Kellyanne admits it - they aren't really going to repeal Obamacare.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
All you need to do is remove the mandatory coverage clause and it dies on its own.
Of course. Trump only said that to placate the retarded rubes. They're too stupid to realize he was full of shit about EVERY campaign promise.

Kellyanne admits it - they aren't really going to repeal Obamacare.

See, you were worried about nothing
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
You're absolutely right.

They are going to TRY and lie, but they AREN'T going to get away with it.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

Well, that makes sense except for one thing - they are all serial pathological liars.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

The dems made sure that fully repealing it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. The damn thing is imploding all on it's own (just as the dems knew it would), something HAS to be done. The Rs will do what they can, fix what they can, repeal what they can. If a full repeal isn't doable and the fucking thing is imploding on its own, what exactly would you have the Rs do?
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

Well, that makes sense except for one thing - they are all serial pathological liars.

I'm sure there is a 24 hour drug store near you. Please go get your meds refilled. smh
She's lying just to try and take the heat off of Trump and the GOP establishment while they are fucking over the poor and those with pre-existing conditions.
All you need to do is remove the mandatory coverage clause and it dies on its own.
Dear saveliberty
Why not shift the cost of coverage and exchanges to the Democratic party that promised this. Sue Obama Pelosi and all Democrats who voted in the mandates to form an LLC to pay for this program they set up. After all, it is based on a political BELIEF in centralized health care, so like any other advertised program the people who believe in and promised that to donors should be held legally to fulfill the terms they advertised.

If you take it further, these Democrats in federal govt violated civil rights of others by forcing taxpayers to fund opposing beliefs in federal mandates against Constitutional beliefs in due process proving which citizens violated which laws before depriving civil liberties by imposing mandates restricting free choice in how to pay or provide for health care. So these Democrats who abused political and govt power could be sued to reimburse tax money spent on forced policies and mandates that violated the establisment clause of the First Amendment as well as other Constitutional principles and process .

And that refunded money can be ordered used to cover the health care for the citizens they enrolled into exchanges or programs dependent on govt as THEY believe in, but not other taxpayers for whom this is a violation of Constitutional beliefs in limited govt that requires Constitutional Amendment and consent of people and states before conceding individual rights and liberties to federal control .

Note: if you would sign on to a class action lawsuit charging these Democrats for conspiring to violate Constitutional rights of taxpaying citizens by depriving us of liberty without due process and discriminating by creed, let me know. I'd like to write this up and demand reimbursement to taxpayers of all federal funds misspent on ACA and use those credits to cover the health care of those who believe in depending on federal govt, shifting responsibility to the Democratic Party to manage the resources and programs without imposing on any other citizens or parties who believe in free market choices for health care. PoliticalChic would you also sign on to a class action lawsuit demanding Democrats to pay for their own single payer health care system through govt that is opitional to participate in Unless someone is convicted of a crime or violation and owes restitution or agrees to fund the program in order to qualify for benefits under its terms.
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Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

Good Lord. Where have you been? They've been saying this the whole time. Where have you been getting your news? Did you also know they intend on keeping some parts of Obamacare? smh Why are liberals so misinformed.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

There are five words at the end of that headline that pretty much end your thread.

" transition to new plan..."

Meaning that a repeal will happen, but not immediately.

That makes your thread title dishonest and purposefully misleading. But I'm not at all surprised, seeing as it was you.
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