Kellyanne admits it - they aren't really going to repeal Obamacare.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
/---- So when will you Libtards stop your belly aching?
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.
Republicans have been at this REPEAL shtick for 7 years and something like 50 repeal votes by now. 7 Years they had to come up with something else, for 7 years they couldn't and to this day they have no credible alternative.

Why? Because it took them 30 fucking years to even come up with Obamacare itself as a market based alternative to single payer liberals usually pushed.

And gullible rightwingers now think that they'll be able to figure this out at a drop of a hat :rolleyes:

Anyone that has been around healthcare debate long enough knows that improving on Obamacare from ground up is right near impossible task. The better option was ALWAYS to gradually refine and add to the framework instead of blowing the whole thing up and throwing out all real progress made.

Unfortunately going with a better option has been difficult because we have a reactionary, dead-end movement that has been cultivated by blowhard rightwing pundits that is more interested in opposing anything Obama signed than they are in making well informed and thought out decisions on what is good for America.
They've been saying repeal or replace for a long time.

Didn't you get the memo?

...are you aware of the difference between "saying" and real solutions?

They have been saying it because rightwingers EXPECTED them to say nothing less, be it realistic or not. They first and foremost had to promise it, but never had anything resembling a real plan on how to actually do it.

When Obama was running against Hillary he was saying he opposes mandate, but when the rubber met the road he had to let that position go - it ACTUALLY just didn't work.
******Yawwwwwwwn ******

Stay tuned then, dipshit.

Ok ignoramus, you watch
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.
Republicans have been at this REPEAL shtick for 7 years and something like 50 repeal votes by now. 7 Years they had to come up with something else, for 7 years they couldn't and to this day they have no credible alternative.

Why? Because it took them 30 fucking years to even come up with Obamacare itself as a market based alternative to single payer liberals usually pushed.

And gullible rightwingers now think that they'll be able to figure this out at a drop of a hat :rolleyes:

Anyone that has been around healthcare debate long enough knows that improving on Obamacare from ground up is right near impossible task. The better option was ALWAYS to gradually refine and add to the framework instead of blowing the whole thing up and throwing out all real progress made.

Unfortunately going with a better option has been difficult because we have a reactionary, dead-end movement that has been cultivated by blowhard rightwing pundits that is more interested in opposing anything Obama signed than they are in making well informed and thought out decisions on what is good for America.
They've been saying repeal or replace for a long time.

Didn't you get the memo?

...are you aware of the difference between "saying" and real solutions?

They have been saying it because rightwingers EXPECTED them to say nothing less, be it realistic or not. They first and foremost had to promise it, but never had anything resembling a real plan on how to actually do it.

When Obama was running against Hillary he was saying he opposes mandate, but when the rubber met the road he had to let that position go - it ACTUALLY just didn't work.
******Yawwwwwwwn ******

Stay tuned then, dipshit.

Ok ignoramus, you watch
It's gonna be fun..
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.

If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.
Irrelevant. What the IRS can do and what they will be allowed to do are two different things. LOL

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.
Irrelevant. What the IRS can do and what they will be allowed to do are two different things. LOL



If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.

Now in your ignorance you may assume that this is an outcome acceptable for IRS and a President concerned with things like elections and historic legacy, but it is just not so.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.

If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.
I don't think you understand....or maybe you do.

The ACA requires that people buy insurance coverage they don't want or they don't need. It also requires employers to pay for it. Many employers would rather pay a fine than pay for insurance for their employees. Millions will lose their current coverage and have to join an exchange and sign up for insurance that is too expensive and has higher than normal deductibles, rendering their coverage useless. Some companies, just to avoid paying a penalty (tax), will reduce their employees' hours to get below the minimum required to qualify for mandates reducing their incomes. Good luck taking that to court too.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.
Irrelevant. What the IRS can do and what they will be allowed to do are two different things. LOL



If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.

Now in your ignorance you may assume that this is an outcome acceptable for IRS and a President concerned with things like elections and historic legacy, but it is just not so.
Yep. And I'm sure destroying our health care system will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.
That’s your opinion.

Obamacare is simply a complex way to raise taxes thru mandates. The mandates have been essentially repealed. Trump signed a memo directing all agencies to ignore instituting the mandate portion of Obamacare, which basically removes the damage it caused. In effect, the IRS cannot withhold your refund as of Jan. 20th 2017. It also prevents businesses and insurance companies from punishment for not meeting with the new provisions contained in Obamacare that would go into effect this year.

You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.

If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.
I don't think you understand....or maybe you do.

The ACA requires that people buy insurance coverage they don't want or they don't need. It also requires employers to pay for it. Many employers would rather pay a fine than pay for insurance for their employees. Millions will lose their current coverage and have to join an exchange and sign up for insurance that is too expensive and has higher than normal deductibles, rendering their coverage useless. Some companies, just to avoid paying a penalty (tax), will reduce their employees' hours to get below the minimum required to qualify for mandates reducing their incomes. Good luck taking that to court too.

I don't think you understand, mandate is in the law because a system that provides access to healthcare to all Americans (Republicans and Trump are still promising to remain) DOESN'T WORK WITHOUT IT.

