Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Not entirely convinced either way..I conceded it was a good find..but will research it further. It may not even be the same guy..and there were multiple people carrying guns at that rally. She wasn't saying, THAT GUY..LOOK RIGHT THERE..WITH THE WHITE SHIRT..

But..heck..if your outrage moves ya..write em.

" all...costs!!"
You are a dishonest fuck. Typical of ALL demonRats.

No time for that either..but again..sometimes a dishonest fuck is better then none.

Bet it's been a while since you seem to be trolling the boards for one.
Meanwhile, you're avoiding acknowledging that MSDNC deliberately lied to their viewers.

Ignoring it doesn't mean it's not there.

No..I actually bothered to read the transcripts. She doesn't make any specific reference to anyone in the crowd..and postulates that because we have a black president people have started carrying guns. That's her opinion..and that's fine. And MSNBC isn't a hard news show. It's a pundit and advocate channel. The underlying stories are essentially true. And generally when they get it wrong..they say so.

This is my first time hearing this..and I will probably need to do a bit of research to make any definitive judgement. any case..should really not matter much to you.
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Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Now now Daveman that's really hard news for Swallow to swallow. :eusa_shhh:
Liberals Can Do No Wrong.
A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Now now Daveman that's really hard news for Swallow to swallow. :eusa_shhh:
Liberals Can Do No Wrong.

He asked a question.

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

A mistake?


MSDNC deliberately cropped the video to hide the fact the armed man was black.

It was no mistake. It was deliberate, and intended to support their "crazy white racists" meme.

It was a lie.

Now now Daveman that's really hard news for Swallow to swallow. :eusa_shhh:
Liberals Can Do No Wrong.

He asked a question.

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.


He got an answer. Threw a tantrum, went into the sex talk immediately after getting his ass handed to him. Typical dishonest fuck. End of story.
No time for that either..but again..sometimes a dishonest fuck is better then none.

Bet it's been a while since you seem to be trolling the boards for one.
Meanwhile, you're avoiding acknowledging that MSDNC deliberately lied to their viewers.

Ignoring it doesn't mean it's not there.

No..I actually bothered to read the transcripts. She doesn't make any specific reference to anyone in the crowd..and postulates that because we have a black president people have started carrying guns. That's her opinion..and that's fine. And MSNBC isn't a hard news show. It's a pundit and advocate channel. The underlying stories are essentially true. And generally when they get it wrong..they say so.

This is my first time hearing this..and I will probably need to do a bit of research to make any definitive judgement. any case..should really not matter much to you.
Spinning is aerobic.
Now now Daveman that's really hard news for Swallow to swallow. :eusa_shhh:
Liberals Can Do No Wrong.

He asked a question.

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.


He got an answer. Threw a tantrum, went into the sex talk immediately after getting his ass handed to him. Typical dishonest fuck. End of story.
Indeed. If leftists were honest, they couldn't be leftists. They have to lie to themselves to believe the shit they do.
Swallow said:
Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.


Your name is swallow because you swallow anything the left serves you... Anything...

Here, we can call you on it... You cried to the mods elsewhere about it...

How telling that you went "gay" though....

Creepy, but hey - Have you met Dante? He might be into ya...

Actually my name is different from my handle. Both are different. And neither is "swallow".
Nah, you're "Swallow" for the reasons I stated...

You brought up "swallow" and since you seem to be a cum swallower I naturally assumed that maybe you were making an offer.

But no..that's not my thing.

But keep it might get what you want from someone else. Never know. And there is nothing wrong with being gay Dr. House. Come out of the closet.

How does one typing in Algore's interwebs on a message board give some dude impressions of cum swallowing? Your gay projection is creepy, but having dealt with your type before I'm not surprised... Your next scripted move will likely be to go e-thug on me and threaten me with violence...

Fucking loser...:lol:
Meanwhile, you're avoiding acknowledging that MSDNC deliberately lied to their viewers.

Ignoring it doesn't mean it's not there.

No..I actually bothered to read the transcripts. She doesn't make any specific reference to anyone in the crowd..and postulates that because we have a black president people have started carrying guns. That's her opinion..and that's fine. And MSNBC isn't a hard news show. It's a pundit and advocate channel. The underlying stories are essentially true. And generally when they get it wrong..they say so.

