Keep your heads in the sand- Biden's National Security


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
Generation Forever War: Biden’s National Security Picks Herald Return to Hawkish Normalcy
Biden’s picks for State Department and national security adviser are conventional. An opportunity for reform is being squandered.

After four years of Trumpian national security policy that was, by turns, assailed as “rudderless,” “schizophrenic,” “incoherent,” and “riven with contradictions,” the conventional wisdom says that the incoming Biden administration will pursue conventional American statecraft akin to the Obama White House.


The costs of normalcy have been grave. “It’s worth keeping in mind that the global war on terror has killed more than 7,000 U.S. servicemembers — more than twice the number of people killed by the 9/11 attacks — and more than 800,000 lives worldwide,” said Daphne Eviatar, Amnesty International USA’s director of Security With Human Rights. “It’s also cost the U.S. more than $6.4 trillion. It’s hard to see why a Biden administration would want to continue on this trajectory.”

Never fear, fellow Countrymen, Bibi's got this under control

Don't believe me? Fine, keep ignoring the evidence- <<<<<< MY OPINION FOR CONTRADICTION VS THE MESSAGE(S)

I for one am getting really excited by the staff that Honest Joe Biden is pulling together for the White House. When I first heard the name Tony Blinken during the Obama kleptocracy I assumed that he was one of those Ivy League lawyer types that proliferate in Washington, likely affiliated with the firm of Winken, Blinken and Nod, which we all know to be in partnership with Dewey, Cheatem and Howe. But I was wrong. He actually was affiliated to a much bigger fraternity, which one might call Zionists in government. You know, those nice well educated, always polite Jewish boys and sometimes girls who have self-designated as foreign policy experts and who work their way up through the various levels of power that might lead to the most coveted positions at the top in the state department and national security apparatus. Blinken was one such striver, and I began to feel the pricking in my thumbs that was telling me that something evil this way was coming when he was mentioned now and again as a former close adviser to the already beatified Barack Obama. And some in the media had observed with approval that he had more recently been briefing Joe Biden, particularly about Israel and the Middle East.

Tony Blinken Replaces Mike Pompeo
Israel’s friends will enjoy four more years in power
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

Biden will be bombing more brown people overseas than any president has ever bombed.

And tax payers will get to pay for it, as leftist desire so that they can feel more equal and not like losers.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

Biden will be bombing more brown people overseas than any president has ever bombed.

And tax payers will get to pay for it, as leftist desire so that they can feel more equal and not like losers.
You don't even remember that there were two presidents named Bush do you? You don't remember shitting your pants over ISIS do you? I remember where American "conservatives" stood on every bomb ever dropped by America even if you don't.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.
Leftist horseshit. Trump reduced our military footprint overseas, didn't start any new wars, and has promoted peace between Israel and the Arab world.

Democrats were pissed off about all of it.

Democrats are the war party. Period. End of story.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

Biden will be bombing more brown people overseas than any president has ever bombed.

And tax payers will get to pay for it, as leftist desire so that they can feel more equal and not like losers.
You don't even remember that there were two presidents named Bush do you? You don't remember shitting your pants over ISIS do you? I remember where American "conservatives" stood on every bomb ever dropped by America even if you don't.
Obama got a Peace Prize for dropping bombs every single day of both his terms.

You seem to have (conveniently) forgotten that.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.
"DECEMBER 1, 2020
We Know Joe
"We know this man Joe Biden.

"We know the politics he champions.

"We know his corporate and financial backers.

"We know what we’re up against.

"Barack Obama and the Clintons operated in the same neoliberal and essentially reactionary sphere.

"The faces in power may be female, Black, Latino and gay, but the policies are designed to keep the power from the people, the money from the vast numbers of working people, and the war machine’s troops around the globe.

"We cannot afford to get fooled again."
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
As long as you oppose any more stupid wars we are in agreement and you can believe what you want. I've heard the war drums from the other side of aisle too many times to buy it.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
As long as you oppose any more stupid wars we are in agreement and you can believe what you want. I've heard the war drums from the other side of aisle too many times to buy it.

