Kate's Law Should Get Passed

You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

I will admit in the old days Unions did in fact

help the working man and they made many

improvements in safety and working conditions...

But the unions of today are not your Grandfathers

Union. Today's Unions push a socialist agenda.

I hate to break it to you..but the union movement was ALWAYS heavily Socialist--from the very beginning. I appreciate you recognizing the good that they did.
Fuck. He was found "not guilty" on the murder charge.

That's San Francisco for you.

No that's the verdict of a jury that heard all of the evidence.

If you earnestly believe that jury was made up of unbiased citizens who weren't making an anti-Trump political statement, you have more faith in the legal system than I do.
Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

I will admit in the old days Unions did in fact

help the working man and they made many

improvements in safety and working conditions...

But the unions of today are not your Grandfathers

Union. Today's Unions push a socialist agenda.

I hate to break it to you..but the union movement was ALWAYS heavily Socialist--from the very beginning. I appreciate you recognizing the good that they did.

They were not always socialist..

But thanks for admitting that they are now...
If it weren't for Liberals you'd be part of the British Empire.

How do you figure that?

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

When I think of today's liberal,

I liken them to Nazis'

They support the killing of police

officers and every perversion

known to man.....

Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.
It's time to talk about Kate's Law. Time for President Trump to sign after it's passed.
Kate's ‘law is bad law – it’s just another inane mandatory-minimum sentencing scheme that serves only to appease the bigoted, hateful right, in defiance of the facts:

“Despite the public rancor, immigrants are generally less likely to commit crimes than the native population, according to the The Wall Street Journal. Mandatory minimums are generally ineffective at reducing crime or recidivism. Anti-illegal-immigration advocates who complain about the burden on the American taxpayer might find a 28 percent increase in the federal prison budget counterproductive.”

The Trouble with Kate's Law

In other words the commies are saying "leave our illegals alone. They will eventually become Democrat voters."
This verdict had nothing to do with this case.

These insane lefties used it as a political

brick to be thrown at Trump and law abiding


It's time for us to throw back....

You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

If we didn't break the unions nearly all of our jobs would be overseas.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.
Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

Beaver Clever times were better for who?

White guys?

No Mr. Racist...

They were better for everyone...

The Black family was intact and they

weren't killing each other by the thousands

over stupid shit...

lyndon johnson's Great Society lead to

the destruction of the Black Family...

You lefties are the real racist as

proven by history...........

Lol! Yeah it was good times for blacks back in the 50s! All the water cannons you could ever want !

Ahhh..the good ole days..if you were Black..you could vote..well...above the Mason/Dixon line--in most States you could even drive with a white women in the front seat..kiss her publicly..an ass-whipping if you were lucky. A black man..or any woman..could never hope for govt. office..or a professional career. You could work..but your wage would be lower...in most states. Women could not bring a charge of rape without an eyewitness--Sexual child abuse was never even charged--except in extreme..stranger involved cases. In many states..age of sexual consent was low..in at least one State 12 years old. A white man could rape a black 10 year old...and walk..if the family even dared to bring a charge..he would be tried by a jury of whites. Lynching still happened...and the American Apartheid known as Jim Crow was alive and well.

But hey...the Black family was intact....


All things considered ......

The 50's were better times..

They would have been even better

if the Racist democrats weren't running

the south. liberals shouldn't be allowed

to own guns, we would all be safer.

The reason we need guns is because we have liberals and Democrats. The only way we could possibly get rid of guns is if we get rid of liberals first. Since that can't be done (Lord knows we've tried) we need to protect ourselves from these violent and criminal people.
Really, I thought that republic pols NEVER used a tragedy to advance political goals.

As we are told by their followers.

Putting up a deterrent for illegal criminals is political? I thought such a law would benefit all Americans regardless of political affiliation.
It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

I will admit in the old days Unions did in fact

help the working man and they made many

improvements in safety and working conditions...

But the unions of today are not your Grandfathers

Union. Today's Unions push a socialist agenda.

I hate to break it to you..but the union movement was ALWAYS heavily Socialist--from the very beginning. I appreciate you recognizing the good that they did.

They were not always socialist..

But thanks for admitting that they are now...

LoL..not big on history..or just not big on admissions? Unions are probably at lot less Socialist now...due to the fact that union and management are in bed together, more often than not.

Any quick search will tell the truth..and any real study..would only confirm it.

You would do better with the argument that Socialism and Liberalism..intersected at the point of the unions..and the fight for Worker's rights. In fact, there are many scholars who would maintain that the fight for Worker's rights was the very heart of the Socialist movement.

Despite the current alt/right narrative..Socialism is at an ebb point right now..not a flood. The anger and the hunger of the first half of the last century doesn't exist now to drive the movement. Civil rights are the big thing now..and oddly enough..Socialism..never really had much for the Civil rights movement.
You guys are always looking to throw America back to some Beaver Clever mythological land.

Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

If we didn't break the unions nearly all of our jobs would be overseas.
Uhh..probably not..although I thank you for proving my little point. They broke the unions..and shipped the jobs anyway....and thus..the declining middle class.
the middle class was a product of Leftist liberalism..and the right wing..has a big part in the decline.

But the Right still hates Unions..they always have and they always will..because the right is the party of business..and of corporate interest. Unions were always left...
Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

If we didn't break the unions nearly all of our jobs would be overseas.
Uhh..probably not..although I thank you for proving my little point. They broke the unions..and shipped the jobs anyway....and thus..the declining middle class.
the middle class was a product of Leftist liberalism..and the right wing..has a big part in the decline.

But the Right still hates Unions..they always have and they always will..because the right is the party of business..and of corporate interest. Unions were always left...

Sure unions were left. Who did they contribute most of their political cash to? The Democrats knew it. Support the unions and it's money laundering back to the DNC. The more unions workers, the more union contributions by employees. The more employee contributions, the more money unions were able to funnel back to the Democrats.

Republicans were against overpowering unions because we knew what would happen. We predicted this day decades ago. We thought it better for the market to work out pay scales than the unions. That way the jobs would stay here instead of being chased away by union thugs.

Unions started out to be a good idea but became corrupt because of money and power. They got too damn greedy as did their workers.
Those were no doubt better times.....

liberals have screw up everything.

It was liberal, progressive policies that grew the Middle Class and its now trump/gop that is killing it.

Interestingly, many of the gop that are voting to end the Middle Class got where they are because of it.

What liberal policies have helped the middle class?
I'll bite....Unions were Liberal, the Right fought them all the way..and still do. It was the union push for higher wages..that helped form the blue-collar middle class in this country.

The Corporate interests hated the middle class..seeing them as trapping all the money that should flow to them.

Unions..are Progressive. A fair wage..was a liberal position.

Unfair to blame Trump or the GOP for the death of the Middle class though..it has been dying for a long time now..killed by outsourcing..and the breaking of the unions.

If we didn't break the unions nearly all of our jobs would be overseas.
Uhh..probably not..although I thank you for proving my little point. They broke the unions..and shipped the jobs anyway....and thus..the declining middle class.
the middle class was a product of Leftist liberalism..and the right wing..has a big part in the decline.

But the Right still hates Unions..they always have and they always will..because the right is the party of business..and of corporate interest. Unions were always left...


The left doesn't have anything to do with

wall street and big business...

Get a clue...
It should have been passed immediately.

Progressives demand to protect their voters regardless of the crime.
How do you figure that?

“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

When I think of today's liberal,

I liken them to Nazis'

They support the killing of police

officers and every perversion

known to man.....

Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.

The very sort of thing you'd expect from a person who doesn't read what people write. He just "knows" this is the case because he wants it to be the case.

Reality Ray, it's out there somewhere.
Doesn't the availability of guns in this country have anything to do with this killing? The man from whom the gun was stolen just put it in a bag under the seat of his car. Though the car was locked, I wouldn't have done that. Guns are too dangerous to treat so casually. Cars are broken into all the time.

I would never own a gun, but I would never leave anything seriously valuable in my car, even if it was locked. Of course you can make up the loss in insurance, but not when it is a gun.

I'm not blaming the death on the man who owned the gun but partly, and only partly, on the excessive number of guns in this country. In countries where guns are not so prevalent, criminals can't get their hands on them so much either. It isn't a case of the law abiding people not having guns but the criminals having them. The criminals have to get them from somewhere, and usually they steal them from law abiding people.

Wrong. Most people who should not possess guns get them from straw buyers who are allowed to buy guns.
But the staw buyers are selling them illegally. There needs to be more restrictions so they can't get them and move oversight so they can't sell them illegally. I still make the same point, that the availability of guns in this country leads to criminals having them. If they were not so available legally, they would not be so available to criminals.
“If by a "Liberal" they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people-their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights and their civil liberties-someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a "Liberal", then I'm proud to say I'm a "Liberal.”

When I think of today's liberal,

I liken them to Nazis'

They support the killing of police

officers and every perversion

known to man.....

Bullshit. I spent 32 years carrying a badge, and I am proud to be a liberal.

First off thank you for your service..

But you are confused...

The left supports blm and they have

called for the death of police officers.

There were 5 officers killed at one of

their events, and the left still supports

them..The left is on the side of the

criminals, plain to see unless you are blind.

The left is on the side of evil no matter what situation we discuss. Satin's solders march in lockstep every time.

The very sort of thing you'd expect from a person who doesn't read what people write. He just "knows" this is the case because he wants it to be the case.

Reality Ray, it's out there somewhere.

Then tell me where I'm wrong.

Leftists side with criminals over our police.
Leftists side with our foreign enemies over our military.
Leftists side with kneelers over our police.
Leftists side with disarming the victims instead of supporting their ability to defend themselves against evil.
Leftists side with big government over big liberty.

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