Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?
The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.

"If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens,"

I would think that at least 99% of 15-17 year olds have been at a party and been drunk and indulged in some groping, male and female teenagers, it's NORMAL teenage behaviour, I know I was indulging in groping when I was 15-17 years in age and EVERYONE had GREAT fun drinking and groping and NOBODY was damaged by this. WTF?! Who as a teenager WANTS to be a Puritan.

I hope you don't have any children. I would hate to see kids saying it's okay for men to assault women if they are drunk. T5hat is child abuse and the kids should be removed from that environment.

Teenagers disagrees with you.

But Klein is keenly aware of these pressures. He has taken a literature class on toxic masculinity. He has listened to lectures on consent and the difference between yes, but, and yes, please. "We know what is not right and what is not acceptable," he said.

That overused phrase, "boys will be boys," frustrates high school students like Klein and Luke Chinman, 15, of Pittsburgh.

"Whatever age a person is, it's never okay to sexually assault or harass someone," Chinman said. "They should not get any free passes for doing any of these terrible things to other people. They need to know this and everyone else needs to know this."

Perhaps the teenagers who know this best are the ones who have been through it.

One 17-year-old thought about that day, during a school event her sophomore year, when a close friend whom "everybody liked" pulled her into a darkened room, attempted to remove her underwear and coerced her into performing oral sex.

"I didn't know what was happening," said the teen, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she still doesn't want people to know what happened. "I fought back in the moment but not as hard as I could have, because I feared social and personal retaliation."

When Beverly Dempsey, 18, heard Ford's account, she thought of her own experience with sexual assault, during the fifth grade while living in Egypt for her parents' work with the State Department. Dempsey, who recently graduated from Whitman, thought about all the parties she didn't go to because she feared that she would be alone in a room with a guy she didn't know.

Amid Kavanaugh Debate, Teens Push Back Against Adults Who Say ‘boys Will Be Boys’

"I hope you don't have any children."

I have 5 kidlets, Kid A age 5, Kid B age 3, Kid C and Kid D age 22 months and Kid E age 3 weeks.

"I would hate to see kids saying it's okay for men to assault women if they are drunk."

Never said that.

"T5hat is child abuse and the kids should be removed from that environment."

No child abuse is allowing SJWs and Homos to have access to children so they can indoctrinate the children into the LGBTQ Perverts Charter.

"But Klein is keenly aware of these pressures. He has taken a literature class on toxic masculinity."

This Klein who is probably a Beta Cuck Faggot can GTFO if he HATES that he was born male with a penis that's his problem, there is no such thing as Toxic Masculinity, it's a horsecrap sociologic concept that came directly from the Marxist concept of Cultural Hegemony another horsecrap concept vomited up by the Marxist human filth Antonio Gramsci and then Co-Opted by the Radical Feminists who themselves were and ARE Marxists Co-Opted by them as part of their general HATE MEN philosophy, they FEAR the Alpha but WORSHIP the Beta, they are more comfortable with Homos and Soy Boi's and so ALL red blooded Alpha Males are considered potential rapists in their deranged micro brains.

ALL of these "concepts" have their basis in Marxist Theory and they ALL are horsecrap.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
I someone would look into her past, they would find that she has either donated, joined, worked, for a George Soros Foundation that he controls, or supports with big bucks. The hard part is that the people involved are kept secret and not public. All this leaves is guessing.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

How in the world can you have concluded that she is lying?
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

It's got far more credibility than Ford's fiction.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

How in the world can you have concluded that she is lying?

Her story lacks any details that can be verified.

Everyone she mentioned in her story has denied it.

She sent her "letter" in July but did not give a rats ass that it was held on to till late Sept for the maximum amount of political damage. This is the biggest sign she is lying.

The Dems are getting desperate and put forth an even weaker and more obvious lie with the "next up" accuser.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

Attention seekers seek attention.

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The fact that Soros's Party dragged another fake accusation out of the muck will actually be a good thing.

