Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

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  • Poll closed .
None of her "witnesses" are willing to back her up? May she enjoy her upcoming nosedive.

God bless you and her victims always!!!


The ladies of this site are, by and large, defenders of Kavanaugh not because of Kavanaugh himself but because of their sense of decency and justice.
I suspect that is true across the country. A crushing blow to the Pandercrats.
And I suspect that the morally crippled abortion supporters are the ones piling on Kavanaugh ie no inate sense of decency.
Oh BS you retarded jackass her story is full of holes, missing points and she made it up.

One can only hope some loon accuses you of something like this. You'd howl like a bitch

she wants witness' to testify under oath & is being refused. it's the senate (R)s that are screaming like little bitches & you are right there cheerleading for them.
Which witnesses?
There are none you idiot!
The other 'boy' said he wasn't even at the party.
The bitch claims there were four boys in the bedroom. Then she claims there were two.
Right now there are PIs turning over every rock.
They will find some George Soros money under one of them.

A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

Why not go with esteemed jurist Kavenaugh over drunk party girl? That makes as much sense.
A person who testifies on someone's behalf is considered a witness.

LOL even if they were not anywhere near the alleged incident?

Perhaps a character witness, nothing else and yeah this cray lady is a real character

They could testify that she had heard about the incident at school. Maybe Ford talked to her. Maybe someone who knows Kavanaugh is a POS?

I'm thinkiong that I will go with the college professor over a fucking drunk like Kavanaugh

That would be hearsay....I'd avoid legal topics if I were you

This is not a court of law. If the event was being discussed all over the school, it would be included.

Itr will be treated as a court of law and your moonbat will be crucified with no witnesses and a story full of holes.

Good lawyers know how to do that..I know, I'm married to one. He said she's in waaaaay over her head and will crash and burn upon any examination by even a first year law student.

Her best advice would be to go quietly away and try to forget she ever pulled such a stunt

That's why she doesn't want lawyers asking her questions. She only wants sympathetic softballs from supporters. Basically, she doesn't want anything tougher than Oprah's couch.
Kavanaugh's victim did not speak about this for years. Why should these people remember something they never considered significant? Ms. Ford will speak on Thursday. You rape enablers failed to silence or destroy her, as you have done to countless rape victims.

She will never show, and she will have no more information to present than was already leaked. If she does show, she will communicate through her lawyer and then cry. She never claimed to be raped, and isn’t the voice for all victims across the land. There are plenty of cases going to trial every day, that do not have anything to do with celebrities. They are prosecuted, and criminals are punished.Not enough in some instances. These cases have to meet a legal standard, with requirements for evidence and procedures. No opinions expressed anywhere have any effect on alleged victims. These people are not jurors. Rape enablers is a bit of BS news term.

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In the interest of transparency we should know what Dems on the Judiciary Committee are in contact with her and the nature of the contact related to her appearance.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.

Moron, she is going to be the first #MeToo millionaire no matter how she testifies on Thursday...or whenever......she has the Golden Ticket. She will get a book deal, a movie deal, she has just increased her lecture and speaking fees by about 500%, she will now be able to teach at any Ivy League school she wants, and will get Dept. Head in record time......she is the only person set to gain anything here....not to forget the Red Carpet Treatment at this years Oscars as she will be invited by every slime ball in Hollywood to make an appearance........

Her story about Kavanaugh is short. No book, no Golden Tickert. No movie. Its not like Trump * the porn Stsr oreven a Clintin /Monica.

It was a brief encounter where Kavanaugh was drunk & tried to force himself on a young girl.
And your proof is?
When someone sexual assualts or abuses a woman it's generally not a one and done thing it's a pattern that continues with them as we saw with Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer and most recently Les Moonves yet we have not seen any other women come foreward and make any accusations against Brett Kavanaugh. Just something to think about.

Bill Clinton,

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But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

Indeed. The Dems beatified an stumbling fumbling drunk senator who left a woman to drown after he drove a car off of a bridge.

And still honor a man who is accused of at least 3 actual rapes, and about a dozen sexual assaults....and another sitting democrat Senator accused of raping underage girls.......

Teddy Kennedy was likely too drunk to drive when he drove off that bridge. He never denied it. He admitted his guilt & was charged with cause injury & leaving the scene. Never cared much for Ted buy he did do good things as a Senator.

Bill Clinton was accused of sexual misconduct by 4 women. Only one claimed she was raped even though she had testified under oath that she was not raped. You lied about the number of rape accusations & misconduct accusations. Which Senator wa accused of child rape?

This from a Trumpette

Based on that standard, Kavenaugh should be a shoe-in for confirmation. After all, he's done some good things on the bench.
So if Kavanaugh takes a poly and passes you'll declare him innocent?

I'll agree that the polygraph test isn't particulary useful in this instance.

If he takes a poly test and fails while Ford passed.....would you acknowledge that she's being honest?

Polygraphs are useless, toad. It's why they are not allowed as evidence in a court of law

Yeah, that's why the FBI routinely gives them as part of security clearances. Because they're 'useless'.


