Kavanaugh probably lied under oath about torture involvement

They are bitching cause they can’t see his papers! Why didn’t they want those papers before
If he did lie, disqualify him. However we have a former POTUS who lied under oath and directly to the American people, yet many love and admire him.

Speak for yourself, and the maj of American citizens find him repulsive. Clinton lied about getting a blow job, and we have a potus who lies nonstop.
Oh cum on now. You loved him and would have gladly blown him back in the 90s.
If he did lie, disqualify him. However we have a former POTUS who lied under oath and directly to the American people, yet many love and admire him.
If you are referring to Bill Clinton...he was impeached for lying under oath. So you agree that he should be held accountable like Clinton was.
My post stated as much. Does this surprise you?
If he did lie, disqualify him. However we have a former POTUS who lied under oath and directly to the American people, yet many love and admire him.

Which former president was that ... Oh - Bubba's like about the BJ? Yeah, that was horrible compared to an Orange Dude who lies seven times a day. :rolleyes:
Yeah Bubba never lied and either did the King of Kings....Big Ears. LMFAO.

Stop being a dupe for the CIA.
Did Brett Kavanaugh Mislead the Senate About Detainees? - The Atlantic

Although two senators were accusing a federal judge of some degree of lying, they had little remedy. Impeachment of federal judges is rare and usually reserved for the most obvious crimes, and the trick with lifetime appointments is that once senators vote, they don’t usually get a chance to revisit old questions.

Until now. Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination means Durbin and Leahy, who are both still members of the Judiciary Committee, can reopen the matter.

The day after Kavanaugh’s nomination, Durbin tweeted his 2007 letter, saying, “I’m still waiting for an answer.” Durbin declined an interview request, but during a committee hearing on Thursday, he mentioned the letter again. “He’s going to get a chance to respond now, when he appears before this committee under oath, as to what he was trying to tell us, and what he actually did tell us when it came to this important issue,” Durbin said. Leahy’s office also declined an interview request. The White House declined to comment.

The key will likely be the documents that the Judiciary Committee receives pertaining to Kavanaugh, in what’s expected to be the largest tranche of papers ever produced on any judicial nominee. Those papers could help clarify the 2002 meeting that the Post and NPR reported, as well as offer more indications of what Kavanaugh knew. Kavanaugh will likely tell senators that even if he consulted about Kennedy, he was not directly involved in crafting detainee policy. Democrats are likely to argue that Kavanaugh misled them, in that he suggested he wasn’t aware of the policy discussions at all. Unhelpfully for Kavanaugh, the former Bush aide Karl Rove, who strongly supports the judge’s nomination, told Neil Cavuto that as staff secretary, Kavanaugh was involved in almost all policy issues.

If I were a Democrat on the hearing, I would get up and walk out, then the American citizens would know that its a one way vote. They should all walk out. Mutiny is called for. Open rebellion.
Your posts get dumber by the day.

Amazing isn't it?

She's like an Energizer Bunny of Idiocy, it just keeps babbling and babbling and babbling and....

Makes me wonder how many free shits Trump takes in the filthy space between Dr Hate's ears everyday.

The OP probably just parroted talking points he was received from his masters this am.
Probably isn't going to cut it.

Oh, and Rachel Maddow is a scam artist. Not a Doctor.

Incorrect Bison Breath

She earned a degree in public policy at Stanford in 1994.[20] At graduation, she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship.[21] She was the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford. She had also been awarded a Marshall Scholarship the same year but turned it down in favour of the Rhodes.[22] This made her the first openly gay or lesbian American to win an international Rhodes Scholarship.[23] In 2001, she earned a Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in politics at the University of Oxford.[24] Her thesis is titled HIV/AIDS and Health Care Reform in British and American Prisons, and her supervisor was Lucia Zedner.[25]
During his last confirmation to DC Circuit, he denied having anything to writing policy justifying "enhanced interrogation" (aka torture) for the Bush administration. Evidence is to the contrary - The Orange Clown needs to cough up ALL the documents.

Dr Maddow connects the dots.

New hearing revives question of whether Kavanaugh lied under oath
It sounds like a whole lot of nothing to me. Dr. Love, Kavanaugh was working for Bush and no doubt he was aware of the policy. Please explain to me SO WHAT, even if he were involved in drafting it? Your headline makes it sound as if he was waterboarding the prisoners himself.
If I were a Democrat on the hearing, I would get up and walk out, then the American citizens would know that its a one way vote. They should all walk out. Mutiny is called for. Open rebellion.
Your posts get dumber by the day.

And you replies say nothing.
Yes they do. They say you are dumb. As do your posts.
Understand this now..
You have not yet met the dumb of Penelope.
You have been warned.
If he did lie, disqualify him. However we have a former POTUS who lied under oath and directly to the American people, yet many love and admire him.
Kavanaugh wil have
If he did lie, disqualify him. However we have a former POTUS who lied under oath and directly to the American people, yet many love and admire him.
a lifetime appointment. Clinton was impeached and out of power.

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