Kellyanne admits it - they aren't really going to repeal Obamacare.

Distorted Fake News B.S. Movin on...

Well just wait until tomorrow because Trump said it was gone on day 1 and the day is almost over. Maybe you'll blame the media for reporting what Trump said instead of blaming yourself for believing a snake oil salesman

Distorted Fake News. Nuff said.

Until Midnight. Then what are you going to do? :crybaby:

Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!
There are five words at the end of that headline that pretty much end your thread.

" transition to new plan..."

Meaning that a repeal will happen, but not immediately.

That makes your thread title dishonest and purposefully misleading. But I'm not at all surprised, seeing as it was you.

Oh, so you're take is that she's saying, YES 22 million will lose their coverage under the GOP plan, but it will be gradual..., that's better yet!!!

Once again, you are purposefully distorting what people say.

Go grab a dictionary and tell me what it defines the word "transition" as, and get back to me.
Oh, and about "transition":

The highly conservative National Review, clearly not happy with congressional direction, says the "transition" is being designed before it is even known what we are transitioning TO!!!
The Republican Health-Care Debate

Roughly speaking, their problem is that they want to make a change to make their base happy. But since they can't agree on a plan, all they can think about is steps that damage the ACA (thus showing change), but that don't commit them to a specific plan.

Then, they call THAT a "transition"!!!

You go Conway!! Where are your pom poms?

So if the National Review, who clearly was an anti-Trump outlet during his campaign, is not happy with the "transition" then neither are you. Sure, that inspires lots of confidence.

You can pull the pom-poms out of your backside now.
There are five words at the end of that headline that pretty much end your thread.

" transition to new plan..."

Meaning that a repeal will happen, but not immediately.

That makes your thread title dishonest and purposefully misleading. But I'm not at all surprised, seeing as it was you.

Oh, so you're take is that she's saying, YES 22 million will lose their coverage under the GOP plan, but it will be gradual..., that's better yet!!!

Once again, you are purposefully distorting what people say.

Go grab a dictionary and tell me what it defines the word "transition" as, and get back to me.
Oh, and about "transition":

The highly conservative National Review, clearly not happy with congressional direction, says the "transition" is being designed before it is even known what we are transitioning TO!!!
The Republican Health-Care Debate

Roughly speaking, their problem is that they want to make a change to make their base happy. But since they can't agree on a plan, all they can think about is steps that damage the ACA (thus showing change), but that don't commit them to a specific plan.

Then, they call THAT a "transition"!!!

You go Conway!! Where are your pom poms?

So if the National Review, who clearly was an anti-Trump outlet during his campaign, is not happy with the "transition" then neither are you. Sure, that inspires lots of confidence.

You can pull the pom-poms out of your backside now.
This isn't about me.

Try to stick to the topic.

If you can't, then go away.

What? Did I strike a nerve? You're becoming visibly upset. If you can't refrain from making such emotional arguments about this issue, then perhaps you should go away instead.
Distorted Fake News B.S. Movin on...

Well just wait until tomorrow because Trump said it was gone on day 1 and the day is almost over. Maybe you'll blame the media for reporting what Trump said instead of blaming yourself for believing a snake oil salesman

Distorted Fake News. Nuff said.

Until Midnight. Then what are you going to do? :crybaby:

Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

The dems made sure that fully repealing it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. The damn thing is imploding all on it's own (just as the dems knew it would), something HAS to be done. The Rs will do what they can, fix what they can, repeal what they can. If a full repeal isn't doable and the fucking thing is imploding on its own, what exactly would you have the Rs do?
The GOP had plenty of opportunity to fix what was broken in the ACA, and they refused to do so. They WANTED it to implode so they could reap the electoral benefits.

Party over country.

The GOP has never had a comprehensive healthcare reform plan. Ever.

And now they are in a panic. They now OWN the healthcare situation. They said they would repeal and replace ObamaCare, except they have never actually had a replacement. The rube herd was too stupid to notice, even though I have been pointing it out for SEVEN YEARS.

And now, if costs keep going up, it is a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l on them.
Well just wait until tomorrow because Trump said it was gone on day 1 and the day is almost over. Maybe you'll blame the media for reporting what Trump said instead of blaming yourself for believing a snake oil salesman

Distorted Fake News. Nuff said.

Until Midnight. Then what are you going to do? :crybaby:

Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.
Distorted Fake News. Nuff said.

Until Midnight. Then what are you going to do? :crybaby:

Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.
Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.
This thread is about Obamacare and whether/how/when it will be changed.

Conway has made another bold statement that appears to conflict with both Trump and congress.

If you want to join, you need to address that.
You say potatoooo....I say potaato.

I already said they can't, ....

So all your RW pals who say the ACA forces people to buy insurance are full of shit?
In a way they're right.

By law, they aren't.

Point being, Uncle Sam is attempting to force a product we don't want down our throats. This is why it was designed to fail.

Does the mortgage deduction force you to buy a house?
No. Renting is still an option.....without penalty...
Learn the difference between a tax and a deduction.

There is a penalty. The percentage of your income paid in taxes, all else being equal, is HIGHER than the person who takes out a mortgage and pays interest.
Nope. You assume that everyone itemized when most take the standard deduction. People who rent get the same deduction unless a borrower is paying interest on a more mortgage that is higher than the standard deduction. Mortgage interest is figured into a standard deduction as a living expense wheras the penalty for not having health insurance is completely separate.
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Until Midnight. Then what are you going to do? :crybaby:

Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.

