Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

The right wing echo chamber is all about accusations as proof.

Weapons-grade irony right there.

There's a difference between making up some story about Soros.....and offering eye witness testimony.

Do you have eye witness testimony that George Soros is behind the Christine Ford accusation?

No? So much for 'irony'.

I saw you stealing 100 dollars from a store.

There, now there is as much evidence against you as there is against Kavanaugh
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
/----/ It's a theory you can't disprove otherwise you'd post something substantial rather than : How fucking stupid is that??????????????
show me the evidence.jpg
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Soros is just a generic boogeyman for the right. They don't actually need evidence or a plausible story. Just the accusation is enough.

The right wing echo chamber is all about accusations as proof.

Gee sounds like Ford and her lack of evidence...just the accusation is enough

I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

YEA how f...king stupid is that???

Debra Katz, the attorney representing Kavanaugh’s accuser — Christine Blasey Ford —
is vice chair of the Project on Government Oversight, an organization that has been directly funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Katz is also a hefty Democratic donor, giving thousands of dollars over the years to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other leftist candidates, as Front Page Mag reported.

Kavanaugh’s denial of even being at the party described by Ford, and what’s shaping is a curious — to say the least — twist to the nomination hearings. Now, Kavanaugh’s due to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee, alongside his accuser, and the vote to move forward his confirmation is postponed.

Kavanaugh’s personal reputation, prior to Ford’s accusation, has been stellar.

Brett Kavanaugh, Christine Blasey Ford and the links to George Soros
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's

You’ve been supporting these people.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

While no wise people exist, your relatives embody a doctrine of wisdom; wisdom in so far as can be conjured and described as such, in this Age. They stand for truth and fact, logic and the celebration of human nature, and of being American. As for you, with whom they share aggregated blood, embracer of the radical revolutionary American Left, you only doubt political, social or cultural revelations as conspiracy, when those revelations fail the test of your ideology.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's

You’ve been supporting these people.

Please do not lie about me. Disliking Trump is not the same as supporting these people.

I have been in favor of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks and one of the things that pisses me off the most is that if the left succeeds in stopping Kavanaugh's confirmation, the next choice by Trump will likely be far worse.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
I someone would look into her past, they would find that she has either donated, joined, worked, for a George Soros Foundation that he controls, or supports with big bucks. The hard part is that the people involved are kept secret and not public. All this leaves is guessing.
She's a diehard never Trumper.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

Attention seekers seek attention.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Victimhood is the certain route to sainthood for leftists. For her it’s entre into that rarified would of untouchability.
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????

Why is that so wild for you? It is a plausible explanation for her making up the story.

If not for the money, why do you think she made up the story?

How in the world can you have concluded that she is lying?

Common sense, her story, everyone else's inability to substantiate her story?
I have friends and relatives who are lost.
That's right, they are Trump-supporting Republicans.
And this is what they are saying.
Soros is paying Christine Ford to create this story and ruin Kavanaugh's chance to get on the Bench.
How fucking stupid is that??????????????
Not nearly as stupid as Ford's story. Any other questions?

And the really bad part is that the second woman's story was 5 times as lame as Ford's

You’ve been supporting these people.

Please do not lie about me. Disliking Trump is not the same as supporting these people.

I have been in favor of both of Trump's SCOTUS picks and one of the things that pisses me off the most is that if the left succeeds in stopping Kavanaugh's confirmation, the next choice by Trump will likely be far worse.

Fair enough. Except Trump is doing what he has to do. You see what he’s fighting. I don’t know how old you are but haven’t you been watching politics? We’ve lost our country. Trump is the severely flawed mortal we elected because, whatever his faults , he knows how to fight them. He’s your last chance.
The pure Marxist and the pure libertarian are one andc the same. Except the Marxist wins occasionally.
....Really, this, right?

View attachment 218211
^ Lol this rape enabler’s posting phony graphics calling for victims to be believed, while he spends his time enabling rapists and demonizing women.
Just posting the facts traitor.
Clinton has allegations like Trump, Kavanaugh, and Roy Moore but you worship those 3. Booker was a 15 year old consensually making out with another 15 year old. Ellison did not beat his ex. And Kennedy was before my time and I don’t care, but it was an accident. He did not intend to kill her while rapists like Kavanaugh do intend to rape.
Clinton, unlike all the others you spew about, lied under oath. He's a criminal pos. Kennedy may have had an accident, but leaving her to drown was no accident, criminal lover.
You were at Chappaquiddick? You should have come forward with your info decades ago!
Didn't have to be there troll, I read Kennedy's own statements he made. If I had been there I would have though.

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