Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

I guess only rupert murdoch who actually owns fauxnews is allowed to donate to political campaigns.

too funny.
I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?
I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?

he was saying that he assumed you worked in a business that provides you with information

but if you sign a contract that says you need permission to make investments and your business is one in which there are potential conflicts of interest that can impact on your employer, you DO have to give those types of notifications. In my job, I have to do financial disclosures every year although not advance disclosures, but i do have to get pre-approval of any outside work i might intend to take in.

And yes, I take adhering to those rules very seriously.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

It's ironic that Olbermann gave to political candidates after criticizing Fox News because its owner, Rupert Murdoch, gave $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association. "Fox News has put its money where its mouth is," Olbermann said in an August segment that questioned the network's impartiality.

In October, Olbermann again raised the issue of Murdoch's donations, during an interview with Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. Olbermann asked whether there was "a legislative response to the idea that there is a national cable news outlet that goes beyond having a point of view and actually starts to shill for partisan causes and actually starts to donate to partisan groups of one party."

MSNBC suspends Olbermann over political contributions | The Upshot Yahoo! News

So what's good for the goose, apparently isn't good for the gander.:lol:

It's Contract Law and Employer Policy. That's just the structure. What goes on at MSNBC has nothing to do with what goes on with FOX, What goes on at MSNBC has to do with MSNBC, it's their policy Olberman violated. He donated without approval, and there was no disclosure, he should have stated on the show that he donated, which is more important. Should you ever get caught watching FOX, you will witness disclosure statements regularly.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

Unfortunately, the credibility of the Washington Post has been trashed. Since they refused to take any action against one of their 'journalists' who lied. Anyone who uses that source for anything is an idiot.

Who was that? And also, if a lying pundit is a means test for not trusting a news outlet as a source, then Fox should have been out of business years ago.
I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?

he was saying that he assumed you worked in a business that provides you with information

but if you sign a contract that says you need permission to make investments and your business is one in which there are potential conflicts of interest that can impact on your employer, you DO have to give those types of notifications. In my job, I have to do financial disclosures every year although not advance disclosures, but i do have to get pre-approval of any outside work i might intend to take in.

And yes, I take adhering to those rules very seriously.

That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.
It's a publicity stunt, nothing more....he'll be back, smug as ever next week.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

Unfortunately, the credibility of the Washington Post has been trashed. Since they refused to take any action against one of their 'journalists' who lied. Anyone who uses that source for anything is an idiot.

Who was that? And also, if a lying pundit is a means test for not trusting a news outlet as a source, then Fox should have been out of business years ago.

I don't deny an editorial bias among the Fox commentators. But I can honestly say that I have NEVER heard a Fox reporter or commentator utter an untruth that was not corrected immediately once the error was discovered. You can disagree with their opinions. You can disagree with their slant on things. But I defy you to find a single instance where a misstatement of fact was made that they did not correct. It is because they do demonstrate careful integrity in what they report that they have attracted the enormous audience they have.
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I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

What did I get wrong?

he was saying that he assumed you worked in a business that provides you with information

but if you sign a contract that says you need permission to make investments and your business is one in which there are potential conflicts of interest that can impact on your employer, you DO have to give those types of notifications. In my job, I have to do financial disclosures every year although not advance disclosures, but i do have to get pre-approval of any outside work i might intend to take in.

And yes, I take adhering to those rules very seriously.

That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true. and i agree it makes sense to be on the same page. :thup:

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

It might do you more good to cry to NBC instead of crying on this board.:lol::lol::lol:

NBC has a rule against employees contributing to political campaigns, and a wide range of news organizations prohibit political contributions — considering it a breach of journalistic independence to contribute to the candidates they cover.

Like it or not FOX kills MSNBC in the ratings so it looks like you are opinion is in the minority... Sorry to break the news to you... :lol::lol::lol:

And I hate to burst your balloon, but the "ratings" gloat about Fox is, well, overrated. If you just rate the two networks against each other, yes, Fox scores higher. But does that mean that those are percentages representing ALL viewers? Hell no. If you take all the viewers who watch all the other news channels, the percentage against Fox is much higher. In other words, more people are NOT watching FoxNews than are. They're going elsewhere, MSNBC being just one.
he was saying that he assumed you worked in a business that provides you with information

but if you sign a contract that says you need permission to make investments and your business is one in which there are potential conflicts of interest that can impact on your employer, you DO have to give those types of notifications. In my job, I have to do financial disclosures every year although not advance disclosures, but i do have to get pre-approval of any outside work i might intend to take in.

And yes, I take adhering to those rules very seriously.

That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.
I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

I work for a financial firm. Even if I worked in a "bus", it doesn't matter. If that's the contract and I signed it..I have to adhere to it.

Trajan said:
how so? and please, read my post ...again.

What did I get wrong?
i'm pretty sure he didnt mean that as in a bus driving people around, but as a business you work for

Where is the picture of the guy with the automatic? I can't see what race he happens to be?

second video demonstrates only his back and his gun, they said he was white, he was in fact black.

Where is his picture?

Or for that matter anything? I can't tell his race. And the only web sites complaining about this is NB..who are dedicated to "Finding Liberal lies".
It's a publicity stunt, nothing more....he'll be back, smug as ever next week.

it's very possible. FOX milked that cow pretty dry though. Sometimes GE does things backwards and inside out though. It's like nobody's allowed to state the obvious there sometimes. GE should really go back in time to 1982. Life was kinder to them then.
That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.
he did
That makes total sense. You never know when a conflict of interest will pop up. Better to all be on the same page.

depending on the job you do and who you work for, i'd think that's true.

but rupert murdoch shouldn't be giving millions to the r's when he runs a purported news agency either... olbermann is small potatoes compared to rupert.

i thought he gave money to Hillary's campaign.

i know he met with hillary and liked her. corporations always give to BOTH parties' candidates. i think no one really paid attention until it go so insane in terms of the amount and the lopsidedness. it might be that we should have noticed sooner.

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