Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Kavanaugh has become an albatross around the GOP`s neck right now. Suburban women were already tilting Democrat and when the Repub senators get nasty with Dr. Blasey, and they will, they risk an even greater backlash at the polls in November.
Of course...............that is their hope and why they did this............This has never been about a so called attempted Rape...............Never was about Metoo movement........

This was a set up from the start........play by play............

She will testify probably in hopes of getting outrage from the questions asked.............so they can use it for political outrage as always...........

The leak didn't happen by accident.
uh-huh. i pity any so called 'conservatives' on this this thread. hopefully none of you have daughters.

i wonder if any of that ilk also believe that a 'man' shouldn't be charged with raping his wife after she refuses him.... that rape doesn't exist in a 'marriage'.

Daughters, sisters, wives, mothers, aunts, nieces. They have them all, and I know this blows your works view to so many meaningless shards on the floor, but they are loved by those women in their lives.
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kavanaugh can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part of Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
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My oh my. Did she just make up this memory in some shoddy therapy work or what? What is going on here?

The last of Ford's four named "witnesses" released a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee through her attorney. Leland Keyser says she doesn't remember EVER attending a party where Brett Kavanaugh was in attendance, with or without Christina Ford.

So what could her testimony be now? This is what I remember, despite absolutely no evidence to support it? I mean that's great...I guess. I once remember winning a billion dollars though I have absolutely no evidence to support it.

Hey, where my money at? Someone give me my money back. It happened, it did, I remember it!!

Leland Ingham Keyser -- Christine Blasey Ford's Friend Contradicts Her on Party | National Review

This is because ford is a lying liberal Slut...………….
I guess this means every male who opposes abortions has either sexually assaulted a woman, hasn't done so YET but plans on doing so, and / or is thinking about it....

Move over D-Hank Johnson ... We have another contender for your title of 'Most Bat-Shit Crazy Democrat'!
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after he accused Kacanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kacanaugh .can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part if Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
It's hard to believe that a US Senator actually said such a thing. That's two incredible zingers from this dingbat. The people of Hawaii should be ashamed for electing her. She's a caricature of everything that's wrong with the Democrat party.
This woman's entire story is suspect and would never hold up in a court of law.

Nope not ever. You can't go into count with zero evidence and a story full of holes. Even a first year law student will tell you that

Happens all the time. Her story is not full of holes. She is not looking at criminal charges. Se is telling you what a POS Kavanaufh really is. Obviously, anyone who voted for the amoral POS Trump doesn't care how many girls Kavanaugh assaulted.

To date, it's not been proven that he assaulted any at all.
It’s the same problem we always have. We send Republicans to do a job and they end up caving under pressure. Bending over backwards to appear the good guys.
Grassley has succeeded in showing he was making every accommodation. Now that all of the main stream media has reported that he has, the left has no recourse. With all of her witnesses now discrediting her story she has nothing but discredited accusations.

This is over on Thursday...
Kavanaugh's victim did not speak about this for years. Why should these people remember something they never considered significant? Ms. Ford will speak on Thursday. You rape enablers failed to silence or destroy her, as you have done to countless rape victims.
You tried to rape me 30 years ago.

In someone’s house. Not sure what year. But you tried.

I’m going to get you fired and every job you apply for I’ll let them know.

It’s the way you want it.
I’m so old I remember an America where the accused got to face their accuser and cross examine them.
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kavanaugh can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part of Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
The fact they have brought in all of the democrat operative lawyers is proof they have no case and all they have are lies..

Their only hope now is to make it appear as if Republicans are heartless and are attacking Ford.. As long as they stick to facts and ask them respectfully they can avoid most of the BS claims the left will make.
The Pubs need to call the vote. But the way they are handling this, compiled with the way they DID NOT handle Obama, are core reasons I fired the Republican Party in writing the minute that doorknob Sen Snow sold us out years ago

But I digress... The pubs are acting just like they always do



then every single SC nominee in the future will be subjected to deliberately false allegations.

The standard has to be some form of proof.

Allegations with no evidence cannot stop nominations of any kind, otherwise they will stop all....
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kavanaugh can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part of Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
That stupid woman should be recalled by the voters.

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