You'll wait? Ok, you have 7 more hours to see if Trump lied to you or kept his word. I'm guessing that no matter what you'll just say its ok whtever happens
Y'all will try to pass off more Fake News B.S. That's what. ;)

So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.

You'll wait? Ok, you have 7 more hours to see if Trump lied to you or kept his word. I'm guessing that no matter what you'll just say its ok whtever happens

Ha, you go on pushing your Fake News shite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But remember, more & more folks are catching onto your game.
Healthcare Reform

But none of these positive reforms can be accomplished without Obamacare repeal. On day one of the Trump Administration, we will ask Congress to immediately deliver a full repeal of Obamacare

Could this be some more "alternative facts" that Conway talked about or....just another Trump lie? OR ARE THEY THE SAME?
So whether or not you were fooled doesnt can just say he kept his word and blame others for hearing the lies.

Stay in that safe space bubble!!

Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.

You'll wait? Ok, you have 7 more hours to see if Trump lied to you or kept his word. I'm guessing that no matter what you'll just say its ok whtever happens

Ha, you go on pushing your Fake News shite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But remember, more & more folks are catching onto your game.

Hey, it wasn't me who told you that. Trump did. Now you get to see in 6 hours if it was a lie.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

The dems made sure that fully repealing it would be extremely difficult, if not impossible. The damn thing is imploding all on it's own (just as the dems knew it would), something HAS to be done. The Rs will do what they can, fix what they can, repeal what they can. If a full repeal isn't doable and the fucking thing is imploding on its own, what exactly would you have the Rs do?
let it die for one thing. It's the only way out of it. they've now learned this as they have attempted to change it. It's truly fked legislation. They need the dems to do anything and the dems turned their noses up. It's on record. It now has to die.
Uh yeah, pretty sure y'all nutters are gonna say he's a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what he says or does. That's what your Fake News is all about. But more & more folks are catching on to your game. An astounding awakening is happening.

We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.

You'll wait? Ok, you have 7 more hours to see if Trump lied to you or kept his word. I'm guessing that no matter what you'll just say its ok whtever happens

Ha, you go on pushing your Fake News shite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But remember, more & more folks are catching onto your game.

Hey, it wasn't me who told you that. Trump did. Now you get to see in 6 hours if it was a lie.
it wasn't the repubs who wrote the stupid obummercare fiasco.
We arent talking about "whatever he says or does" we're talking about repealing Obamacare on day 1. Here it is...what you've been waiting for and you're still waiting.

Hey, i'll wait and see if some of y'all prove me wrong. But for right now, i see you guys screeching about him being a 'Racist Hitler Liar' no matter what the actual reality is. That's what your Fake News is all about. You've lost your credibility.

You'll wait? Ok, you have 7 more hours to see if Trump lied to you or kept his word. I'm guessing that no matter what you'll just say its ok whtever happens

Ha, you go on pushing your Fake News shite. Whatever floats your boat i guess. But remember, more & more folks are catching onto your game.

Hey, it wasn't me who told you that. Trump did. Now you get to see in 6 hours if it was a lie.
it wasn't the repubs who wrote the stupid obummercare fiasco.

Yea, yes it was. They loved it too. Until Obama liked it. Then they hated it
And when it is repealed, Democrats will merely move onto producing more lies and Fake News on other issues. But that's ok, more & more Americans are starting to call em on their lies.
Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan

"Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Donald Trump, said Sunday that no one will lose their health insurance during the transition from the Affordable Care Act to a new health care law Republicans aim to put in place. “For the 20 million who rely upon the Affordable Care Act in some form, they will not be without coverage during his transition time,” Conway told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

So they admit that people are relying on coverage obtained as a result of the ACA, they admit that people are benefiting from it, and they concede they can't simply repeal the ACA as they promised.

Top Trump aide: 20M on Obamacare "will not be without coverage" in transition to new plan - CBS News

You see, what they're really going to do is keep Obamacare, while making some supposed 'improvements', and call it repeal and replace,

and in the process, they'll end up effectively claiming credit for the 'new' Obamacare.

No, they are simply saying that people who have coverage won't have it taken away. "You can keep your coverage if you want."

Thankfully, Trump is more trustworthy than Obama and his "you can keep your doctor". Also.. "we will repeal Obamacare".
Trump and his supporters disagree.

Who do you think is going to win this?
The (conservative) National Review suggests that Trump probably recognizes that dumping tens of millions of people who currently have coverage is not going to be popular.

Thus, he made his 100% tweet. (Which his folks waled back.)

And, now Conway says everyone with coverage will have coverage.

These are NOT things that Republicans in congress were saying.

You can bet that both Trump and the Republicans in congress will declare themselves winners.
Trump and his supporters disagree.

Who do you think is going to win this?
The (conservative) National Review suggests that Trump probably recognizes that dumping tens of millions of people who currently have coverage is not going to be popular.

Thus, he made his 100% tweet. (Which his folks waled back.)

And, now Conway says everyone with coverage will have coverage.

These are NOT things that Republicans in congress were saying.

You can bet that both Trump and the Republicans in congress will declare themselves winners.

Trump has also promised to make insurance plans cheaper, which means he's claiming you will get comparable cover for less money.

That would mean he has to keep the subsidies, or the equivalent.

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