Kavanaugh Is An Extremist

I think most of you right wing nuts would admit better to be on the pill than to have an unwanted pregnancy and have an abortion. You right wing nuts are such haters, full of hatred.

Actually while wealthy women had BC options and abortions before the normal working and poor women is historical.

What the heck does "would admit better to be on the pill" mean"

As you know, low-income women have the same options available as do higher-income women. See Planned Parenthood.

What are you trying to say?
Kavanaugh has been engaged in partisan politics for 30 years
The bible also refers to life in the womb.
In Jeremiah, where it states God knows his children when they are not yet formed. In the nt when it says John leapt in Elizabeth's womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Christ, approached her.
breath of life?
Use complete sentences. I have no idea what you're asking.
Of course you don't. We were talking about the Bible. So when the Bible talks about the breath of life, what does it mean?
I know what we were talking about. Are you saying the unborn are dead or don't exist prior to their first breath of air?
Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

I wonder what will happen when it is discovered that USSC Kennedy was bought off by Trump to retire in time to beat the 2018 elections.

This combined with McConnell refusing to bring Garland before the committee.

This combines with Grassley illegally hiding documents.

This combined with Kavanaugh lying under oath.

Will go down in history of one of the most disgusting scams in US history. Trump, McConnell, Ryan, Grassley, many Republican Senators all convicted.

Have they been charged? Can’t be convicted if you aren’t charged. Lol! I appreciate your butt hurt.
b I certainly appreciate how you assholes piss on the fucking Constitution if you think it helps Republicans.
Explain please. Be specific as to who is pissing on the Constitution, how they are doing it...and link it.
In Jeremiah, where it states God knows his children when they are not yet formed. In the nt when it says John leapt in Elizabeth's womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Christ, approached her.
breath of life?
Use complete sentences. I have no idea what you're asking.
Of course you don't. We were talking about the Bible. So when the Bible talks about the breath of life, what does it mean?
I know what we were talking about. Are you saying the unborn are dead or don't exist prior to their first breath of air?

Ask God, it is his Bible.

Sounds like he is saying life begins when you take that first breath?
Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

I wonder what will happen when it is discovered that USSC Kennedy was bought off by Trump to retire in time to beat the 2018 elections.

This combined with McConnell refusing to bring Garland before the committee.

This combines with Grassley illegally hiding documents.

This combined with Kavanaugh lying under oath.

Will go down in history of one of the most disgusting scams in US history. Trump, McConnell, Ryan, Grassley, many Republican Senators all convicted.

Have they been charged? Can’t be convicted if you aren’t charged. Lol! I appreciate your butt hurt.
b I certainly appreciate how you assholes piss on the fucking Constitution if you think it helps Republicans.
Explain please. Be specific as to who is pissing on the Constitution, how they are doing it...and link it.

Republicans. They do it all the time. For example, ignoring Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.
In Jeremiah, where it states God knows his children when they are not yet formed. In the nt when it says John leapt in Elizabeth's womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Christ, approached her.
breath of life?
Use complete sentences. I have no idea what you're asking.
Of course you don't. We were talking about the Bible. So when the Bible talks about the breath of life, what does it mean?
I know what we were talking about. Are you saying the unborn are dead or don't exist prior to their first breath of air?

Ask God, it is his Bible.

Sounds like he is saying life begins when you take that first breath?
So Elizabeth's dead baby leapt in her womb? And when he knew Jeremiah before he was formed....was Jeremiah a zombie? Ghost? Maybe a dog?
Waiting for the specific instances where "Republicans" involved in these hearings "pissed on the Constitution".
Two take away's from Kavanaugh's statements:

  • He called our form of government a Constitutional Republic, a code word for those who disdain democracy;
  • He called contraceptives a form of abortion, again a code dear to the hearts of social conservatives.
He was not transparent, and not willing to take a stand on Executive Power's, claiming he cannot answer a hypothetical question.

BTW, most of us who have been interviewed for a job are asked a serious of questions, many which are hypothetical. As someone who has sat on numerous panels applicants I can assure the reader that anyone who refused to offer a response to a hypothetical would not be hired.

You are one stupid fuckwad...we were formed as a REPUBLIC bound by the constraints of "gubermint" by the organic constitution. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what "dinner" will be. Our unalienable rights are not up for a "vote" where 50.01 can tell the other 49.99 what rights they can be allowed to have.

Summation: YOU are the idiot and a commie fuckwad. Little commies like yourself will NEVER dictate what I can or cannot do.as long as it is within the confines of the Bill Of Rights and the organic U.S constitution....capiche'?

It's unfortunate that you do not watch the MSM, and keep your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tonight on the Rachel Madow Show clear and convincing evidence was broadcast that Kavanaugh lied under oath. Not once, but several times.
Two take away's from Kavanaugh's statements:

  • He called our form of government a Constitutional Republic, a code word for those who disdain democracy;
  • He called contraceptives a form of abortion, again a code dear to the hearts of social conservatives.
He was not transparent, and not willing to take a stand on Executive Power's, claiming he cannot answer a hypothetical question.

BTW, most of us who have been interviewed for a job are asked a serious of questions, many which are hypothetical. As someone who has sat on numerous panels applicants I can assure the reader that anyone who refused to offer a response to a hypothetical would not be hired.

You are one stupid fuckwad...we were formed as a REPUBLIC bound by the constraints of "gubermint" by the organic constitution. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what "dinner" will be. Our unalienable rights are not up for a "vote" where 50.01 can tell the other 49.99 what rights they can be allowed to have.

Summation: YOU are the idiot and a commie fuckwad. Little commies like yourself will NEVER dictate what I can or cannot do.as long as it is within the confines of the Bill Of Rights and the organic U.S constitution....capiche'?

