Kathleen Parker on Obama's lie

Democrats don't care what you were critical of when Bush was in office, he was nowhere near the man nor the president Obama is. Obama has extended his hand in friendship to the House since 2009 and still will if only the Republicans had the brains to take what he is offering. They won't though because of a couple of factors. Greed and Hate.

The Rs want SOP and Obama hopes to move the country forward. That's the reason for divided government. America hates it but Rs continue to proceed with those factors as their guiding force.

Nothing Obama has done is an impeachable offense otherwise your party in the House would jump on it. They would pounce. Trust me on that.

You really are out of touch with reality.

In your opinion. I'd guess you already know how much that means to me or plays a part in any of my decisions about what to post at any given moment.

Ask me if I give a fuck lady. I feel I'm dealing with a crazy person here. Nobody could be as clueless as you are outside of truthdoesntmatter.
Wow, congressional approval post shutdown:

RCP Average

10/3 - 11/4 8.8 Approve, 84.4 Disapprove, -75.6 Spread.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

Wow, the House is in big trouble come next Fall. :eusa_whistle:


I hate to break this to you...but Dimocrats control half of Congress. I mean, if you hate Harry Reid...just say so. :wink_2:

Gosh you're such a dunce.

Actually no you are the dunce
I don't know how the Libs can defend Obama on this one.
How is saying if you like your plan you can keep your plan.Period the same as.
If you like your plan you can keep your plan period.Just as long as the Insurance companies don't change it.

It isn't, it's a lie by (intentional) omission. He knew damn well what he was doing. In his mind he had to lie in order to garner support for this pos otherwise, it was doa.

Keep in mind, "as long as insurance companies don't change it" doesn't just mean "change your coverage". It means "change the price". Of course prices increased since 2010 ... that was suppose to part of what the (un)aca was going to fix.

Plan coverage remains the same but your premium goes up? Boom, plan cancelled.


From 2009 in response to "Stop calling the GOP the "Confederate Party":

Actually, I got that name from well known conservative and life long Republican Kathleen Parker. A person who is upset that the Republican Party has been hijacked by the Religious Right. She refers to the Republican Party as either the Confederate Party or the party of "Ooga booga".

As long as the anti black, anti science crowd is in charge, the Republican Party, once the party of scientists and "the party of ideas" is now, most definitely, the Confederate Party or the party of "Ooga booga". Get used to it. Change it or own it.

When even one of your new anti-Republican heroes points out how bad the problem is with Obama, it means more. :thup:

Thanks for sharing.
You really are out of touch with reality.

No kidding...she is right up there with rderp and dainty.
Sad thing is, this is average for the ill-informed sheep. Having said that though, if she is on this forum saying it - then she has to be disingenuous or just flat out ignores everything.
Things I bet my house she doesn't have a clue on or looks the other way:
1) Who Larry Summers is, and how in the f*ck did he almost make it to FED chairman by this administration.
2) Obama ran on a promise to clean up the corrupt housing market - has done nothing.
3) "Most transparent Administration" was his promise, reality - the most secretive administration since Nixon.
4) More deaths in foreign wars than Bush
5) Gitmo is still open for business
6) In every category, minorities are worse off now than at any time since the 1960's.
7) The Wealthy, specifically the top 7% wage earners, have seen two record earnings since Obama came in office, the remaining 93% of us - have declined 2 years straight in earnings.
8) Despite the fact we are still in a very bad economy - Wall Street has had two record years...in the middle of a recession. This administration has given $85,000,000,000 in taxpayer money EVERY MONTH in bond buying to maintain the Wall Street bubble. A fact you cannot get one single Obama supporter to even comment on.

I think Rdean addresses a lot of your nonsense and by "Your", I mean generally the Republican talking points around here. I am not that patient, addressing your talking points would just never end. It's always something with you.

In other words...see no evil, hear no evil...
And they are not my talking points. You made my point succinctly. You have no clue.
Larry Summers....bet you haven't even heard his name before...just happens to be one of the most corrupt individuals in Washington, and he sat in not one advisory position - but TWO chief adviser roles in this administration. Look him up for yourself - his nickname is "Mr. Derivative"...but then you don't know what derivatives are, so that means nothing to you.
There has been no better friend to Wall Street than this President, no other administration even comes CLOSE. There is no better friend to corporatism than Obama - but again - you have no clue of this, nor do you want to know.
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and pretend you are something far from what you actually are.
It is people like you, as well as rightwing sheep that has allowed our beloved Democratic Republic turn into an oligarchy...but what am I saying...you don't know what an oligarchy is either.:doubt:
You really are out of touch with reality.

In your opinion. I'd guess you already know how much that means to me or plays a part in any of my decisions about what to post at any given moment.

Ask me if I give a fuck lady. I feel I'm dealing with a crazy person here. Nobody could be as clueless as you are outside of truthdoesntmatter.

Well, I asked Amelia last night, why not be positive and uplifting about your own party? Why not encourage them to do something right for America and just balance out this hate based rhetoric you have for the president?

You calling me crazy and comparing me to someone you hate just isn't doing anything but making me lose respect for you as a poster.
A day doesn't go by when they and you aren't whining about something Obama says or Obamacare. You sit here on your butt whining about Obama. Why not say something positive about your party?

Oh .. Yeah. :lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

What's not to whine about? Why should we be pleased with this President? Why should we be happy with ACA implementation?

The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.

