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Kelsey Grammer: Reproductive rights is dishonest name for abortion

What is so bad about owning your own opinion? Be honest. You support killing babies and don't see anything wrong with selling their body parts. Don't dress it up into something pallative. Own it.
If a legitimate dog breeder was discovered to be aborting puppies that didn't meet breed standards by holding their heads in the birth canal while stabbing them in the back of the head without anesthesia and sucking their brains out with a tube and a frankenstein machine you would have young mothers, concerned citizens, ASPCA and PETA demonstrators in the streets and half a dozen reality shows condemning the procedure. Strangely enough nobody seems to care about human babies.
Here's what she really said.....so lie on..
These denials of contraceptive coverage impact real people. In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer very dire consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome, and she has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown's insurance, because it's not intended to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately, under many religious institutions' insurance plans, it wouldn't be. There would be no exception for other medical needs. And under Senator Blunt's amendment, Senator Rubio's bill or Representative Fortenberry's bill, there's no requirement that such an exception be made for these medical needs.
The answer is simple. Women who need medication for a medical condition get it covered. Women who don't have any medical condition don't get it covered. Wannafuck is not painful nor life threatening.

But, in this case, her friend's BC wasn't covered because there were no exceptions. That's why she was testifying to begin with. Also, if the blue pill is covered by insurance, then why isn't birth control? Is it more important for an impotent man to get a boner than it is for a woman to avoid getting pregnant? Oh wait! Of course it is!!! How silly of me to not know that!
One more thing bucko.....did you know that many men/boys want their pregnant girlfriends/wives to have an abortion and many actually force them to have one? Many of their parents will even offer to pay for it. On the woman's site I belonged to, this was brought up many times. and why you ask? Because those so-called "men" don't want the financial burden that comes with fathering a kid.
The blue boner pills treat heart disease. No one ever paid for my birth control and I don't want to pay for someone else's birth control. For the most part abortion is an elective surgery and I don't want to be paying for the nose job or new boobs. Have as many abortions as you want. It's killing babies. Just be honest and admit that you're okay with baby killing as long as you can use another word to describe it.

Insurance paying for birth control isn't you paying for it. Are you that stupid? When I was young, my insurance didn't pay for mine either. I worked for a major airline and we had great coverage, well, all except for covering birth control. So, all of us young women had to pay for it ourselves. Back then, a woman couldn't get her tubes tied without her husband's consent. She couldn't get a loan in her name, buy a car in her name, or a house, or just about any other thing a man could do. I bought my first house alone because I was single and my Savings and Loan wasn't like some banks. And, because I had excellent credit too. Back then, a man with shitty credit could get loans and mortgages faster than women with excellent credit could.
I don't know how old you are, but I assume you're a woman. If so, are you okay with the way the men who are running this country are trying to "keep us in our place?" Are you?
There aren't any men running anything in my life. After my divorce in 1976 I had to get my exes consent to get a JC Penny credit card.

Women want to run their lives, good. Pay for it like I did.

As far as I can tell, women in pussy hats and vagina suits aren't doing any better than the most foolish of foolish men.

I was never one of those, so please don't lump me into that group.
One of my dearest friend's husband had an accident and was paralyzed from the neck down. Someone pushed him into the pool in the complex they lived in. He hit the bottom and it severed his spinal cord at the base of his neck. They were living in the DC area at the time. They moved back to PA where he was from and she needed to get credit to buy a car and rent an apartment. It required his signature. By then, he was so cynical that he refused. Her parents had to do it instead. That was in the 70's. I wouldn't want to go back to that time for anything, would you? We were still considered "property" back then.
Do you want to make the women of today property too where they need a man's permission to have a medical procedure done? Yes, the procedure is an abortion, but as I've stated many time before, it's none of our business why she is having it, and the decision should only be between her and her doctor.
Then guarantee pre and post natal care for the fetus/thenbaby, and get the mother training that makes her a useful tax payyer.

If she is already a tax payer, it ain't your business, podjo.

My responsibility as a human being is to save the child's life by not letting somebody murder it, not provide welfare for the child or the parents.. It is up to the mother and father to provide for the welfare of the children they conceive.

