Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Actually, Ford is in the unenviable position where she'll have to put up or shut up. If she doesn't, Kavenaugh is in the clear.

Admit reality. There is no way you will accept his innocence unless she fully recants the whole thing.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Yes. At a time when suburban, college educated women are fleeing the GOP in droves.
Huh, wrong. A majority of suburban women voted for Trump, dumbass.

Hence the word, "fleeing", dope. Currently happening.
Only in your imagination, shit for brains. Most women are intelligent enough to know a great big con when they see one.

Red wave.
we can dump Kavanaugh and have an equally conservative nominee in 10 seconds. problem solved!
/——/ No we can’t do that. No reason for Kavanaugh to drop out. Libtards will do the same thing with the next appointee.
And yet, oddly, none of this occurred for Yeti Pube's last nominee, Gorsuch.

Because there wasn't as much on the line for Democrats as there is now. Now they are in desperation mode. Do or die.
Test the theory. Nominate someone else.

Screw you. Prove your allegations and we'll take them seriously.
Sure they do. This one just did.
Why would she do that, knowing full well that this is not within the FBI's jurisdiction?

It is within their jurisdiction, fool.
The FBI conducted his background check.
Trump simply needs to ask them to look into this new information as a part of that.

What new "information"? A mere allegation without any corroboration isn't information.

Why doesn't a well heeled liberal finance an investigation into this allegation, instead of putting it on the taxpayer if they think its so important?
What new "information"? A mere allegation without any corroboration isn't information.
That's the purpose of the investigation, fool.
To either corroborate the claim or not.:laugh2:
Not. Not even the so-called victim remembers any details. What are they going to investigate?
What are they going to investigate?

What you are desperately denying happened and are desperately trying to destroy the accuser over. :laugh2:
Only cowards are afraid to accept the results of an election.
Or an investigation.
Or, it was just a hit job, not like the democrats don't play that game far too often.
Call it what you will but it still needs to be addressed.

It was addressed. She and her lawyer are refusing to cooperate. WTF else do you want the government to do?

Apparently, dance like a trained monkey on the Democrats' leash.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.
More importantly, if the Pubs don't accede to a brief pause to investigate further, they generate horrible optics for the mid-terms.

Yes. At a time when suburban, college educated women are fleeing the GOP in droves.
Huh, wrong. A majority of suburban women voted for Trump, dumbass.

Hence the word, "fleeing", dope. Currently happening.
Only in your imagination, shit for brains. Most women are intelligent enough to know a great big con when they see one.

Red wave.
ore evidence the left hates women
Only cowards are afraid to accept the results of an election.
Or an investigation.
Or, it was just a hit job, not like the democrats don't play that game far too often.
Call it what you will but it still needs to be addressed.

It was addressed. She and her lawyer are refusing to cooperate. WTF else do you want the government to do?

Apparently, dance like a trained monkey on the Democrats' leash.
OMG right?
Ford’s lawyers released a letter to committee chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), CNN reported, calling for an investigation to “ensure the crucial facts and witnesses in this matter are assessed in a non-partisan manner and that the committee is fully informed before conducting any hearing or making any decision.”

Speaking with CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday, attorney Lisa Banks reiterated that her client was “prepared to cooperate with the committee and with any law enforcement investigation.”

Christine Blasey Ford Calls On FBI To Investigate Kavanaugh Accusation Before Hearing

Good for her! Even Kavanaugh should want a thorough investigation - otherwise this cloud of doubt and suspicion will hang over him.
Fuck that bitch. She can’t even provide enough information to start an investigation. Like where? When? Who was there?

She has clearly stated all such information.

"Sometime in the 80s, some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there, some party don't know who was there."

Yeah, very clearly stated. Uh huh.

some house near a country club don't know whose, I have no idea how I got there,

Do you imagine the FBI would question a house, dope?

She's already named who was there.
She better hurry and testify then. Three of her four witnesses have already said they have no idea what this crazy broad is talking about, Her friend said she has nothing bad to say about Kav and no knowledge of this party. Even a random wanna in get in the action chick took down her post saying she doesn't know anything.

That's a hell of a witness list there inspector.
he don’t understand how investigators work!
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

No, I don't. The allegations cannot be corroborated.

You, on the other hand, are all to willing to believe the lies which are fed to you. There is no objectivity or fairness in only listening to one side and ignoring the other. You want to believe her so bad, only because you oppose Kavanaugh, that you ignore the possibility that she's lying or being coached.

I can read read people like you like a book.
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime

The local sheriff does not do background investigations for supreme court nominees, fool.

They do, however, handle local assault accusations.
What is being tossed out here from the minions on the left is that Kav has to prove that it didn't happen.
He is guilty until he can prove himself innocent.
Ford is of the mind that Kav has to prove he is innocent, not that she has a need to prove he is guilty.
Innocent until proven guilty is what helps make America great, and the partisan hacks from the left
want to throw away what is great in America.
What a bunch of pathetic sleazeballs.
So let the FBI investigate. Lying to the FBI is a felony.
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
because the background check didn't find it? why do they need to follow up a seventh background check for? what is it you think they'll find since they didn't six other times? why don't you ever answer?

This is a specific allegation. It needs to be investigated.

