Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

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  • Poll closed .
because it's the written questions from the senators. if they own the words - they should speak them.

Some of the Senators on the Judiciary Committee are women, do their words mean anything different? If the questions are written, how would you know who wrote them? Is it okay if a man asks a question a woman asked him to ask?

because none of the female senators are the ones that will be asking.

How do you know none of the women on the Senate Judiciary Committee will ask her questions? How do you know they won't ask a man on the Judiciary Committee to ask Dr. Ford a question? How do you know that any woman anywhere, cannot have a question asked of Dr. Ford by someone on the Committee, during her testimony in front of the Judiciary Committee?

Which goes back to, why is she afraid to answer questions from any woman during her testimony?
I think we all know that the goal is optics. They want to portray the republican senators as mean old white men gaining up on a poor victimized woman who was sexually assaulted. And she should be believed because of her say-so alone.

then every single SC nominee in the future will be subjected to deliberately false allegations.

The standard has to be some form of proof.

Allegations with no evidence cannot stop nominations of any kind, otherwise they will stop all....
The bigger issue is when those with public trust fail to timely report potential crimes for political gain... This breach of ethical conduct should result in expulsion from the senate.

That person aided and abetted the fraud... and it should be dealt with severely.
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kavanaugh can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part of Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
You calling anyone a snowflake is hilarious. You are the whiniest little pussy on the board. Your entire makeup is snowflake.
Pete Hegseth said on 'Fox and Friends' ' at 6 a.m. that sources told him that Ford was already on the east coast.

Apparently the rest of the media is not interested in her general whereabouts.
Your entire last paragraph essentially says you don’t believe her while you shred her character.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.
She is an abortion loving, pussy hat wearing activist. She has becoming a hero to her abortion loving, pussy hat wearing activist peers to gain. She is willing to take one for the team as part of the "resistance". In a few months she can make millions off of a sleazy book deal if she so chooses, She has much to gain.
You are just another worthless lying POS Trumpette. Maybe she can write a book about Kavanaufgh's short mushroom head penis.
because it's the written questions from the senators. if they own the words - they should speak them.

Some of the Senators on the Judiciary Committee are women, do their words mean anything different? If the questions are written, how would you know who wrote them? Is it okay if a man asks a question a woman asked him to ask?

because none of the female senators are the ones that will be asking.

How do you know none of the women on the Senate Judiciary Committee will ask her questions? How do you know they won't ask a man on the Judiciary Committee to ask Dr. Ford a question? How do you know that any woman anywhere, cannot have a question asked of Dr. Ford by someone on the Committee, during her testimony in front of the Judiciary Committee?

Which goes back to, why is she afraid to answer questions from any woman during her testimony?
I think we all know that the goal is optics. They want to portray the republican senators as mean old white men gaining up on a poor victimized woman who was sexually assaulted. And she should be believed because of her say-so alone.
They are old white men. what they don't know is they will be against a far better educated strong woman.
Kavanaugh's victim did not speak about this for years. Why should these people remember something they never considered significant? Ms. Ford will speak on Thursday. You rape enablers failed to silence or destroy her, as you have done to countless rape victims.

Why should they remember? You're serious. Thats disturbing.

Do you remember every person who was ever at every party you attended during high school? Did you know every person that was ever at every party? Yes? If so, you must have been one of those losers who never got invited to the parties, except that one sleepover you and three other comic book nerds had sophomore year.
I’d remember four people. Especially if something traumatic happened.
Let the defamation lawyers take it from here.

Kimberley Strassel on Twitter

Its too bad that the R's are spineless and are even allowing this circus to continue. They should hold the vote tomorrow and confirm him. What we're seeing are final stages of a republic.

I would agree on the final stages of the Republic. The antics that have taken place to ram through this particular judge in a big fast hurry with little thought to his total history is just astounding.

A man who encouraged the Starr Investigation to go after Bill Clinton’s sexual allegations, and callously use the women Clinton was involved in. A man who encouraged torture under George W Bush. A man who the extreme right has been grooming for years to take his seat in the Court.

On the heels of the Trump election, this isn’t a good thing.
You lost an election. Grow up and deal with it.
Your entire last paragraph essentially says you don’t believe her while you shred her character.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.

Moron, she is going to be the first #MeToo millionaire no matter how she testifies on Thursday...or whenever......she has the Golden Ticket. She will get a book deal, a movie deal, she has just increased her lecture and speaking fees by about 500%, she will now be able to teach at any Ivy League school she wants, and will get Dept. Head in record time......she is the only person set to gain anything here....not to forget the Red Carpet Treatment at this years Oscars as she will be invited by every slime ball in Hollywood to make an appearance........

Her story about Kavanaugh is short. No book, no Golden Tickert. No movie. Its not like Trump * the porn Stsr oreven a Clintin /Monica.

It was a brief encounter where Kavanaugh was drunk & tried to force himself on a young girl.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.

Moron, she is going to be the first #MeToo millionaire no matter how she testifies on Thursday...or whenever......she has the Golden Ticket. She will get a book deal, a movie deal, she has just increased her lecture and speaking fees by about 500%, she will now be able to teach at any Ivy League school she wants, and will get Dept. Head in record time......she is the only person set to gain anything here....not to forget the Red Carpet Treatment at this years Oscars as she will be invited by every slime ball in Hollywood to make an appearance........

Her story about Kavanaugh is short. No book, no Golden Tickert. No movie. Its not like Trump * the porn Stsr oreven a Clintin /Monica.

It was a brief encounter where Kavanaugh was drunk & tried to force himself on a young girl.


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Whatever it is it's not rape. How about Kathleen Willey and Juanita Broadrick? The crazy left actually laughed when Hillary used state and federal resources to create the "Bimbo Eruption Squad" to intimidate her husband's victims.

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