Keep This Guy Away From the White House

He'd be "their retribution", not a President. Actually, that's what he's ALWAYS been.
Damn…I’ll take the “not a president” guy all day every day over the almost dead dude…..wouldn’t you?
Tax rates were low, the treasury was hauling in record amounts, fuel was $2.40, interest rates were low, home values were high, food was cheap, wages were rising, more dark people were working than ever before, foreign adversaries were held in-check, the people of Ukraine were safe, there was peace in the middle east, wetbacks were shut-down at our southern border, we were leveraging China on trade, the corrupt media / social media was being exposed, corrupt prosecutors and the like in dangerous blue shitholes were under the spotlight, establishment D.C. filth were shitting their pants…..the list goes on and on.
Someone needs to inform the ignorant naked emperor and his tard herd about the Posse Comitatus Act.
Someone needs to inform twisted leftards about how the Insurrection Act shits all over Posse Comitatus...we learned this in third grade...why didn't you filthy libs?
Trump is the perverted criminal. Biden is a very legitimate President.
I want to see the look on Trump's puss when they take his mugshot & he does the perp walk.

It's about time that Trump gets a taste of the same pain that that s.o.b. has inflicted on others. Plenty of people are waiting for it.

If this isn't a wannabe dictator nothing is.

Don't even tell me he's kidding
I want to see the look on Trump's puss when they take his mugshot & he does the perp walk.

It's about time that Trump gets a taste of the same pain that that s.o.b. has inflicted on others. Plenty of people are waiting for it.
poor guy i almost feel bad for you…your demafasict cult has been promising you that for nearly a decade now
Banks are closing, kids are dying from fentanyl poison, Russians are shooting down our drones at will, hoards of illegals charged the border bridge and horrific attacks on innocent people are shown nightly. What's the left's solution? Talk about Trump.

If this isn't a wannabe dictator nothing is.

Don't even tell me he's kidding
Sounds like a good idea, especially when the dems are causing it and he wants to fix it.

Your link:

Donald Trump told an audience of MAGA supporters in Iowa, that if he's elected again he will send federal troops into blue state cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago to fight crime.
Oh look, He's right:

"The Blue City Murder Problem," a study published Friday by the Edwin Meese III Center for Judicial and Legal Studies at the Heritage Foundation, found that, of the 30 American cities with the highest murder rates, 27 have Democratic mayors. Within those cities, there are at least 14 "rogue prosecutors" either backed or inspired by billionaire Democrat supporter George Soros.

Authors of the study, Charles Stimson, Zack Smith and Kevin D. Dayaratna, concluded, "Whether a state as a whole voted for Donald Trump or Joe Biden has nothing whatever to do with the homicide rates within its constituent parts."

"The high murder rate is almost exclusively cabined in cities run by Democrats and with Democrat district attorneys, many of whom are Soros bought-and-paid-for rogue prosecutors or inspired by Soros, groups like the egregiously misnamed Fair and Just Prosecution and other battering rams of the movement," they wrote.
Fucking insane

What country do these people think they live in?
So as made a claim you can't substantiate
haha i wasn’t the one that claimed trump was going to send federal troops into cities…the posted a clip that didn’t show that

that was you…any ?
haha i wasn’t the one that claimed trump was going to send federal troops into cities…the posted a clip that didn’t show that

that was you…any ?
“We’re going in”

So Trump and his VP will go into blue states and “clean them up “

Of course he did
“We’re going in”

So Trump and his VP will go into blue states and “clean them up “

Of course he did
you do realize the federal govt has more then just troops right? we don't just have a military. We have a DOJ for when Obama sent the DOJ in to Ferguson....was that him sending the troops? of course not you freaking idiot....any more ?

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