Kavanaugh/Ford Opinon threads from Saturday, Sept 23, 2018

Will Ford Actually Make The Hearing On Thursday?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 30.8%
  • No

    Votes: 36 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I have read on multiple forums where people that voted for a particular candidate stated they already knew the candidate was a sexual pervert but they voted for the person anyway. I'm sure anyone in this conversation knows who I speak of.

The point being, if Kavanaugh is saddled with the same tag, then so what? Sexual assault is pretty much an OK thing now, according to tens of millions of voters.

What the fuck do you mean "so what"?? would you be cool with being saddled with that for the rest of your life even when was not true?

What the fuck is wrong with people in this country. Are you married, do you have kids? How would you like for your kids to be saddled as the kids of a sexual pervert?

I just do not understand how politics has replaced morals and basic human decency for so many of you partisan sheep

there was a paradigm shift in politics during the 2016 election in which tens of millions voted for an admitted sexual abuser.
I can't help it if you were not paying attention & didn't notice that changed America, forever, and made sexual assault an OK thing.
It’s not an assault when both party’s agree to have sex. Consenting adults do not equal assault.

Why are you wasting your time explaining that to me? I already know that.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.


This is the 'so called' third woman.

This guy is a joke who is just looking for headlines for his run against Trump in 2020.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.


This is the 'so called' third woman.

This guy is a joke who is just looking for headlines for his run against Trump in 2020.

He'll be shunned for fucking up before that campaign.
Kavanaughs qualifications as a judge

It could get a lot worse for the Dems though if they lose seats in the Senate, which is likely. Lose seats there and they will be begging for Kavanaugh after Trump puts up someone 10 times worse
Gator you don't think Trump put up the best POS in his quiver??

I think Kavanaugh was one of the best from his list of choices, there are far more partisan, ideologicaly driven people on there than Kavanaugh
More that will protect the president from being indicted who will vote against Roe V Wade?/

Kavanaugh is one of the most level headed on RvW of the group, I doubt he would vote against it. 2/3 of the rest are 100% assured to do so.
Respect your opinions and posts but imo trump would never have picked him if he was pro R v W

Trump is not anti-abortion, he only "changed" his stance when he decided to run for POTUS as a Repub. Trump does not have any desire to see RvW over turned, hell he might have chosen him for that very reason.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.


This is the 'so called' third woman.
He also claimed he had other clients who were paid off by Trump to remain silent about affairs. That never materialized either. Who knows why this guy likes sticking his nose into shit like this? :dunno:
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.


This is the 'so called' third woman.

This guy is a joke who is just looking for headlines for his run against Trump in 2020.

His statements have been proven to be right so far.
All the rats coming out of the woodwork, now he slap some sourpuss across the face with his penis. :21::21::21::21::21::21:
Gator you don't think Trump put up the best POS in his quiver??

I think Kavanaugh was one of the best from his list of choices, there are far more partisan, ideologicaly driven people on there than Kavanaugh
More that will protect the president from being indicted who will vote against Roe V Wade?/

Kavanaugh is one of the most level headed on RvW of the group, I doubt he would vote against it. 2/3 of the rest are 100% assured to do so.
Respect your opinions and posts but imo trump would never have picked him if he was pro R v W

Trump is not anti-abortion, he only "changed" his stance when he decided to run for POTUS as a Repub. Trump does not have any desire to see RvW over turned, hell he might have chosen him for that very reason.

If someone alleges they were attacked, that is one thing. Then they allege it was a sexual, that's another, They didn't go to the police at the time. No. Because they where "scared" of recriminations. Well perhaps. Thing was, nobody was raped and nobody was harmed, this amounts to nothing. She wasn't hurt and this happened a zillion years ago. If it even happened at all.
Let it happen! This evil shit will explode back into their smarmy faces!

The don't stop at anything. How these losers can get up there and lie through their teeth is beyond me.... Oh wait they are unemotional punta's . Desensitized pos losers after all they will abort a human life twenty times in one month if they had to.
Avenatti claims client has 'credible information' on Kavanaugh, ex-classmate

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing adult-film actress Stormy Daniels, announced Sunday that he is representing a client with “credible information” regarding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his former classmate, Mark Judge.

“I represent a woman with credible information regarding Judge Kavanaugh and Mark Judge,” Avenatti said on Twitter. “We will be demanding the opportunity to present testimony to the committee and will likewise be demanding that Judge and others be subpoenaed to testify.”

“The nomination must be withdrawn,” he added.


This is the 'so called' third woman.

This guy is a joke who is just looking for headlines for his run against Trump in 2020.

His statements have been proven to be right so far.

Name one
"Feminists" sold out long ago when they supported Bubba instead of his victims. They look like cynical hypocrites now when they get all excited about this.

We spent 70 million investigating clinton's "victims", and Ken Starr concluded they were all lying... but never mind.