This is my first time hearing this..and I will probably need to do a bit of research to make any definitive judgement. any case..should really not matter much to you.
Spinning is aerobic.

No spinning..critical thinking.

Here's the transcript from the site:

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Read more: MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters ?Racist,? Including Black Gun-Owner |

The video show several people there with who was black..and others who were white.

Overall it's not incorrect..and it doesn't even specify which person she's referring too. And..basically it's her opinion.
Lets compare that to this:

Hannity: "$200 million a day, 3,000 people, he needs the whole Taj Mahal hotel, why?"  | Media Matters for America

Hannity repeated an internet fabrication as fact and named names.

Even the most reasonable..of reasonable people would think that this should be fact checked.

And that's the difference. The first has nothing specific..the second does.
No..I actually bothered to read the transcripts. She doesn't make any specific reference to anyone in the crowd..and postulates that because we have a black president people have started carrying guns. That's her opinion..and that's fine. And MSNBC isn't a hard news show. It's a pundit and advocate channel. The underlying stories are essentially true. And generally when they get it wrong..they say so.

This is my first time hearing this..and I will probably need to do a bit of research to make any definitive judgement. any case..should really not matter much to you.
Spinning is aerobic.

No spinning..critical thinking.

Here's the transcript from the site:

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Read more: MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters ?Racist,? Including Black Gun-Owner |

The video show several people there with who was black..and others who were white.

Overall it's not incorrect..and it doesn't even specify which person she's referring too. And..basically it's her opinion.
Lets compare that to this:

Hannity: "$200 million a day, 3,000 people, he needs the whole Taj Mahal hotel, why?"* | Media Matters for America

Hannity repeated an internet fabrication as fact and named names.

Even the most reasonable..of reasonable people would think that this should be fact checked.

And that's the difference. The first has nothing specific..the second does.

Give it up Swallow. Nobody is buying!
Your name is swallow because you swallow anything the left serves you... Anything...

Here, we can call you on it... You cried to the mods elsewhere about it...

How telling that you went "gay" though....

Creepy, but hey - Have you met Dante? He might be into ya...

Actually my name is different from my handle. Both are different. And neither is "swallow".
Nah, you're "Swallow" for the reasons I stated...

You brought up "swallow" and since you seem to be a cum swallower I naturally assumed that maybe you were making an offer.

But no..that's not my thing.

But keep it might get what you want from someone else. Never know. And there is nothing wrong with being gay Dr. House. Come out of the closet.

How does one typing in Algore's interwebs on a message board give some dude impressions of cum swallowing? Your gay projection is creepy, but having dealt with your type before I'm not surprised... Your next scripted move will likely be to go e-thug on me and threaten me with violence...

Fucking loser...:lol:'re a homo..

Because you are.

No reason to threaten violence.

Everyone here can color in the lines..and not get nasty emails from mods.

Well so far.
Spinning is aerobic.

No spinning..critical thinking.

Here's the transcript from the site:

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Read more: MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters ?Racist,? Including Black Gun-Owner |

The video show several people there with who was black..and others who were white.

Overall it's not incorrect..and it doesn't even specify which person she's referring too. And..basically it's her opinion.
Lets compare that to this:

Hannity: "$200 million a day, 3,000 people, he needs the whole Taj Mahal hotel, why?"* | Media Matters for America

Hannity repeated an internet fabrication as fact and named names.

Even the most reasonable..of reasonable people would think that this should be fact checked.

And that's the difference. The first has nothing specific..the second does.

Give it up Swallow. Nobody is buying! little bush.

If you are bored with me..

Quit yer bitchen.
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Here's the deal folks:

01. Comcast just bought NBC
02. NBC owns MSNBC
03. MSNBC employs Keith Olberman
04. A RepubliCON owns Comcast
05. Said person has spent 100s of thousands of dollars previously on Bush campaigns
06. Comcast plans to get rid of MSNBC
07. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing RepubliCON Joe Scarborough did just 4 years ago
08. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing his equals on FOXNews still do, Hannity has spent thousands of dollars on RepubliCON$ campaings, most notably Michele Bachman and she's on his show damn near weekly grinning like a Chessire Cat spewing nonsense

So much for the Liberal Media...All hail The Corporate Media!
Here's the deal folks:

01. Comcast just bought NBC
02. NBC owns MSNBC
03. MSNBC employs Keith Olberman
04. A RepubliCON owns Comcast
05. Said person has spent 100s of thousands of dollars previously on Bush campaigns
06. Comcast plans to get rid of MSNBC
07. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing RepubliCON Joe Scarborough did just 4 years ago
08. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing his equals on FOXNews still do, Hannity has spent thousands of dollars on RepubliCON$ campaings, most notably Michele Bachman and she's on his show damn near weekly grinning like a Chessire Cat spewing nonsense

So much for the Liberal Media...All hail The Corporate Media!