That is called personal responsibility Moon Bat. A concept you stupid and immoral Libtards have a very difficult time understanding.

Murder is not the way to do birth control when condoms cost about a quarter each, is it?
It’s none of your business, asshole. Worry about yourself

Stopping assholes from killing innocent children is my business, dipshit.

You would have made a great German watching the trains carry the victims to the Holocaust. "Ain't my business man".
What’s woman chooses to do with her body, is HER business. Unless you’re planning on raising the children yourself, butt out. Unless you’re a miracle worker who can save the life of a woman who would otherwise die during birth, butt out.

And since you’re not going to do either one, fuck off.

What a man does with his wallet is HIS BUSINESS. Unless you are planing on going to work yourself, butt out! Unless you are a miracle bitch who has saved enough to raise the children, BUTT OUT!
Kelsey Grammer: Reproductive Rights Is a ‘Dishonest’ Name for Abortion

He's right! Its called baby murder. I want one of those shirts!
We knew that trumpanzees wanted to take away birth control too.
How are they taking away birth control?
By refusing to pay for it. Remember Sandra Fluke? She demanded that congress pay for her bc.

that's complete bullshit & you are regurgitating fake news.

sandra fluke testified about having birth control be a covered expense.... of which PREMIUMS ARE PAID under health insurance policies no matter the 'religious beliefs' of the company an employee is working for. & i'm pretty certain that boner pills for impotent men was already covered at the same time she was testifying.

don't peddle the lies.
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Can someone explain how this reproductive right morphs into a right to take my wallet?
It's like this: Woman gets pregnant. Doesn't want the kid, but pro birthers have to have their way. Woman has kid. Woman can't afford kid expenses, gets government assistance. Government assistance costs money, Government gets money via taxes taken from your wallet. Right wing pro birther then cries about his wallet. GTP?
They laid down and got pregnant so THEY need to take responsibility for the child OR give it up for adoption to people who CAN take care of the child.
Liberals are the biggest assholes on the face of the earth. No morals, no intelligence and crazy as hell.
Says the asshole who wants all babies born but doesn’t want to lift a finger to help those who can’t afford to have a baby
I am raising my 4 kids they are my responsibility not every lazy ass fucker who can't wrap it up or get sterilized!
What’s woman chooses to do with her body, is HER business. Unless you’re planning on raising the children yourself, butt out. Unless you’re a miracle worker who can save the life of a woman who would otherwise die during birth, butt out.

And since you’re not going to do either one, fuck off.
The BABY is NOT her BODY or her POSSESSION its a human being who has just as much right to live as she does. Don't want a kid? Don't have sex,get sterilized,use protection,put it up for adoption etc etc etc.
It’s not your business.

Besides, there are other reasons besides financial constraints to have an abortion — health of the mother, abnormal fetus with foreseeable health issues, emotional distress from rape or incest.

Again, mind your own fucking business
Oh saving babies from genocide IS my business!

It's not the woman's responsibility to be an incubator for someone who wants to adopt. That sounds more like The Handmaid's Tale. But then, all we are to a lot of men are incubators.
No one said she had to get pregnant,no one said she had to give it up for adoption. As usual you DEMOCRAPS don't think ANYONE should take responsibility for ANY of their actions. That shit is coming to a SCREECHING HALT!

It’s none of your business, asshole. Worry about yourself

Stopping assholes from killing innocent children is my business, dipshit.

You would have made a great German watching the trains carry the victims to the Holocaust. "Ain't my business man".
Aborting an 8 week old fetus is NOT "killing innocent children," no matter how many times you say it. And, those on the trains were already born. BIG difference!
It’s none of your business, asshole. Worry about yourself

Stopping assholes from killing innocent children is my business, dipshit.

You would have made a great German watching the trains carry the victims to the Holocaust. "Ain't my business man".

Bullshit Moon Bat.

You are doing to American children just like the Nazis did to the Jews. You are dehumanizing them. Shame on you!

save the dramatics. taking away a woman's autonomy, & literally forcing her to become an incubator against her will is the epitome of dehumanization.

your reply shows how you care about 'children'.... as long as they are american.

Yea, Moon Bat, not allowing the woman to kill her child for the sake of convenience is a real bummer, ain't it?