We do know for certain that Bubba was lying. He was impeached, list his law license for a while and his handlers had to pay a high five figure fine for it.

The bottom line remains, there was a heck of a lot of evidence that Bubba was a sexual predator, very little that Kavenaugh is.
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I think Kavanaugh was one of the best from his list of choices, there are far more partisan, ideologicaly driven people on there than Kavanaugh
More that will protect the president from being indicted who will vote against Roe V Wade?/

Kavanaugh is one of the most level headed on RvW of the group, I doubt he would vote against it. 2/3 of the rest are 100% assured to do so.
Respect your opinions and posts but imo trump would never have picked him if he was pro R v W

Trump is not anti-abortion, he only "changed" his stance when he decided to run for POTUS as a Repub. Trump does not have any desire to see RvW over turned, hell he might have chosen him for that very reason.

Trump says a lot of things, most of which are not true. He says what people want to hear, that way they cheer for him even more. I am surprised you have not figured that out about him
If someone alleges they were attacked, that is one thing. Then they allege it was a sexual, that's another, They didn't go to the police at the time. No. Because they where "scared" of recriminations. Well perhaps. Thing was, nobody was raped and nobody was harmed, this amounts to nothing. She wan't hurt and this happened a zillion years ago. If it even happened at all.
She says she was harmedharmed and damaged for years until the present. She moved to California for crying out loud. but I'm sure you silly dupes know better. LOL aaarrrggghhh...
I feel sorry for this woman. She admits this wasn't a actual sexual assault and whatever it was happened 30 years ago. I don't care anymore. I know , I know the #whyididntrespond movement. I have been there too, and OK, the good old boy intimidation club, yes I have seen that first hand. This seems a little handy dandy convenient. Don't you think?

More than that......

First, Ramirez says she was completely inebriated when the misconduct supposedly occurred.

Second, she told the New Yorker she wasn’t certain what happened until “after six days of talking with her attorney” a former elected Democrat. According to Farrow and Mayer, “in her initial conversations with The New Yorker, [Ramirez] was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” But one can do plenty of brain washing in six days.

We’ve all heard of the “MeToo” movement. Now we have the “MeToo, My Democrat Attorney Thinks” movement.

Third, Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

Fourth, none of the other dozen people the New Yorker contacted said that Kavanaugh was even at the party where the misconduct allegedly occurred, let alone that misconduct actually occurred.

Fifth, multiple other students went on the record disputing that this happened.

For these reasons, this latest ambush, at least as reported by Farrow and Mayer, doesn’t rise to the level of something the Judiciary Committee should consider.
I feel sorry for this woman. She admits this wasn't a actual sexual assault and whatever it was happened 30 years ago. I don't care anymore. I know , I know the #whyididntrespond movement. I have been there too, and OK, the good old boy intimidation club, yes I have seen that first hand. This seems a little handy dandy convenient. Don't you think?

More than that......

First, Ramirez says she was completely inebriated when the misconduct supposedly occurred.

Second, she told the New Yorker she wasn’t certain what happened until “after six days of talking with her attorney” a former elected Democrat. According to Farrow and Mayer, “in her initial conversations with The New Yorker, [Ramirez] was reluctant to characterize Kavanaugh’s role in the alleged incident with certainty.” But one can do plenty of brain washing in six days.

We’ve all heard of the “MeToo” movement. Now we have the “MeToo, My Democrat Attorney Thinks” movement.

Third, Ramirez doesn’t even claim she saw Kavanaugh do anything; only that someone yelled out that Brett had done something.

Fourth, none of the other dozen people the New Yorker contacted said that Kavanaugh was even at the party where the misconduct allegedly occurred, let alone that misconduct actually occurred.

Fifth, multiple other students went on the record disputing that this happened.

For these reasons, this latest ambush, at least as reported by Farrow and Mayer, doesn’t rise to the level of something the Judiciary Committee should consider.
She has no witnesses including herself.

The standard has dropped from " she said/he said " to " she heard someone say something / he said "

And that is all it takes to smear a man.

And more ......

BREAKING: Second Woman Makes Accusations Against Kavanaugh As Doubts Over Ford's Claims Grow

The New Yorker adds that "Ramirez acknowledged that there are significant gaps in her memories of the evening, and that, if she ever presents her story to the F.B.I. or members of the Senate, she will inevitably be pressed on her motivation for coming forward after so many years, and questioned about her memory, given her drinking at the party."

The left-wing magazine admits that it "has not confirmed with other eyewitnesses that Kavanaugh was present at the party."

So the story this is based on? The reporters released the story without confirming with other eyewitnesses if Kavanaugh was even at the party.......but they had to release the story before Monday...
Interesting Kava is never at a party as a blackout drunk. Or ever.
btw: I recall getting to FREE beer/drinks at a party, was my goal.

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