Obama didn't like the idea of mandate, but he had to accept it because the alternative of insurance-only-when-you-want-it cannot work.

No person in this world is without risk of serious injury or expensive illness. Correspondingly, no person in this world should be without insurance. Republicans used to call insurance mandate a matter of taking responsibility for the financial risk your body poses to society...times have changed.
Last edited:
You are misinformed. IRS can still withhold your refund. Executive order is written in supremely vague language that could mean right about anything as far as enforcement of mandates, because at the end of the day Trump has no authority to repeal any part of the law on his own.

And the order, crucially, notes that agencies can act only “to the maximum extent permitted by law.” (How the Trump administration interprets those permissions, of course, is yet untested.)

The law is that IRS is to collect penalty if you have no insurance that meets the standard ACA lays out.
Trump can direct agencies to ignore the law the way Obama decided to ignore immigration laws. If you want to get into a legal a fight over your right to get millions of people kicked off of their health insurance.....go for it.

Speculative. Fact remains that IRS can still withhold a tax for not having insurance.
Irrelevant. What the IRS can do and what they will be allowed to do are two different things. LOL



If everything is left as is and there is no penalty people will simply not get instance until they need it, making providing insurance a losing proposition and unraveling whole individual market and crashing our healthcare system.

Now in your ignorance you may assume that this is an outcome acceptable for IRS and a President concerned with things like elections and historic legacy, but it is just not so.
Yep. And I'm sure destroying our health care system will make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

??? Incoherent nonsense.

I just explained how what you are proposing will destroy healthcare market...and your response is to say that I'm the one that wants to destroy it. Wtf?
She's lying just to try and take the heat off of Trump and the GOP establishment while they are fucking over the poor and those with pre-existing conditions.
So would it be fair to call the OP too naive and his/her post completely false and off base and the Trump promise true?

I just gave my opinion. It's not really fair to say anything, because as of so far Trump and his staff have proven only one thing, they will lie... even when it can easily be proven to be a lie.
All you need to do is remove the mandatory coverage clause and it dies on its own.

The Republicans are going to include their own form of a mandate. They're going to give people a big tax credit if they buy insurance,
but if you don't buy insurance, you won't get the credit, therefore you'll be paying that tax, aka penalty.

Which is how it works now.
All you need to do is remove the mandatory coverage clause and it dies on its own.
Which is exactly what Conway said they would probably do. They'll "stop enforcing the mandate".

That way, nobody will be kicked off Obamacare... unless they decide to drop it themselves. (And drop the horrifically high premiums and deductibles.)

It will collapse under its own weight, even faster than it's been collapsing for the last few years.

R.I.P. Obamacare.

And the expanded Medicaid?
The GOP is in a tight spot because support for REPEAL is now down to under 20%.
"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace, and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

Though I suspect you're correct about the general nature of what will transpire regarding health insurance -- even though Ryan has barred the CBO from releasing their 2017 analysis of the cost to repeal O-care, there is no way it's gone down from what it was in their last report that in its "best case" scenario put the sum at over $320B -- I have to say your thread title is inflammatory and not representative -- literally or contextually -- of what Conway actually said. Indeed, it's so much of a material misrepresentation that it puts words in her mouth.

I don't like saying that because I truly cannot on any level stand that woman -- not her morals/ethics, not her contrived approach to political and policy discourse, not how she apparently has no principles that I can respect or that she won't forsake, not even her looks. The only nice thing I have to say about her is that she's smart; however, given how she uses her smarts, that quality is insufficient for she is scarier than is Trump for I think her far smarter than he. That parlous paramour to perfidious political posturing risen from Cocytus' Judeccan center has no rightful place in any administration.

FWIW, one cannot very well rail against the sort of deceitfulness and dullards' rhetoric issuing from Trump and his cronies and then use the same sensationally reprobate tactics. At the very least, one must be thematically accurate, thematically representationally faithful in one's presentation of a "headline." Information disclosure and substantive political debate should not be sensational; it must be coldly accurate.

One thing that should concern the people who rely on the ACA for their health insurance is the temporal qualifier in Conway's statement -- "during his transition time" -- which in a blatantly pregnant way leaves unanswered what those people should expect after the transition time. People who have any degree of compassion for those individuals, or who may reasonably foresee needing to avail themselves of ACA-offered health insurance, also should be concerned.
All you need to do is remove the mandatory coverage clause and it dies on its own.

The Republicans are going to include their own form of a mandate. They're going to give people a big tax credit if they buy insurance,
but if you don't buy insurance, you won't get the credit, therefore you'll be paying that tax, aka penalty.

Which is how it works now.
think they'll tweak it a bit and call it trump care
She's lying just to try and take the heat off of Trump and the GOP establishment while they are fucking over the poor and those with pre-existing conditions.
So would it be fair to call the OP too naive and his/her post completely false and off base and the Trump promise true?

I just gave my opinion. It's not really fair to say anything, because as of so far Trump and his staff have proven only one thing, they will lie... even when it can easily be proven to be a lie.
Don't disagree, but who from this past election could we have elected that that is not true of?

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