and the Dept of the Treasury reimburse each state for the costs of the Federal Government's failure to do any of these things. Especially provide the dollars to border states to enforce the laws as they see fit.

Brinkmanship, threats and walls don't work, Trump&Co ought to put money where their mouth is.

Yes we know the far left will defend a murderous illegal immigrant.

But if you far left drones had your way, anyone not supporting the far left religion would be behind bars!

So you far left religious narritive has been debunked and it is moot to any discussion.
We are all children of immigrants. I have been a juror that ended up kicking out an illegal alien that hurt someone (another illegal alien, in this case). They didn't get a freebie, so I can't wrap my mind around how any illegal Mexicans can get a pass hurting anyone. Period.
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We are all children of immigrants. I have been a juror that ended up kicking out an illegal alien that hurt someone (another illegal alien, in this case). They didn't get a freebie, so I can't wrap my mind around how any Illgegal mexican can get a pass hurting anyone. Period.

You might want to re-phrase the first part: "We are all children of legal immigrants..."
Well, that all depends. Our modern ideal now didn't exist back in the 1600, no state then had immigration laws, and "America" didn't exist then. Well, modern states have laws and immigration protocols. We are all children of immigration,My great grand parents actually immigrated here legally. So I am not relating to illegal aliens now, you can understand
"Well, that all depends. Our modern ideal now didn't exist back in the 1600, no state then had immigration laws, and "America" didn't exist then. Well, modern states have laws and immigration protocols. We are all children of immigration,My great grand parents actually immigrated here legally. So I am not relating to illegal aliens now, you can understand."

But at least you have to admit, that those who immigrate here back in the 1600's assimilated and became Americans. They adopted the American language, customs, and morals. This in glaringly no so with many illegals.

FYI: The cost to incarcerate a Federal Prisoner per year is approx. $32,000.

Report: U.S. Spent $1.87 Billion to Incarcerate Illegal-Immigrant Criminals in 2014

Maybe the H. or Rep. and the Congress in general out to figure out a comprehensive immigration policy, and the State Dept. find a way diplomatically to work with those countries, and the Commerce Sect. and Dept. of Labor figure out a way to work with our neighbors to the South, and the Dept of the Treasury reimburse each state for the costs of the Federal Government's failure to do any of these things. Especially provide the dollars to border states to enforce the laws as they see fit.

Brinkmanship, threats and walls don't work, Trump&Co ought to put money where their mouth is.

Yes we know the far left will defend a murderous illegal immigrant.

But if you far left drones had your way, anyone not supporting the far left religion would be behind bars!

So you far left religious narritive has been debunked and it is moot to any discussion.

It's no wonder you are a trumpanzee, you too are all talk and exacerbate problems with foolish comments, aka, idiot-grams, just like Trump; and, never seem to think through an issue in search of a solution.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.

Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.


The problem here is that you're bunching people into "Republican" or "Democrat" when the reality is that most people AREN'T either. They vote one of the other because they feel there is no choice. It's just partisan bullshit.

Criminals are usually not of any persuasion at all, they do what they do, and then some of the fanatics on the right say they're "democrats" whenever something happens, with no basis for this. The same people say Hitler was left wing. They don't bother with the truth.

Tell that to all those fine young Republicans hanging out on the street corners, peddling their drugs, mugging people, raping, and shooting up the place. I guessed 85% were Democrats but I didn't take into account those who are apolitical. It's more like 7 out of 10 being Democrats.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

Even so, the majority of people behind bars would consider themselves "liberals" even if they're not Democrats.

It's like dealing with people who are so obsessed with their partisan nonsense, that EVERYTHING has to be a part of the partisan nonsense. You see a flower that's wilting and dying, "fucking Democrat flower", then you see a beautiful rose "Must be a Republican flower".