Once Trump takes out the Failed Coup plotters and most of the leadership and ownership of the democrat Party, he can properly go after the FakeNews Establishment for backing these obviously phony charges as if they were real.

He doesn't even have to arrest any of the reporters, like Obama threatened -- just daylight them!


USS LMSM Credibility hit amidship and listing badly to port!


You must believe the dozen or so #metoo women who have named Trump as their sexual assaulter really beautiful too. Why do you hate women?

None of them reported any "assault" to the police. It's retroactive "assault" based upon Trump's ascendancy to the Presidency. Trump was no Bill Clinton

LOL, Frank, I ran and managed two Violence Against Women Grants, funded by the Federal Dept. of Justice.

I have first hand knowledge of the fear women who have been abused live with; you cannot know how difficult reporting physical abuse and the threat of worse can effect them.

I've seen cases where men kill the pets of these women, just because they tried to end the relationship; we arrested men who hid in the attics and crawlspaces of a women's home, one in the home of the women's parents.

In one case the police responded to a women's home several times, when she reported someone was going threw her home when she was at work. They began to doubt her, and believed she was paranoid.

Then one day they responded again, and when looking around noticed the toilet had both seats up.

An hour latter the police dog gave them a clue someone was in the attic, and finally they believed her.


Which is precisely why these fake, phony accusations against Kavanaugh are so evil.

Ford has less than no credibility.

For the sake of all genuine victims and all innocent men, she - and her enablers, including Feinstein, must face justice
The entities financing this charade need to be exposed! Could be Crooked Hillary, Soros, the DNC, whatever, bring them to justice! All lawyers involved with this charade need their bank accounts examined, especially overseas accounts!

Use the Cohen Standard against them: seize their cellphones and emails
Based on the way the accusation is worded .. I'm guessing a well-known fiction writer is probably at the bottom of this.


"That's not writing, it's typing."
The situation is exactly like AzogtheDefiler says, because of these disgusting bitches with the Me Too crap with ZERO evidence it is not going to be long before women who HAVE been sexually assaulted or raped are going to be IGNORED BECAUSE of these disgusting bitches, this again illustrates that Leftists do NOT give a CRAP about rape victims, that Leftists USE ANYTHING and EVERYTHING for the most SORDID political purposes.
What disgusting bitches are those, Lucy? The Kavanaugh accusers? You are positive they are lying because....? You think Kavanaugh should be confirmed?

The disgusting bitches are the SJW Kavanaugh accusers, sorry what they say is horsecrap, they SUDDENLY remember something after 35 years RIGHT at the MOMENT Kavanaugh is up for a USSC Justice position which will GIVE the USSC to a Republican Majority 5-4. They CANNOT find ONE person to corroborate their accusations, the second one Deborah Ramirez is even more pathetic than Christine Ford, Ramirez not ONLY forgot for 35 years she then was "helped" to "remember" after talking to a SJW Lawyer for 6 days.

Brett Kavanaugh should be confirmed yes, the Republicans should have taken the gloves off on Saturday, Ford asked for an extension to "think" more and they gave her until 10PM Friday, she did NOT meet that deadline and at that point they should have told her NO more extensions and GTFO and then they should have FORCED the vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh TODAY Monday.

Now instead of taking the gloves off already, that gave the Leftists time to go hunting and they found Deborah Ramirez who also couldn't remember ANYTHING for 35 years and now following the Leftist Mantra wants an FBI Investigation, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the Leftists Plan is to run down the clock on the Kavanaugh nomination and also to send the message to ANY Conservative for ANYTHING that Trump might choose that THIS is the type of sordid smear campaign THEY can expect from the Leftists who have ZERO decency and NO moral compass and who are TOTAL hypocrites, that ANY Conservative can also expect a sordid smear campaign DESIGNED to DESTROY not only their career and RUIN their life but also DESTROY and RUIN their family life INCLUDING their children.

