Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

then every single SC nominee in the future will be subjected to deliberately false allegations.

The standard has to be some form of proof.

Allegations with no evidence cannot stop nominations of any kind, otherwise they will stop all....
Promises promises.....
Because she's against anything Trump and the republicans want....That's about it.

Were she wanting to testify about a democrat, we'd get something along the lines of "she's what you get when you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park".
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after he accused Kacanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kacanaugh .can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part if Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
It's hard to believe that a US Senator actually said such a thing. That's two incredible zingers from this dingbat. The people of Hawaii should be ashamed for electing her. She's a caricature of everything that's wrong with the Democrat party.
She opposes human life and its sanctity as do most Marxists and socialist statists.. You must make the state superior even to God or they can not gain total control. This is why they hate Christianity. This comes as no surprise from her..

then every single SC nominee in the future will be subjected to deliberately false allegations.

The standard has to be some form of proof.

Allegations with no evidence cannot stop nominations of any kind, otherwise they will stop all....
Maybe they just shouldn’t nominate rapists
Put me down as the 76th. If something really did take place between him and that woman all them years ago and it was that disturbing enough in her opinion, it wouldn't have taken her three decades to come to life about it. She had plenty of time back then to hesitate due to those who wouldn't have believed her and for her to take this long? I don't believe a dead gum thing to come out of her mouth now.

God bless you and those who are truly innocent always!!!

She opposes human life and its sanctity as do most Marxists and socialist statists..

because the reason of human overpopulation cannot be the reason until your sub human birdbrain can parrot that from your JDAAC preacher...
I stand waiting for a Democrat, who's elected officials have already convicted him, to stop by and rationally explain to me why I should consider her credible.

Convince me

She opposes human life and its sanctity as do most Marxists and socialist statists..

because the reason of human overpopulation cannot be the reason until your sub human birdbrain can parrot that from your JDAAC preacher...

Another who thinks culling people who don't agree with you should happen... Why don't you take yourself out and decrease the surplus population you loath...
No.... I am saying I don't believe her. I am saying she can't tell us when it happened, where it happened, all 3 people who she allegedly named as being there say it didn't happen and her girlfriend at the alleged party says it didn't happen......her story has changed from 4 boys to two, and she didn't send a letter to the chairman of the committee but to the democrats....who sat on this without telling anyone, and to this day have not shown the original letter to the chairman of the committee.....so no, I don't believe her.

there is nothing about this that is remotely credible.....she is a bernie sanders supporter who scrubbed her social media before going public........ she is a left wing hack, doing whatever she has to to stop Kavanaugh from being legitimately appointed to the Supreme Court...... this is one of the most vile political attacks in our history.
Your entire last paragraph essentially says you don’t believe her while you shred her character.
Now why don’t you list the things that make her believable? Being a woman isn’t one of them.
She is a intelligent, well educated, well known in her field?

What makes the POS Kavanaugh believable??? Because he is a lawyer? Really?
Because he is intelligent well educated, well known in his field, a lawyer, and a judge!

Blood sucking layers are always honest & tell the truth.

He has something to lose.

She has nothing to gain.
She is an abortion loving, pussy hat wearing activist. She has becoming a hero to her abortion loving, pussy hat wearing activist peers to gain. She is willing to take one for the team as part of the "resistance". In a few months she can make millions off of a sleazy book deal if she so chooses, She has much to gain.
Yeah, never bother to ask who got "everything" when your pyramid scheming fraudulent "savior" said

"give up everything and follow me...."

and then when he ends up on the cross for proving he was nothing but a man in his trial.... what happened to those who lost EVERYTHING???

Let the defamation lawyers take it from here.

Kimberley Strassel on Twitter

Its too bad that the R's are spineless and are even allowing this circus to continue. They should hold the vote tomorrow and confirm him. What we're seeing are final stages of a republic.

I would agree on the final stages of the Republic. The antics that have taken place to ram through this particular judge in a big fast hurry with little thought to his total history is just astounding.

A man who encouraged the Starr Investigation to go after Bill Clinton’s sexual allegations, and callously use the women Clinton was involved in. A man who encouraged torture under George W Bush. A man who the extreme right has been grooming for years to take his seat in the Court.

On the heels of the Trump election, this isn’t a good thing.
You can't make this $hit up & you can't safely defend it ... but you know snowflakes are going to try.

D-Hirono, who rebuked men for not immediately believing Ford after she accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault 36 years ago without evidence just claimed Kavanaugh can not be trusted / believed because ....

...he opposes abortions.


And there it is, the real reason behind the full liberal assault on Kavanuaugh with the fake Ford BS.

Yes, I called it the 'Fake Ford Bullshit'.
No evidence.

Her story keeps changing.

4 witnesses now say it never happened.

And now Deep State Lawyers for Slick Willy, Obama, and McCabe have run to be part of Ford's legal team.

Sen. Hirono Says Kavanaugh Can’t Be Trusted Because Of Views On Abortion

'Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono tied Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s credibility as a witness to his stance on women’s reproductive issues during a segment Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper.'
She revealed the true reason they do not want Kavanugh...
Hey....he never tried to rape me

That proves he is not a rapist
Those of us who believe in liberal values realize the burden of proof is on the accuser .

In this case, the accuser can remember no details, did not tell anybody about it at the time and waited until an extremely suspect time to concoct her story .

While 75 women cannot prove anything at all, only a truly illiberal leftist who believes in guilt until proven innocent would mock them .
In 1978, while on liberty, I paid Maizie Hirono $5 for fellatio behind a dumpster off of Hotel St. in Honolulu just up from Sailor Jerry’s tattoo shop. Though I was a shitfaced drunken sailor I remember this like it was yesterday.

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