It's basically just childish bullshit and it's so tiring seeing so many people act like little children on a consistent basis.
Yep, only libs are violent. You know, a rational person understands that criminal violence is not in any way connected to political affiliation. Neither is child abuse, domestic violence, sexual harassment, and so on. These things are nothing to do with political leanings. That's what knowledgable , rational people know.

Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.


The problem here is that you're bunching people into "Republican" or "Democrat" when the reality is that most people AREN'T either. They vote one of the other because they feel there is no choice. It's just partisan bullshit.

Criminals are usually not of any persuasion at all, they do what they do, and then some of the fanatics on the right say they're "democrats" whenever something happens, with no basis for this. The same people say Hitler was left wing. They don't bother with the truth.

Again I must call Bull Shit....

The vast majority of criminals would vote for the democrats....

Because the democrats are the party of the criminals...

liberals love criminals, they make up most of their base...

Maybe they would vote for Democrat. That doesn't make this the party of criminals.

It means the electoral system is so outdated it's ridiculous.

The problem here is that the US is the place where the low level criminals get locked up for life, and the high level criminals get to give themselves new tax cuts.

You kill one person, life, possibly execution. You invade Iraq and get hundreds of thousands of people killed, nothing. That's America.

The poorer people are most likely to vote for Democrat, the richer more likely to vote Republican.

Though the problem is that criminals don't get to vote, so they're not democrat or republican, which means you can't be the party of criminals in that manner. So, what you're saying is just hot air designed for the audience of Republicans.
Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.


The problem here is that you're bunching people into "Republican" or "Democrat" when the reality is that most people AREN'T either. They vote one of the other because they feel there is no choice. It's just partisan bullshit.

Criminals are usually not of any persuasion at all, they do what they do, and then some of the fanatics on the right say they're "democrats" whenever something happens, with no basis for this. The same people say Hitler was left wing. They don't bother with the truth.

Tell that to all those fine young Republicans hanging out on the street corners, peddling their drugs, mugging people, raping, and shooting up the place. I guessed 85% were Democrats but I didn't take into account those who are apolitical. It's more like 7 out of 10 being Democrats.

Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats

Even so, the majority of people behind bars would consider themselves "liberals" even if they're not Democrats.

It's like dealing with people who are so obsessed with their partisan nonsense, that EVERYTHING has to be a part of the partisan nonsense. You see a flower that's wilting and dying, "fucking Democrat flower", then you see a beautiful rose "Must be a Republican flower".

It's basically just childish bullshit and it's so tiring seeing so many people act like little children on a consistent basis.

You liberals are the ones that do this...
Bull shit...

If all the prisoners in American Jails

were allowed to vote, you liberals

would win in a landslide.........

Who or what made you into the obnoxious hater you've become?

How does what Deno said make him an "obnoxious hater"? It is the truth, you know. A very large majority of people behind bars are liberals or Democrats. I'd guess something like 85%.


The problem here is that you're bunching people into "Republican" or "Democrat" when the reality is that most people AREN'T either. They vote one of the other because they feel there is no choice. It's just partisan bullshit.

Criminals are usually not of any persuasion at all, they do what they do, and then some of the fanatics on the right say they're "democrats" whenever something happens, with no basis for this. The same people say Hitler was left wing. They don't bother with the truth.

Again I must call Bull Shit....

The vast majority of criminals would vote for the democrats....

Because the democrats are the party of the criminals...

liberals love criminals, they make up most of their base...

Maybe they would vote for Democrat. That doesn't make this the party of criminals.

It means the electoral system is so outdated it's ridiculous.

The problem here is that the US is the place where the low level criminals get locked up for life, and the high level criminals get to give themselves new tax cuts.

You kill one person, life, possibly execution. You invade Iraq and get hundreds of thousands of people killed, nothing. That's America.

The poorer people are most likely to vote for Democrat, the richer more likely to vote Republican.

Though the problem is that criminals don't get to vote, so they're not democrat or republican, which means you can't be the party of criminals in that manner. So, what you're saying is just hot air designed for the audience of Republicans.

Nothing but liberal Tripe....

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