Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?

he was saying that he assumed you worked in a business that provides you with information

but if you sign a contract that says you need permission to make investments and your business is one in which there are potential conflicts of interest that can impact on your employer, you DO have to give those types of notifications. In my job, I have to do financial disclosures every year although not advance disclosures, but i do have to get pre-approval of any outside work i might intend to take in.

And yes, I take adhering to those rules very seriously.

Which is exactly my point.
Where is the picture of the guy with the automatic? I can't see what race he happens to be?

second video demonstrates only his back and his gun, they said he was white, he was in fact black.

Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".

Well it appears that MSNBC thinks it's OK to be strickly a liberal propaganda machine but it's not OK to donate to active political campaigns. Would that be hypocrisy?
Where as Fox (News Corp) donates one million dollars to the GOP and is a conservative propaganda machine. Now if Fox News would just stop with their "fair & balanced" claim, they would show consistency.

Sorry to break it to you... but when MSNBC basically runs a 24/7 propaganda machine... for free... that is donating.

Fox not only runs a 24/7 propaganda machine for the far right, but it ALSO openly donates money to Republicans. Um, get it? Or is stuff like this too tough... :cuckoo:
That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.

He did. And he has given money to other Democratic organizations and candidates. Murdock has built a powerful successful media empire but he himself is no ideologue. And Newscorp is certainly not the only parent corporation owning media outlets that has ever backed a political party or candidate. NBC and its affiliates, ABC, CBS, CNN and other parent corporations all do. There is a world of difference between the corporate level and the news room.
second video demonstrates only his back and his gun, they said he was white, he was in fact black.

Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".


Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
Where is the picture of the guy with the automatic? I can't see what race he happens to be?

second video demonstrates only his back and his gun, they said he was white, he was in fact black.

Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".

Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".


Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.
there are "tons" of videos on this event

btw, it was a STAGED event by a small minority of people that wanted to get publicity for a local talk show host
if i remember the aftermath of this correctly
That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.

Disclosure. No problem. Murdock is not an employee, he is an employer.
CaféAuLait;2937061 said:
Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MSNBC president Phil Griffin released the following statement Friday following the news that Keith Olbermann had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle:

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

While NBC News policy does not prohibit employees from donating to political candidates, it requires them to obtain prior approval from NBC News executives before doing so. Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

So, was he too stupid to read the pamphlet HR gave him when he signed on, or did he just think the rules don't apply to him?

Or both?
Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".


Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.

It was no freaking mistake. Brewer clearly said it was a racist white extremist who was pissed cause a black man was in the wh. Jeez. Stick you head back where the moon don't shine.
Fox wouldn't wipe their ass on KO.
Who are you kidding? Keith guesting regularly on the Factor, and on Hannity? Maybe even on Beck? It would be ratings gold. He's needed for MOAR balance!

Ol' Keith was always pretty well received in sports viewer circles, he'd also be a good addition to their sports team. FBC should pick up this waiver, he'll be a instant money maker for them.

Oh come on.... he's a hysterical loon. Hey, I don;t mind differing points of view, I've actually grown to like Beckel and I have great respect for Williams. But Olberman is an unhinged loon with very little capacity for rational thought.

Ironically, his various comments almost always follow showing actual video or other proof of what he's talking about. How that's irrational is beyond me. But the fact that Olberman is always in attack mode is the reason I won't watch him anymore. That said, his attacks are based on what he sees, so he isn't just barking at the moon.
Fox wouldn't wipe their ass on KO.
Who are you kidding? Keith guesting regularly on the Factor, and on Hannity? Maybe even on Beck? It would be ratings gold. He's needed for MOAR balance!

Ol' Keith was always pretty well received in sports viewer circles, he'd also be a good addition to their sports team. FBC should pick up this waiver, he'll be a instant money maker for them.
Hannity and Olbermann

dang has a ring to it and the fireworks would be spectacular
Hannity would need a spittle shield.
depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.

Disclosure. No problem. Murdock is not an employee, he is an employer.

but because murdoch controls the message that fauxnews sends out, the conflict of interest is apparent. thus, disclosure in that instance was insufficient.
Fox wouldn't wipe their ass on KO.
Who are you kidding? Keith guesting regularly on the Factor, and on Hannity? Maybe even on Beck? It would be ratings gold. He's needed for MOAR balance!

Ol' Keith was always pretty well received in sports viewer circles, he'd also be a good addition to their sports team. FBC should pick up this waiver, he'll be a instant money maker for them.
Hannity and Olbermann

dang has a ring to it and the fireworks would be spectacular

holy fuck. the ratings would skyrocket.
Do I need to read the thread to guess that few of the Juan Williams' 'free speech' defenders are here defending Olbermann's 'free speech'?


If he broke the terms of his contract he's an idiot and should be dealt with appropriately.

On the other hand, that he would be prohibited from donating is idiotic.

He wasn't prohibited from donating. He just had to clear it with management. I seriously doubt they would have told him no.
Okay..that's a good find.

More of a mistake..but they should have made it clear.

It was no freaking mistake. Brewer clearly said it was a racist white extremist who was pissed cause a black man was in the wh. Jeez. Stick you head back where the moon don't shine. a girlfriend..but thanks for the offer.

You are a dishonest fuck. Typical of ALL demonRats.
The most pertinent thing to me in that interview was the CNN anchor accusing his interviewees of 'disingenuineness' because the interviewer knew Chris the rifleman and planned the interview in advance. I myself have dealt with CNN reporters who sifted through a group of people to find one who would answer a question a certain way, then waived the cameraman over, and reasked the question. Is that disingenuous? Or just the way it is done.

And does CNN (or anybody) really expect us to believe that the 'average citizen' they put on the evening news hasn't been screened and/or coached to say something the way CNN wants it said? That they don't recruit people they KNOW and who they KNOW will have a particular perspective on something before they put them on a talking head panel or whatever?

I've watched too many newscasts and print reports of events I attended or watched and then see the highly selective few plucked out of the whole to feature as representative of the event. And such representatives are inevitably pro or con according to the way the media wants their viewers/readers to perceive the event.

Honor and integrity are difficult to come by in the media these days. And spontaneity is nigh onto non existant.

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