Kathy Griffin: Vote Democrat if you don’t want Civil War. Vote Republican if you do.

She is a comedian and no one should take her seriously, if they do, they have something seriously wrong with them. Wasn’t she on some kind of show called Americas worst criminals or some stupid show like that and her and a bunch of brain dead has been made comments? Looking the show up on the net, she was on with Tonya Harding, and Gary Busey, yeah, she is a has been looking for attention.
Wow, so threatening Civil War if Republicans win? Sounds like insurrection!

Is Kathy still around? What now, a bloody head of Joe? Oh wait, that was just a comedy stunt, meantime, try doing that with a bloody doll of Brandon's head and see how many laughs you get!
Wow, so threatening Civil War if Republicans win?

Sounds like insurrection!

The comments are priceless. This isn’t going how she expected.

Sounds like wishful thinking. What kind of civil war would it be when one side is armed and the other not?

The Democrats have been using fear and hate for decades to try and win elections.
I wasn't calling you names, dipshit -- that is name calling. I was just giving you a healthy bit of advice.
If I gave you advice, would you take it? If not, then why do you think I should take your advice? Whenever you lefties lose an argument you turn into Donald Trump with the swearing and name calling. Is that really what you want, to be just like Trump?
Wow, so threatening Civil War if Republicans win?

Sounds like insurrection!

The comments are priceless. This isn’t going how she expected.

/----/ Any chance this is just a publicity stunt by a washed up has been trying to gain attention from the Hollyweird Leftists?

NAW - never happens.
You're a fucking moron. Full stop.
By engaging with the system you give credibility, and therefore authority, to the system. Thusly, you allow the system to conduct its immoral and illegal activities without tainting yourself through engagement with it.

Vote Democrat if you don’t want Civil War. Vote Republican if you do.​


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