Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.

you DO understand that "swallow" isnt always a sexual reference, right
some say it in a mannor of "hey Mikey, he'll eat anything"

Stay out of it.
no, you got to play that on the rainbow romper room, not here
it was only YOU that took it to be a sexual reference
uh, no, Keith just didnt follow the rules
he was supposed to ASK PERMISSION first

btw, a lot of the FNC team donates to dems

Um..not sure what you were answering.

I think MSNBC is right in having this policy. It maintains integrity.
LOL it does no such thing
MSNBC is devoid of integrity

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

Um..not sure what you were answering.

I think MSNBC is right in having this policy. It maintains integrity.
LOL it does no such thing
MSNBC is devoid of integrity

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

no deal
i dont need to waste my time on something that anyone with a functioning brain already knows
they BOTH get things wrong about equally
no, you got to play that on the rainbow romper room, not here
it was only YOU that took it to be a sexual reference

When did you become the cop?
since when did YOU

I told you to stay out of shit that didn't involve you. It's up to you.

Normally I don't insult people first..or do cutesy things with their names.

And I was going to let things slide..but heck..wanna play..then we play.

Simple as that.
LOL it does no such thing
MSNBC is devoid of integrity

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

no deal
i dont need to waste my time on something that anyone with a functioning brain already knows
they BOTH get things wrong about equally

I'll help Dive. Remember that summer MSNBC was covering the gatherings and showed that man "just his torso and called him a white tea party extremist with a gun strapped on his back? Turned out they had cropped the picture of a black man with a gun on his back. As far as I know that skank Brewer and MSNBC never apologized for that blatant racist shit.
LOL it does no such thing
MSNBC is devoid of integrity

Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

no deal
i dont need to waste my time on something that anyone with a functioning brain already knows
they BOTH get things wrong about equally


One of them makes shit up. One of them lies. One of them went to court to protect their right to lie. And one seldom apologizes about their mistakes.
Tell you what..troll the interwebs and find a story that MSNBC got wrong and didn't later correct.

I will do the same for FOX.

no deal
i dont need to waste my time on something that anyone with a functioning brain already knows
they BOTH get things wrong about equally


One of them makes shit up. One of them lies. One of them went to court to protect their right to lie. And one seldom apologizes about their mistakes.
wrong again
but you wont ever admit it

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I have not read the previous 9 pages, I read the article so it someone has made this point I apologize now.

first, up is down, down is up shadow is light and light shadow, I am now in the position of having to defend this 'person', I don't think this is right. I say 'right', not correct in that he apparently signed a contract which it appears to require nbc's permission, ala this blurb from the link;

Politico reported Friday that Olbermann had donated $2,400 each to Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, and to Kentucky Senate contender Jack Conway. While NBC News policy does not prohibit employees from donating to political candidates, it requires them to obtain prior approval from NBC News executives before doing so.

I don't think anyone should have their right to contribute to any candidate/arty ect. abridged, requiring some kind of prior approval, unless, this was it was strictly a hey this is what I am doing, so you know, for disclosure purposes strictly.

The link appears contradictory, its says nbc doesn't prohibit it, but he needs prior approval, wtf does that mean? can he or can't he, according to the contract.........and even then, it that legal?
I think its hilarious he would get suspended for campaign contributions, but its A-OK to be a complete partisan hack all day on cable TV completely in the tank for Obama and make up lies about the opposition.
The link appears contradictory, its says nbc doesn't prohibit it, but he needs prior approval, wtf does that mean? can he or can't he, according to the contract.........and even then, it that legal?

Where I work..I need approval before I make any investments.

That makes perfect sense.

As does MSNBC asking for approval before their employees donate to candidates.

The work place isn't a "free country". If a conflict of interest arises, they want to vet it.
The link appears contradictory, its says nbc doesn't prohibit it, but he needs prior approval, wtf does that mean? can he or can't he, according to the contract.........and even then, it that legal?

Where I work..I need approval before I make any investments. That makes perfect sense.

I will ASSUME you work in a bus. that provides you with information that may lead to inside trading strictures?

As does MSNBC asking for approval before their employees donate to candidates.

The work place isn't a "free country". If a conflict of interest arises, they want to vet it.

how so? and please, read my post ...again.
Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

44 - Fox parent News Corp. donates $1 million to Republican Governors' Association

MSNBC has standards. Republicans, not having any, don't understand this.

It's ironic that Olbermann gave to political candidates after criticizing Fox News because its owner, Rupert Murdoch, gave $1 million donation to the Republican Governors Association. "Fox News has put its money where its mouth is," Olbermann said in an August segment that questioned the network's impartiality.

In October, Olbermann again raised the issue of Murdoch's donations, during an interview with Democratic Rep. James Clyburn. Olbermann asked whether there was "a legislative response to the idea that there is a national cable news outlet that goes beyond having a point of view and actually starts to shill for partisan causes and actually starts to donate to partisan groups of one party."

MSNBC suspends Olbermann over political contributions | The Upshot Yahoo! News

So what's good for the goose, apparently isn't good for the gander.:lol:

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