The policy is, get approval prior to making the donation. Go ahead and prove anyone else broke their company policy MarcATL. You can't. Comcast is a publicly traded corporation on NASDAQ. Even your sorry ass could own it.
Here's the deal folks:

01. Comcast just bought NBC
02. NBC owns MSNBC
03. MSNBC employs Keith Olberman
04. A RepubliCON owns Comcast
05. Said person has spent 100s of thousands of dollars previously on Bush campaigns
06. Comcast plans to get rid of MSNBC
07. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing RepubliCON Joe Scarborough did just 4 years ago
08. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing his equals on FOXNews still do, Hannity has spent thousands of dollars on RepubliCON$ campaings, most notably Michele Bachman and she's on his show damn near weekly grinning like a Chessire Cat spewing nonsense

So much for the Liberal Media...All hail The Corporate Media!

Right..I remember that.

Sort of slipped my mind here.
Swallow said:
Swallow said:
Actually my name is different from my handle. Both are different. And neither is "swallow".
Nah, you're "Swallow" for the reasons I stated...

You brought up "swallow" and since you seem to be a cum swallower I naturally assumed that maybe you were making an offer.

But no..that's not my thing.

But keep it might get what you want from someone else. Never know. And there is nothing wrong with being gay Dr. House. Come out of the closet.

How does one typing in Algore's interwebs on a message board give some dude impressions of cum swallowing? Your gay projection is creepy, but having dealt with your type before I'm not surprised... Your next scripted move will likely be to go e-thug on me and threaten me with violence...

Fucking loser...:lol:'re a homo..

Because you are.

No reason to threaten violence.

Everyone here can color in the lines..and not get nasty emails from mods.

Well so far.

Nah, I told you why you're "swallow"... but your projection is still creepy...

Might want to discuss that at your next group session...
Here's the deal folks:

01. Comcast just bought NBC
02. NBC owns MSNBC
03. MSNBC employs Keith Olberman
04. A RepubliCON owns Comcast
05. Said person has spent 100s of thousands of dollars previously on Bush campaigns
06. Comcast plans to get rid of MSNBC
07. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing RepubliCON Joe Scarborough did just 4 years ago
08. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing his equals on FOXNews still do, Hannity has spent thousands of dollars on RepubliCON$ campaings, most notably Michele Bachman and she's on his show damn near weekly grinning like a Chessire Cat spewing nonsense

So much for the Liberal Media...All hail The Corporate Media!
and where is Kevin Bacon

Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

I am sure you think this proves something.

Wait, it does, just not what you think it does. MSNBC has a policy where their reporters cannot donate to any political campaign without prior approval. Fox, on the other hand, only prohibits their reporters from donating, and then plugging the person the donated to. Since Olbermann actually violated even the lesser level that Fox enforces, he left MSNBC no choice but to take action. Unless you want to try posting a link to where, after donating to Grijalva, had him on his show and explained that he could not show any favoritism because he had donated to his campaign.

It isn't the Republicans who have trouble understanding things here.
Here's the deal folks:

01. Comcast just bought NBC
02. NBC owns MSNBC
03. MSNBC employs Keith Olberman
04. A RepubliCON owns Comcast
05. Said person has spent 100s of thousands of dollars previously on Bush campaigns
06. Comcast plans to get rid of MSNBC
07. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing RepubliCON Joe Scarborough did just 4 years ago
08. Keith's now on the ropes for doing the same thing his equals on FOXNews still do, Hannity has spent thousands of dollars on RepubliCON$ campaings, most notably Michele Bachman and she's on his show damn near weekly grinning like a Chessire Cat spewing nonsense

So much for the Liberal Media...All hail The Corporate Media!

excellent news. Maybe this means msnbc won't consistently suck on Obama throughout the next two years.

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