No..... she had a polygraph under friendly circumstances, he would be under duress.....

Why would it be under duress? If Kavanaugh denies the charges as 'unequivicolly' as he claims, why wouldn't he want to take a polygraph?

Your ilk keep giving us one excuse after another why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph. It doesn't seem that you have much faith in his truthfulness.

The polygraph doesn't work. It can be easily beaten especially in a friendly atmosphere like Ford took hers....... How about she go under oath to the FBI and tell them her story...how about that....you go to jail for lying to the FBI, just ask Martha Stewart....

Then why does the FBI routinely use polygraphs in security clearances?

Again, you're just coming up with one hapless excuse why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph after another.

It doesn't look like you think Kavanaugh would pass. While Ford already did.

Until we know what questions were asked, it really doesn't tell us much.
If the politics were reversed in this charade, CNN, MSNBC, NYT, Washington Post, etc. would have been camped out at her door from day one; with or without death threats!

Kavanaugh to Give Senate Calendars From 1982 to Back Up Denial

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to someone working for his confirmation.

The calendars do not disprove Dr. Blasey’s allegations, Judge Kavanaugh’s team acknowledged. He could have attended a party that he did not list. But his team will argue to the senators that the calendars provide no corroboration for her account of a small gathering at a house where he allegedly pinned her to a bed and tried to remove her clothing.

The calendars show, according to the person working for his confirmation, that he was out of town much of the summer at the beach or away with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars list his basketball games, movie outings, football workouts and college interviews. A few parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

(Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...

I mean some of you subversives believe her letter, so you should surely his calanders of what happened EACH DAY from 1982 onward!!!!

Has anyone actually seen this letter besides partisan jackass, senile, China spy employing Cal. Senator?
No..... she had a polygraph under friendly circumstances, he would be under duress.....

Why would it be under duress? If Kavanaugh denies the charges as 'unequivicolly' as he claims, why wouldn't he want to take a polygraph?

Your ilk keep giving us one excuse after another why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph. It doesn't seem that you have much faith in his truthfulness.

The polygraph doesn't work. It can be easily beaten especially in a friendly atmosphere like Ford took hers....... How about she go under oath to the FBI and tell them her story...how about that....you go to jail for lying to the FBI, just ask Martha Stewart....

Then why does the FBI routinely use polygraphs in security clearances?

Again, you're just coming up with one hapless excuse why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph after another.

It doesn't look like you think Kavanaugh would pass. While Ford already did.

Ford took the polygraph at a time and place of her choosing in a relaxed, comfortable environment.

Kavanaugh is already accused of rape of a 15 year old girl, and if he fails the polygraph, even if he is innocent......not only will he not become a Supreme Court Justice, he will be smeared as a rapist for the rest of his life...

Gee, you dumb ass......see the fucking difference?

And exactly as I predicted....yet more excuses why Kavanaugh shouldn't take a polygraph, despite Ford already passing one.

Your ilk doesn't seem to have much faith that Kavanaugh would pass. While Ford already did.

Ok. He picks the interviewer and writes the questions. You'll accept the results, right?

We don't know what questions Ford was asked and who picked them, yet we're supposed to just accept that she "passed a polygraph".
Where are you #MeToo ?

Funny you'll scream about something that happened over 35 years ago, but not a peep about what happened to Ellison's accuser just a few years ago.

"Feminists" sold out long ago when they supported Bubba instead of his victims. They look like cynical hypocrites now when they get all excited about this.
But only if you're a Conservative, of course. I mean, of course.

This is your daily reminder that if you're a Democrat, you can beat up your girlfriend on Domestic Violence charges and the Left won't whisper a peep. Heck, you can engage in shenanigans in the Oval Office with an intern and be impeached and STILL be lauded as a great statesman decades later.

But if your record is spotless save for one woman who says, 36 years later, that you once did things with her she didn't like, when you were both drunk and you were 17--your ship is sunk. But again: only if you're Conservative. This would be laughed off if you were a Democrat, because of COURSE you did those things.

They'd call you Uncle Brett for it. Maybe they'd wonder why you didn't drive her into a lake.

'Drunken fumbling'?

Ford alleges that Kavanaugh pulled her into a room against her will, turned up the music so no one could hear her, held her down and covered her mouth when she tried to scream to the extent that she was afraid that he would inadvertantly kill her. This while trying to take off her swimsuit.

That's attempted forcible rape.

If you think that's even close to normal.....I'm sincerely sorry at what you must have had to endure to hold that perspective.

Welp, that makes me even less likely to believe a single word she says, even one. Because that very rarely out of nowhere. It's very very rarely great guy, great guy, great guy, TOTAL MONSTER, great guy, great guy.

And if he really pulled her into her room against her will--yep I think she would have told people at the time. You don't tell people about drunken fumbling. You do tell about attempted forcible rape.

That does it for me--she's actually lying.

She passed a polygraph test administered by a former FBI agent.

What questions were asked?

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