Okay so do whatever on what is it now Thursday? Then on Friday the Republicans should SHUT IT DOWN and FORCE the confirmation vote on Brett Kavanaugh. The Republicans need to wake up, they need to get IN the SEWER with the Leftists, the Leftists are OPERATING FROM the sewer, so get IN the sewer with them and fight fire with fire. My advice to them is to take the gloves off.
We've all been so busy calling the other side liars that hardly anyone is thinking about what is really important here. Should this behavior as a drunk teenager keep him off the SC, when he has led his ADULT life in an exemplary way, and is said to be a knowledgeable jurist?
If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens, I would be mortified, but I know that he is a good man, a great husband and father and a positive contributor to his community as an ADULT. He has worked hard and has made choices every day that lead to that; so has Kavanaugh.
I'm not saying he SHOULDN'T be confirmed; I'm just opposed to the unfairness and the bullshit that is getting flung at the women and the partisan monkeyshines that are making this so unfair.

"If I found out my son had behaved that way in his teens,"

I would think that at least 99% of 15-17 year olds have been at a party and been drunk and indulged in some groping, male and female teenagers, it's NORMAL teenage behaviour, I know I was indulging in groping when I was 15-17 years in age and EVERYONE had GREAT fun drinking and groping and NOBODY was damaged by this. WTF?! Who as a teenager WANTS to be a Puritan.

I hope you don't have any children. I would hate to see kids saying it's okay for men to assault women if they are drunk. T5hat is child abuse and the kids should be removed from that environment.

Teenagers disagrees with you.

But Klein is keenly aware of these pressures. He has taken a literature class on toxic masculinity. He has listened to lectures on consent and the difference between yes, but, and yes, please. "We know what is not right and what is not acceptable," he said.

That overused phrase, "boys will be boys," frustrates high school students like Klein and Luke Chinman, 15, of Pittsburgh.

"Whatever age a person is, it's never okay to sexually assault or harass someone," Chinman said. "They should not get any free passes for doing any of these terrible things to other people. They need to know this and everyone else needs to know this."

Perhaps the teenagers who know this best are the ones who have been through it.

One 17-year-old thought about that day, during a school event her sophomore year, when a close friend whom "everybody liked" pulled her into a darkened room, attempted to remove her underwear and coerced her into performing oral sex.

"I didn't know what was happening," said the teen, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she still doesn't want people to know what happened. "I fought back in the moment but not as hard as I could have, because I feared social and personal retaliation."

When Beverly Dempsey, 18, heard Ford's account, she thought of her own experience with sexual assault, during the fifth grade while living in Egypt for her parents' work with the State Department. Dempsey, who recently graduated from Whitman, thought about all the parties she didn't go to because she feared that she would be alone in a room with a guy she didn't know.

Amid Kavanaugh Debate, Teens Push Back Against Adults Who Say ‘boys Will Be Boys’


I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Soros is just a generic boogeyman for the right. They don't actually need evidence or a plausible story. Just the accusation is enough.

The right wing echo chamber is all about accusations as proof.
The right wing echo chamber is all about accusations as proof.

Weapons-grade irony right there.

There's a difference between making up some story about Soros.....and offering eye witness testimony.

Do you have eye witness testimony that George Soros is behind the Christine Ford accusation?

No? So much for 'irony'.
McConnell said today that Kavanaugh had several witnesses that contradict the claims of Dr. Ford. Why wouldn't their supporting claims be entered into the record?
Over 200 letters from wittnesses have been entered into the Congressional Record in support of Kavanugh. They are detailed and precise with verifiable facts... WHile no one will be allowed to be called as witnesses the record will be fact filled. Democrats are pissed that the letters are being recoreded into the record.
Based on the way the accusation is worded .. I'm guessing a well-known fiction writer is probably at the bottom of this.

"That's not writing, it's typing."

The second accusation would not even qualify as good fiction. That was so plainly false it was not even funny

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