Kathy Griffin: Vote Democrat if you don’t want Civil War. Vote Republican if you do.

Wow, so threatening Civil War if Republicans win?

Sounds like insurrection!

The comments are priceless. This isn’t going how she expected.

She's actually got it bass ackwards. It was Biden, just the other night, fueling the flames of a civil war, not to mention Democrats owning the DOJ, the FBI and the House's kangaroo court.
You're scared. Did you hide under your bed and piss in your diaper?
It is just that Kathy would not be in the front lines if something did occur. Getting your ass handed to you or see your become very precious in that environment is something different than spouting in the public domain constantly in a safe nation that protects your personal political views/threats as part of the tyranny.
She's actually got it bass ackwards. It was Biden, just the other night, fueling the flames of a civil war, not to mention Democrats owning the DOJ, the FBI and the House's kangaroo court.

The Democrats don't own the DOJ anymore than the Repubs did when Trump was president.
That's like saying that Republicans are the people pushing hate and violence and that Charlottesville is proof of that...
The dude from Charlottesville wasnt a U.S. president giving a speech on live tv. Its literally the leader of your party saying this. Not to mention the fact that he is saying the same things that all of you dems say here every day.
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The Democrats don't own the DOJ anymore than the Repubs did when Trump was president.
The fact is, when Republicans are in office, they nominate a right leaning person to important positions and then that person in turn hires people with the same persuasion to work under them. And, Democrats do the very same. So, when the system works like this, there is indeed a deep state run by both sides when they are in power. When a president is in office for 4 years they have a four year deep state. When a president is in office for 8 years they have an eight year deep state. Biden nominated a lefty who marches to the left to be head of the DOJ and he in turn hires people underneath him who also swing left. That's just the way it is. And, it shouldn't be. The DOJ and the FBI are inherently biased to which ever side appointed them.

Just at the same time as this Trump stuff is happening with the DOJ, Garland issues an order to all of the people under him to do everything they can to not appear biased. But, that doesn't change the fact that they are indeed biased, they've just been ordered to not show it.
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