Wars are a waste of people, money, and time. Better just to arm yourself so heavily that nobody would want the fight. It's called "peace through strength."
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
As long as you oppose any more stupid wars we are in agreement and you can believe what you want. I've heard the war drums from the other side of aisle too many times to buy it.

Wars are a waste of people, money, and time. Better just to arm yourself so heavily that nobody would want the fight. It's called "peace through strength."
Continuing to spend as if we are in a war is a waste of money too. Don't suppose you support trimming the MIC budget to reflect this newfound appreciation for minding our business? Thought not.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
As long as you oppose any more stupid wars we are in agreement and you can believe what you want. I've heard the war drums from the other side of aisle too many times to buy it.

Wars are a waste of people, money, and time. Better just to arm yourself so heavily that nobody would want the fight. It's called "peace through strength."
Continuing to spend as if we are in a war is a waste of money too. Don't suppose you support trimming the MIC budget to reflect this newfound appreciation for minding our business? Thought not.

Don't worry. A couple years of Biden/Harris and your military will be reduced to handing out canned goods at the food local bank.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.
President who got us in the Korean War: Harry S. Truman, Democrat

President who started the Cold War: Harry S. Truman, Democrat

President who ended the Korean War: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican

President who got us in the Vietnam War: Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican

Presidents who expanded the Vietnam War: John F. Kennedy, Democrat, and Lyndon B. Johnson, Democrat

President who ended the Vietnam War: Richard M. Nixon, Republican

President who ended the Cold War: Ronald Reagan, Republican

President who started the Middle Eastern Wars: Bill Clinton, Democrat

President who ended the Middle Eastern Wars: Donald Trump, Republican

It kinda looks like Republicans have to clean up Democrats' messes.

Every war Trump ended, every troop drawdown, has made Democrats angry.

Democrats are the war party.
If American "conservatives" continue to be against military adventures abroad we will be just fine but I fear their newfound distaste for bombing brown people may be short lived. There will be another war and it will be "conservatives" who will demand it be fought. Without their enthusiasm for explosions there is no way to sell any war against anyone.

We don't want to bomb brown people, Obama and GW did enough of that. We just wanted a strong President who would rebuild our military into the most powerful deterrent force in the world, bring our troops back, stand up to Russia and China, protect our borders, and make us energy independent.

Those were promises made and those were promises kept.

Apparently the ball is in Joe Biden's court now. You'd better hope and pray that he doesn't fuck it up, because you're not the only who stands to lose everything.
What party do you think you belong to? More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to? Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2. You don't get to disavow all that just because your flash in the pan president didn't like it for 4 years. It's in your blood.

Whaaa?? Just about every war in this country's involvement was brought on by a Democrat. Excluding GW of course, but in this day and age, he would have counted as being a "Democrat."
As long as you oppose any more stupid wars we are in agreement and you can believe what you want. I've heard the war drums from the other side of aisle too many times to buy it.

Wars are a waste of people, money, and time. Better just to arm yourself so heavily that nobody would want the fight. It's called "peace through strength."
Continuing to spend as if we are in a war is a waste of money too. Don't suppose you support trimming the MIC budget to reflect this newfound appreciation for minding our business? Thought not.

Don't worry. A couple years of Biden/Harris and your military will be reduced to handing out canned goods at the food local bank.
Don't worry the MIC will be fine. They will still somehow consume half the budget even though no one supposedly wants to fight stupid wars anymore.
What party do you think you belong to?
Duopoly Party has no left or right- just sayin

More importantly. what party do you think your leaders belong to?
See above

Republicans have been the most consistent pro war group of Americans since the end of WW2.
When I was younger- Democrats were called Hawks, Republicans were called Doves- in the 60's- isn't that after ww2? Of course, also in the 60's the word neoliberal came to be- their policies were the same as "conservatives"
Magically, we got demopublicans and republicrats, i.e. a Duopoly Party

There are NO saints in politics- The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie- and fine suits they are- the best jew money can buy-
CNN is already talking about another 9/11 because Trump didn't let Biden immediately occupy the Oval Office. Makes sense. Plandemic is waning, they need something BIG to keep people docile

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