Kennedy Assassination Question

Feb 20, 2013
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.
The luckiest single shot in the history of firearms.

It is so preposterous to ask anyone to believe that person could have carried out that deed with that weapon that even the C.I.A. would never do so. In fact, simply because it is the least plausible explanation, I think it is probably true.
I haven't made up my mind for good, although some times I lean toward Oswald, sometimes lean the other way depending on the information I look at or read. One of the more fascinating people I came across over the years in studying this is Col. Fletcher Prouty. You can learn a lot about many things just listening to him.

[ame=]JFK Nigel Turner Film: Fletcher L. Prouty On The JFK Assassination - YouTube[/ame]
when is the warren commision report due to be released? another 10 years or so? always find it interesting they wanted all the players to be long dead before that is released. doubt anything new is in it though.
when is the warren commision report due to be released? another 10 years or so? always find it interesting they wanted all the players to be long dead before that is released. doubt anything new is in it though.

What are you talking about? 98 percent was released by 1992. The last bits will be released in 2017.

Here: Table of Contents
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Who really knows?

Much thanks to the killing of LHO, I doubt we'll ever really know for sure.

I do not discount the possibility that Oswald was a willing participant a greater conspiracy, neither do I entirely discount the possibility that he was an innocent patsy of a greater conspiracy, either.

But the fact that he was killed while in custody, makes the entire official story far less credible.
Not suggesting anything one way or another but Kennedy's wounds were not consistent with the 6.5 Carcano round.
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.

Since I can't believe such anyone can keep such a secret this long, I believe it was Oswald.
I don't believe Oswalt was a lone nut but was blackmailed into being a mole, he got caught and was made the pasty.
Just curious so I thought I'd throw out a historical opinion question. Anyone here think Oswald shot Kennedy, or did other "forces" take him out.

Since I can't believe such anyone can keep such a secret this long, I believe it was Oswald.

Dead men don't tell tales:
Probability Analysis and Database of JFK Assassination Witness Deaths
Probability Analysis and Database of JFK Assassination Witness Deaths | Richard Charnin's Blog

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