It's unfortunate that you do not watch the MSM, and keep your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tonight on the Rachel Madow Show clear and convincing evidence was broadcast that Kavanaugh lied under oath. Not once, but several times.

No, I am infinitely more informed because I don't buy into the lamestream "Operation Mockingbird" media...that shit will rot your brain.......present company included.
t's unfortunate that you do not watch the MSM, and keep your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tonight on the Rachel Madow Show clear and convincing evidence was broadcast that Kavanaugh lied under oath. Not once, but several times.

He was also involved in a stolen e-mail deal during his time in the Bush Admin. The guy who stole the e-mails and passed them on to The Kav (marked "spying") went to jail
Two take away's from Kavanaugh's statements:

  • He called our form of government a Constitutional Republic, a code word for those who disdain democracy;
  • He called contraceptives a form of abortion, again a code dear to the hearts of social conservatives.
He was not transparent, and not willing to take a stand on Executive Power's, claiming he cannot answer a hypothetical question.

BTW, most of us who have been interviewed for a job are asked a serious of questions, many which are hypothetical. As someone who has sat on numerous panels applicants I can assure the reader that anyone who refused to offer a response to a hypothetical would not be hired.

You are one stupid fuckwad...we were formed as a REPUBLIC bound by the constraints of "gubermint" by the organic constitution. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what "dinner" will be. Our unalienable rights are not up for a "vote" where 50.01 can tell the other 49.99 what rights they can be allowed to have.

Summation: YOU are the idiot and a commie fuckwad. Little commies like yourself will NEVER dictate what I can or cannot do.as long as it is within the confines of the Bill Of Rights and the organic U.S constitution....capiche'?

It's unfortunate that you do not watch the MSM, and keep your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tonight on the Rachel Madow Show clear and convincing evidence was broadcast that Kavanaugh lied under oath. Not once, but several times.

It seems I have a photo of you, and it is telling:


Other readers who are curious and wonder about the nomination process on going need to read this LInk:


Dale Evans ... oops, Dale Smith will find this and other supporting evidence funny (? why were you named after Roy Rodgers SO?) But I digress:

Did Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh lie to Congress?

Democrats are trying to use Kavanaugh’s 2006 confirmation hearing testimony against him

Some of the links may pass as exculpatory, but those arguments are IMO weak and not convincing. Kavanaugh Lied, more than once; a judge and a possible life long justice must be held to a higher standard (Even if your wife gets fired Sen. McConnell, putting country first is not just a talking point).
Last edited:
Two take away's from Kavanaugh's statements:

  • He called our form of government a Constitutional Republic, a code word for those who disdain democracy;
  • He called contraceptives a form of abortion, again a code dear to the hearts of social conservatives.
He was not transparent, and not willing to take a stand on Executive Power's, claiming he cannot answer a hypothetical question.

BTW, most of us who have been interviewed for a job are asked a serious of questions, many which are hypothetical. As someone who has sat on numerous panels applicants I can assure the reader that anyone who refused to offer a response to a hypothetical would not be hired.

You are one stupid fuckwad...we were formed as a REPUBLIC bound by the constraints of "gubermint" by the organic constitution. Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding on what "dinner" will be. Our unalienable rights are not up for a "vote" where 50.01 can tell the other 49.99 what rights they can be allowed to have.

Summation: YOU are the idiot and a commie fuckwad. Little commies like yourself will NEVER dictate what I can or cannot do.as long as it is within the confines of the Bill Of Rights and the organic U.S constitution....capiche'?

It's unfortunate that you do not watch the MSM, and keep your head in the sand like an ostrich. Tonight on the Rachel Madow Show clear and convincing evidence was broadcast that Kavanaugh lied under oath. Not once, but several times.

It seems I have a photo of you, and it is telling:

View attachment 215838View attachment 215838 View attachment 215838

Other readers who are curious and wonder about the nomination process on going need to read this LInk:


Dale Evans ... oops, Dale Smith will find this and other supporting evidence funny (? why were you named after Roy Rodgers SO?).


Good luck with that. They just spout nonsense.

Apparently you didn't watch the confirmation hearings.

E-mails were produced of the Kav saying exactly that Roe was not settled law
In Jeremiah, where it states God knows his children when they are not yet formed. In the nt when it says John leapt in Elizabeth's womb when Mary, who was pregnant with Christ, approached her.
breath of life?
Use complete sentences. I have no idea what you're asking.
Of course you don't. We were talking about the Bible. So when the Bible talks about the breath of life, what does it mean?
I know what we were talking about. Are you saying the unborn are dead or don't exist prior to their first breath of air?

Ask God, it is his Bible.

Sounds like he is saying life begins when you take that first breath?
Kavanaugh will be confirmed.

I wonder what will happen when it is discovered that USSC Kennedy was bought off by Trump to retire in time to beat the 2018 elections.

This combined with McConnell refusing to bring Garland before the committee.

This combines with Grassley illegally hiding documents.

This combined with Kavanaugh lying under oath.

Will go down in history of one of the most disgusting scams in US history. Trump, McConnell, Ryan, Grassley, many Republican Senators all convicted.

Have they been charged? Can’t be convicted if you aren’t charged. Lol! I appreciate your butt hurt.
b I certainly appreciate how you assholes piss on the fucking Constitution if you think it helps Republicans.
Explain please. Be specific as to who is pissing on the Constitution, how they are doing it...and link it.

Republicans. They do it all the time. For example, ignoring Obama's nominee for the Supreme Court.

Where is that in the Constitution? It’s called politics, it’s dirty politics however there is nothing unconstitutional about it However it could bite them in the future.

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