Kelly and Mattis Call “Bullshit” on Woodward’s Book of Lies

Eh, no worries .. they can babble, lie, parasite and continue imploding along with the Democratic Party, it's not worth taking seriously, they have a used toilet bowl credibility at this point... :lol:
How does the deep state media get by with this kind of crap? Woodward’s book has been totally debunked by the people whom he makes claims and assertions about in the book.
Trump: Woodward's Book 'Total Fiction,' Mattis and Kelly 'Insulted' by Claims

Mattis and Kelley are dishonorable men. I have no doubt they are lying and doing a CYA. They are disgusting.

They are true American heros and you are not..

Woodward's a money grubbing parasite and yet you trust him... :lmao:

mmm .. They both served under the Obama regime, eh, he did a few things right..

Jim Mattis - Wikipedia

John F. Kelly - Wikipedia
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Woodward is just as mentally ill as Bernstein. The difference being Bernstein is a low IQ moron who speaks English in a manner consistent with a college drop out. Woodward in contrast speaks freshman English in a very bizarre manner. Woodward places every syllable as an equal value thus making him sound mentally ill and or retarded.
Hmm let’s see who to believe: A well-known, respected Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, or two yes men for the Obese-in-Chief?

Tough decision.....
Woodward is just as mentally ill as Bernstein. The difference being Bernstein is a low IQ moron who speaks English in a manner consistent with a college drop out. Woodward in contrast speaks freshman English in a very bizarre manner. Woodward places every syllable as an equal value thus making him sound mentally ill and or retarded.
There is nothing funnier than a TrumpTard mocking someone's intelligence by the way they speak, that I can tell you, I can tell you that, believe me, believe me, you can believe me, this I can tell you, covfefe.
Woodward is just as mentally ill as Bernstein. The difference being Bernstein is a low IQ moron who speaks English in a manner consistent with a college drop out. Woodward in contrast speaks freshman English in a very bizarre manner. Woodward places every syllable as an equal value thus making him sound mentally ill and or retarded.

They owe their success to deep throats .. :iyfyus.jpg:

Mattis and Kelley are dishonorable men. I have no doubt they are lying and doing a CYA. They are disgusting.

They wouldn't have gotten to where they are at in the military without knowing how to play politics.

So let's be blunt what is going on here.

Our awful system put a crazy person in the White House after the American People loudly and clearly said 'No'. Everyone in Washington knows he's crazy. One party is timidly going along with it because they are terrified of his supporters, and they can hope to get their agenda pushed through. The other party is timidly going along with it hoping he implodes and they can reap huge political benefits. And the professional bureaucracy is doing what it can to keep the government running.

So this insane and amoral man beclowns himself and diminishes the institutions of the country, but even though there is a clear process for dealing with this (impeachment, the 25th Amendment), they won't do it.

Yes, our Democracy is broken. We broke it.
Weird how the article agrees with virtually every leak that has been made and every thing that has been said and every behavior he has publicly demonstrated for us, and every behavior that his followers have passionately defended, yet it's all just made up.

Okay. I guess we'll find out.
If they admitted the truth they would have to quit and they obviously don't want to do that or they already would have

Hell...Mattis might have written the OP Ed
Woodward has tapes. Lordy, there are tapes!
And those tapes have already exposed a Tramp lie about the book!!!!!

Trump: It’s really too bad, because nobody told me about it, and I would’ve loved to have spoken to you. You know I’m very open to you. I think you’ve always been fair. We’ll see what happens.

BW: Senator [Lindsey] Graham said he had talked to you about talking to me. Now, is that not true?

Trump: Senator Graham actually mentioned it quickly in one meeting.
Woodward has tapes. Lordy, there are tapes!
And those tapes have already exposed a Tramp lie about the book!!!!!

Trump: It’s really too bad, because nobody told me about it, and I would’ve loved to have spoken to you. You know I’m very open to you. I think you’ve always been fair. We’ll see what happens.

BW: Senator [Lindsey] Graham said he had talked to you about talking to me. Now, is that not true?

Trump: Senator Graham actually mentioned it quickly in one meeting.
Trump simply CAN'T tell the truth

Obviously the reports about John Dowd in the Woodward book are accurate
Hmm let’s see who to believe: A well-known, respected Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author, or two yes men for the Obese-in-Chief?

Tough decision.....

Nope, real easy .. a beloved liberal parasite vs American heros
An independent journalist vs. two men who work for the Orange Menace.

I wonder who’s being more honest?

Perhaps some knowledge might help but quite honestly, it seems rather hopeless... sorry..

.. and hey, welcome to the USMB, you fit in like a pea in a pod..

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