All laws are subject to review, and like many other laws, Obamacare is not chisseled in stone. If enough Americans complain at the very least there are elements inside the law that could be changed.
Now I realize like most Dimocrats, you are devastated that Obama has told a whopper of a lie and has been caught and wish for the news to simply go away. Unfortunately for your party this will remain in the news for quite some time, and Obama's lie itself will be forever remembered and will rank amongst the "read-my-lips-no-new-taxes" legendary lies.
Anyone still defending the lie is a disingenuous sheep at best.
There was a point in Bush's Presidency where he was impossible to defend...the horrendous job in the Iraq war, his ignoring serious immigration issues, the fact he was AWOL when it came to economics etc. etc. etc. To this day, I see plenty-plenty of conservatives openly critical of Bush.
What I don't see, is liberals being critical of Obama. Not only in this egregious deception, which is actually an impeachable offense if proven he knew, but for many many many other reasons.
He is indefensible.

Democrats don't care what you were critical of when Bush was in office, he was nowhere near the man nor the president Obama is. Obama has extended his hand in friendship to the House since 2009 and still will if only the Republicans had the brains to take what he is offering. They won't though because of a couple of factors. Greed and Hate.

The Rs want SOP and Obama hopes to move the country forward. That's the reason for divided government. America hates it but Rs continue to proceed with those factors as their guiding force.

Nothing Obama has done is an impeachable offense otherwise your party in the House would jump on it. They would pounce. Trust me on that.

You really are out of touch with reality.


Hand of friendship? LOL. Obama was even stand-offish from members of congress in his own party. He was positively insulting to members of the opposition. And to more than half of his constituency.

Obama is a rancid liar. That Sarah admires him so much is telling.

President Obama Job Approval
RCP Average
Approve 42.6
Disapprove 52.2
Spread -9.6
A day doesn't go by when they and you aren't whining about something Obama says or Obamacare. You sit here on your butt whining about Obama. Why not say something positive about your party?

Oh .. Yeah. :lol:

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Congressional Job Approval

What's not to whine about? Why should we be pleased with this President? Why should we be happy with ACA implementation?

The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.

obama just handed those big insurance companies 40 million new customers.

Contrast how Obama has worked with Republicans on _anything_ to how Bush worked with Democrats on education and immigration.
What's not to whine about? Why should we be pleased with this President? Why should we be happy with ACA implementation?

The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.

obama just handed those big insurance companies 40 million new customers.


Yep. The irony is so multi-layered and profound as they try to blame Obama's lies on insurance companies. Their only fallback position continues to be that Obama was so incompetent that he failed to understand the ramifications of handing so much new power to the evil horrible people now taking advantage of the little lambs.

So apparently most of them do prefer believing that the man they elected is merely grossly incompetent as opposed to being dishonest to his core.

I'm sure some actually admire his dishonesty, but most of them deny it and opt for him being incompetent.
What's not to whine about? Why should we be pleased with this President? Why should we be happy with ACA implementation?

The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.

obama just handed those big insurance companies 40 million new customers.


So wait, you think it's business as usual then? If it were, you wouldn't be whining about Obamacare day in and day out. Goodness, you guys are losing it. They are calling it Obamacare for a reason.

What a dumb response.
In your opinion. I'd guess you already know how much that means to me or plays a part in any of my decisions about what to post at any given moment.

Ask me if I give a fuck lady. I feel I'm dealing with a crazy person here. Nobody could be as clueless as you are outside of truthdoesntmatter.

Well, I asked Amelia last night, why not be positive and uplifting about your own party? Why not encourage them to do something right for America and just balance out this hate based rhetoric you have for the president?

You calling me crazy and comparing me to someone you hate just isn't doing anything but making me lose respect for you as a poster.

I don't hate TM.

I just pity her.

She is hopeless.

I expect more from you.
What's not to whine about? Why should we be pleased with this President? Why should we be happy with ACA implementation?

The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.


How many Dummycraps and their friends lined their pockets with the ACA?

How many asked for and got waivers?

You are pathetic G.

Probably as many Pubs who lined their pockets with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, particularly contractors.
The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.


How many Dummycraps and their friends lined their pockets with the ACA?

How many asked for and got waivers?

You are pathetic G.

Probably as many Pubs who lined their pockets with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, particularly contractors.

Same contractors we used in Boznia, Somalia, and Afghanistan today.

You must hate jobs...........
The time to whine about it and to give your own input is long since gone. Why didn't the republicans come up with a counter plan? I'll answer that, because they wanted big insurance to continue their terrible and self serving policies that were bankrupting America and lining their own corrupt and greedy pockets.

obama just handed those big insurance companies 40 million new customers.


So wait, you think it's business as usual then? If it were, you wouldn't be whining about Obamacare day in and day out. Goodness, you guys are losing it. They are calling it Obamacare for a reason.

What a dumb response.

Business as usual? Like, say, premiums increasing every year? We have open enrollment right now. We were paying $264/month for a family of five ($6,864/yr). Without us changing one. damn. thing. we now get to pay $384/month ($9,984/yr). That's a whopping $3,020 more per year we have to come up with, a freaking 44% increase. That is unheard of for our insurance, any increases that occurred in the past were never like this. This pos law was suppose to lower costs, lower premiums. Yup, business as usual with a nice hard shove of government mandate.

And here you and the other sheep sit, bleating the obama praise. You should get a bucket, you have some drool on your chin.
That sounds like a serious anti-stimulus.

Taking discretionary money out of the pockets of people who would be spending on vehicles or home improvements or vacations.

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