¿aplica ese amor de niños a todos los niños? incluso para marrones ilegales?
Kelsey Grammer: Reproductive Rights Is a ‘Dishonest’ Name for Abortion

He's right! Its called baby murder. I want one of those shirts!
We knew that trumpanzees wanted to take away birth control too.
How are they taking away birth control?
By refusing to pay for it. Remember Sandra Fluke? She demanded that congress pay for her bc.

Here's what she really said.....so lie on..
These denials of contraceptive coverage impact real people. In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer very dire consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome, and she has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown's insurance, because it's not intended to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately, under many religious institutions' insurance plans, it wouldn't be. There would be no exception for other medical needs. And under Senator Blunt's amendment, Senator Rubio's bill or Representative Fortenberry's bill, there's no requirement that such an exception be made for these medical needs.

oxyboy rush limbaugh went on a 3 day rant of lies against ms. fluke... calling her a prostitute & even attacking her parents over her testimony. it's sad that so many ditto heads would rather listen to a drug addled hypocritical draft dodging fat ass, than know what the truth is.
Just don't dress it up. It's baby killing. Call it what it is and be okay with that.

a zygote is not a baby. an embryo is not a baby. the majority of abortions take place during that gestational period.

it is okay to learn facts. they will not make your head explode, only the methane filled bubble you live in. breathe some fresh air for a change...

breathe free....
Kelsey Grammer: Reproductive Rights Is a ‘Dishonest’ Name for Abortion

He's right! Its called baby murder. I want one of those shirts!
We knew that trumpanzees wanted to take away birth control too.
How are they taking away birth control?
By refusing to pay for it. Remember Sandra Fluke? She demanded that congress pay for her bc.

Here's what she really said.....so lie on..
These denials of contraceptive coverage impact real people. In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer very dire consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome, and she has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown's insurance, because it's not intended to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately, under many religious institutions' insurance plans, it wouldn't be. There would be no exception for other medical needs. And under Senator Blunt's amendment, Senator Rubio's bill or Representative Fortenberry's bill, there's no requirement that such an exception be made for these medical needs.
The answer is simple. Women who need medication for a medical condition get it covered. Women who don't have any medical condition don't get it covered. Wannafuck is not painful nor life threatening.

neither is impotency.

It's not the woman's responsibility to be an incubator for someone who wants to adopt. That sounds more like The Handmaid's Tale. But then, all we are to a lot of men are inScubators.

The Handmaid's Tale is pure fiction you stupid Moon Bat.

However, killing people because you don't want to be bothered with them is a real thing. The Nazis killed a lot of people because they didn't want them around.

You are really a sick person to justify killing children on demand for the sake of convenience.

You are really an asshole trying (poorly) to dehumanize the children by claiming they are not really human children.

Sicko or asshole, which is it? Maybe both?

you angry little buttercup, it's not as 'fictional' as you may think.

It's not the woman's responsibility to be an incubator for someone who wants to adopt. That sounds more like The Handmaid's Tale. But then, all we are to a lot of men are inScubators.

The Handmaid's Tale is pure fiction you stupid Moon Bat.

However, killing people because you don't want to be bothered with them is a real thing. The Nazis killed a lot of people because they didn't want them around.

You are really a sick person to justify killing children on demand for the sake of convenience.

You are really an asshole trying (poorly) to dehumanize the children by claim they are not really human children.

Sicko or asshole, which is it? Maybe both?

It starts with the babies, moves to the old, and by the time they get there, they will kill anyone they don't like...

wow- dredging up the old alternative fact of death panels 'eh?

It's not the woman's responsibility to be an incubator for someone who wants to adopt. That sounds more like The Handmaid's Tale. But then, all we are to a lot of men are inScubators.

The Handmaid's Tale is pure fiction you stupid Moon Bat.

However, killing people because you don't want to be bothered with them is a real thing. The Nazis killed a lot of people because they didn't want them around.

You are really a sick person to justify killing children on demand for the sake of convenience.

You are really an asshole trying (poorly) to dehumanize the children by claiming they are not really human children.

Sicko or asshole, which is it? Maybe both?

