Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Who are you kidding? Keith guesting regularly on the Factor, and on Hannity? Maybe even on Beck? It would be ratings gold. He's needed for MOAR balance!

Ol' Keith was always pretty well received in sports viewer circles, he'd also be a good addition to their sports team. FBC should pick up this waiver, he'll be a instant money maker for them.
Hannity and Olbermann

dang has a ring to it and the fireworks would be spectacular

holy fuck. the ratings would skyrocket.
no shit
i'd actually start watching again
Do I need to read the thread to guess that few of the Juan Williams' 'free speech' defenders are here defending Olbermann's 'free speech'?


If he broke the terms of his contract he's an idiot and should be dealt with appropriately.

On the other hand, that he would be prohibited from donating is idiotic.
i think MSNBC was wrong for doing this
but you go ahead and rant on

I don't.

Unlike FOX, they want to maintain integrity. Political conflict of interests bode badly for that pursuit.
The only integrity at MSDNC is a copy of the [ame=""]book[/ame], and it's holding up the saggy corner of the couch in the staff lounge.
No comment. Just gonna sit here a second and think about the things that would have been posted in here if the same exact thing had happened to O'Reilly or Hannity or Beck.

And did happen to Juan Williams.

Olberman's greatest crime was bad ratings.

Katie Couric doesn't have to worry about her bad ratings because she's a regular lib institution.
It was no freaking mistake. Brewer clearly said it was a racist white extremist who was pissed cause a black man was in the wh. Jeez. Stick you head back where the moon don't shine. a girlfriend..but thanks for the offer.

You are a dishonest fuck. Typical of ALL demonRats.

No time for that either..but again..sometimes a dishonest fuck is better then none.

Bet it's been a while since you seem to be trolling the boards for one.
Swallow said:
You should really educate yourself, Swallow...

He wasn't fired because of the donations... He was tossed because he didn't follow da rulez of PMSNBC...

Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.


Your name is swallow because you swallow anything the left serves you... Anything...

Here, we can call you on it... You cried to the mods elsewhere about it...

How telling that you went "gay" though....

Creepy, but hey - Have you met Dante? He might be into ya...

Actually my name is different from my handle. Both are different. And neither is "swallow".

You brought up "swallow" and since you seem to be a cum swallower I naturally assumed that maybe you were making an offer.

But no..that's not my thing.

But keep it might get what you want from someone else. Never know. And there is nothing wrong with being gay Dr. House. Come out of the closet.
I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?

you appear to read and retain what you want and discard snippets of my posts.....

I said, in my first post that is may be correct but I don’t see it as 'right' in that how can they legally tell him not to donate , period? If it s a disclosure issue, fine, which would mean he can, but has to tell them first.........I said that the link appears or that is the information appears contradictory in that there is a paucity of factual contract information that may clear this up, to wit; they say they don't prohibit it, yet say he needs to tell them first, what would be the point if except for the disclosure issue, where in my opinion on this being ‘right’, surfaces. What possible issue could there be if he donates then tells them, period?

They cannot by law tell him not to. But yes, yes if he signed a contract saying so I am wondering why he would do that, I wouldn’t, UNLESS they said they just want to keep track so they can say yes he does the “news’ and the network (nbc) discloses he is a democratic sppter. to defray any unknown conflict of interest.

Griffin's statement underscores that it was Olbermann's failure to obtain approval, and not the actual political donations, that prompted the suspension.

Its sounds stupid, so he did it, told them afterward and now they suspend him ( if he never told them well, that different, but he did) ...I think there is more to it than that.
Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".


Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.
holy fuck. the ratings would skyrocket.
no shit
i'd actually start watching again

Hannity would never appear with anyone who wasn't contractually obligated not to confront him.

You don't watch Hannity much do you. I don't think I have EVER watched a program of his in which somebody with an opposing point of view and willing to debate it was not an invited guest.
no shit
i'd actually start watching again

Hannity would never appear with anyone who wasn't contractually obligated not to confront him.

You don't watch Hannity much do you. I don't think I have EVER watched a program of his in which somebody with an opposing point of view and willing to debate it was not an invited guest.

don't mind Jillian, facts don't bother her,

Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Not entirely convinced either way..I conceded it was a good find..but will research it further. It may not even be the same guy..and there were multiple people carrying guns at that rally. She wasn't saying, THAT GUY..LOOK RIGHT THERE..WITH THE WHITE SHIRT..

But..heck..if your outrage moves ya..write em.

Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Now now Daveman that's really hard news for Swallow to swallow. :eusa_shhh: a girlfriend..but thanks for the offer.

You are a dishonest fuck. Typical of ALL demonRats.

No time for that either..but again..sometimes a dishonest fuck is better then none.

Bet it's been a while since you seem to be trolling the boards for one.
Meanwhile, you're avoiding acknowledging that MSDNC deliberately lied to their viewers.

Ignoring it doesn't mean it's not there.
These many threads about Olbermann have been a flop since it appears all the non-rightwingloons agree that he must take personal responsibility for his actions.

Funny, that.

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