None of you can possibly know if this is valid or not.

You know what I know? I know that however "specific" the allegation is, it offers absolutely no details upon which to actually prove or refute. I further know that there is absolutely no basis on which any law enforcement agency in this country would open an investigation of this, since it happened 36 years ago, and no charges could be prosecuted even if evidence could possibly be found. I also know that the only relevance this allegation has at this point in time is in regards to Judge Kavanaugh's fitness for office, which is an issue in the jurisdiction and province of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and no one else. So the only possible and valid investigation for this is through Dr. Ford getting over her sense of entitled specialness and hauling her tuchus into the Committee chamber to be interviewed.

Otherwise, we are all going to assume, with good reason, that her claims are nothing more than vapor.

If she won't testify, she greatly damages her case. I see no reason whatsoever to not seat Kavenaugh immediately in that case.
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Since President Trump isn't going to authorize the Taxpayers to pay for an investigation, why doesn't this broad ask Soros or some other deep pocketed liberal to fund this investigation instead?
Right now, there isn't enough information to justify an investigation.

Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime

The local sheriff does not do background investigations for supreme court nominees, fool.

Its not a background investigation, but a CRIMINAL investigation. Attempted rape of a minor is a serious crime. If Kavanaugh is guilty, he not only should be put off the Supreme Court but should be sent to the penitentiary.
It's amazing that the party that impeached the president over a consensual blow job is totally ok with nominating someone who is accused of attempted rape to sit on the Supreme Court.

Let that hypocrisy sink in.

That didn't happen. I was around during that time and I remember things like lying under oath, filing a false affidavit, that sort of thing. Perhaps you weren't paying attention?
Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

What's wrong with the local police or sheriff's office investigating this? Sexual Assault is a state crime

The local sheriff does not do background investigations for supreme court nominees, fool.

Its not a background investigation, but a CRIMINAL investigation. Attempted rape of a minor is a serious crime. If Kavanaugh is guilty, he not only should be put off the Supreme Court but should be sent to the penitentiary.
Huh? After 36 years? Time has expired for that.
How do you investigate the possible antics of teenagers from 36 years ago?

Utterly ridiculous.
Sexual assault...is not "childhood antics"

I have no problem at all with a locally conducted investigation being done here.

The only problem I have is with a delay in the confirmation vote. Mr. Kavanaugh deserves a prompt up or down decision on this, find out if he's been tarred as a Chomo.

Mr. Kavanaugh Garland deserves a prompt up or down decision on this,

Why don't democrats here just be honest for once and admit this entire circus is for only one reason, to delay the Kavanaugh vote until after the election.

And there's only one reason they want to do that, abortion. Their allegiance to it is so single-minded that they will destroy a person's career, family, and life to keep it going.
Totally crazy how we want to give him due process and give her an opportunity to make her claim.

Funny how you don't want that. It's almost like you do t care about a fair hearing

Due process requires an investigation, fool.

Ummmm, no, no it doesn't

Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
The accuser doesn't remember the date or place this traumatic event occurred. Idiot.

So what. The date and place is not as important as witnesses who can corroborate the allegation. There already is a therapist and her husband. There is also no doubt several others who knew at the time. All of whom could be inteviewed by the FBI.

The date and time are very important for figuring out who is and isn't a witness, particularly since Dr. Ford can't seem to name any who will admit to knowing anything. Who, exactly, would you like the FBI - whose jurisdiction this is not, and which has refused to investigate on that basis - to interview?

The therapist and the husband are witnesses to nothing except that she said something happened. And even they don't appear to agree on WHAT she said happened.
There is nothing to investigate

No charges can be brought and this type of alleged crime is not the purview of the FBI

It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

You would think that being a sexual predator is enough of a character flaw that it would make its appearance throughout a person's life, like Bubba Clinton. There is no such pattern with Kavenaugh.
Sure it does. A single hearing with two witnesses does not get to any of the facts.
An investigation will.

What are you afraid of?
Democrats are afraid of the vote on Kavanaugh and they're butthurt about not going 5-4 on SCOTUS because of Garland. Ginsberg is going to die and and Thomas is going to retire in a year, so 6-3. Suck it up snowflakes.
That sounds more like the fear of the GOP. They're desperate to get this done before the midterms.

The difference being that WE actually have the law, the rules, and the precedents on our side.
It's not a criminal investigation, dope.
It's a follow up to his background investigation.
What is Ms. Ford asking for? An FBI investigation. Essentially of the criminal variety.

Or have you been too busy reveling in this spectacle to pay any attention?

It can't be criminal, fool. Its not a federal crime and has long since been past the statute of limitations.

It would simply be a follow up to the background investigation focused on the allegation.

Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?

No, I don't. The allegations cannot be corroborated.

You, on the other hand, are all to willing to believe the lies which are fed to you. There is no objectivity or fairness in only listening to one side and ignoring the other. You want to believe her so bad, only because you oppose Kavanaugh, that you ignore the possibility that she's lying or being coached.

I can read read people like you like a book.
Can’t take anyone who thinks facts have been released by ford here serious! I feel bad for your ability to separate politics from human behavior! Sad, when you can’t call a spade a spade. Shameful the continuing exploitation of women!
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