I have decided that you're nothing but an angry, unhinged, dangerous person who the cops should be keeping an eye on. All you can do is attack, insult, name call and spout totally false shit that you will still vomit, even when you are proved wrong. You're totally disgusting.

that's all it has. no facts. just rwnj talking point pablum.
How are they taking away birth control?
By refusing to pay for it. Remember Sandra Fluke? She demanded that congress pay for her bc.

Here's what she really said.....so lie on..
These denials of contraceptive coverage impact real people. In the worst cases, women who need this medication for other medical reasons suffer very dire consequences. A friend of mine, for example, has polycystic ovarian syndrome, and she has to take prescription birth control to stop cysts from growing on her ovaries. Her prescription is technically covered by Georgetown's insurance, because it's not intended to prevent pregnancy. Unfortunately, under many religious institutions' insurance plans, it wouldn't be. There would be no exception for other medical needs. And under Senator Blunt's amendment, Senator Rubio's bill or Representative Fortenberry's bill, there's no requirement that such an exception be made for these medical needs.
The answer is simple. Women who need medication for a medical condition get it covered. Women who don't have any medical condition don't get it covered. Wannafuck is not painful nor life threatening.

But, in this case, her friend's BC wasn't covered because there were no exceptions. That's why she was testifying to begin with. Also, if the blue pill is covered by insurance, then why isn't birth control? Is it more important for an impotent man to get a boner than it is for a woman to avoid getting pregnant? Oh wait! Of course it is!!! How silly of me to not know that!
One more thing bucko.....did you know that many men/boys want their pregnant girlfriends/wives to have an abortion and many actually force them to have one? Many of their parents will even offer to pay for it. On the woman's site I belonged to, this was brought up many times. and why you ask? Because those so-called "men" don't want the financial burden that comes with fathering a kid.
The blue boner pills treat heart disease. No one ever paid for my birth control and I don't want to pay for someone else's birth control. For the most part abortion is an elective surgery and I don't want to be paying for the nose job or new boobs. Have as many abortions as you want. It's killing babies. Just be honest and admit that you're okay with baby killing as long as you can use another word to describe it.

if you are part of a group insurance policy, you already are paying for other peoples' health needs & they are paying for yours. AND if roe v wade is overturned... whether you like it or not--- you WILL be paying for a lot of diapers, medical care, housing & education for all the unwanted 'welfare brats'.
What is so bad about owning your own opinion? Be honest. You support killing babies and don't see anything wrong with selling their body parts. Don't dress it up into something pallative. Own it.

what is so bad about owning your own opinion? be honest. you support imprisoning & shackling a female for 9 months, forcing her to term, forcing her to give birth against her will, then turning your back on whatever it takes to have that brat grow into a productive member of society. And if that brat, growing up unwanted & in poverty, becomes a criminal- you'll be the first to shout from the rooftops how all these criminals should be shackled & imprisoned. don't dress it up into something palliative.
Kelsey Grammer: Reproductive Rights Is a ‘Dishonest’ Name for Abortion

He's right! Its called baby murder. I want one of those shirts!

The abortion promoters need to be honest, it would help with their credibility problems. They should rename themselves the "Progressive Anti-Life League" or PALL, the use of a funeral related word would help remind viewers of their pro-death agenda.

lol... get off the stage.

nobody is promoting abortion & there sre no 'pro abortion' advocates.
nobody is promoting abortion & there sre no 'pro abortion' advocates.

California tried to push pro-life people into advertising for abortion services.

Shot down by the court , but abortion fees are Planned Parenthood's bread and butter. PBA- Partial Birth Abortion- is the cadillac of an abortion mill's offerings, earning the facility thousands.

I saw a group of prolife people protesting in front of an abortionist's home, very fancy home, the man makes beaucoup bucks
Just don't dress it up. It's baby killing. Call it what it is and be okay with that.

a zygote is not a baby. an embryo is not a baby. the majority of abortions take place during that gestational period.

it is okay to learn facts. they will not make your head explode, only the methane filled bubble you live in. breathe some fresh air for a change...

breathe free....
Of course they are babies. They are a stage of development not a separate species. A child is a stage of development into adult. Because it is a stage of development are children a separate species than human? An embryo is human. A zygote is human. You can still be pro abortion and recognize that you are killing a human being not a separate non human species.

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