Kennedy kills a woman and became a legend. Romney didn't and gets blamed anyway.

And you want your side to be taken seriously?


If you mention Ted Kennedy's roll in the death of a woman.. :eusa_silenced:.. But they can sure make ads accusing Romney of being responsible for the death of a woman that he helped have insurance EIGHT years longer than she would have. :eusa_whistle:

Is this about Romney's french auto accident?

No really knows about it..or the fatality.
So what? Ted Kennedy was a louse! Most people know that! He ran for president (primaries) and got nowhere. And I think most people don't think Romney killed that woman.
Well we all know what a good caring husband John Edwards was when his wife had cancer and I bet they had insurance and she still died and Edwards made a baby.
Well we all know what a good caring husband John Edwards was when his wife had cancer and I bet they had insurance and she still died and Edwards made a baby.

now that's just fucked up innit? and all the dumb assed hypocritical democrats would have marched merrily to the polls and voted for the asshole. :lol:
Well we all know what a good caring husband John Edwards was when his wife had cancer and I bet they had insurance and she still died and Edwards made a baby.

That's the dirty little secret (Which ironically is very obvious). People die even with insurance.
So what? Ted Kennedy was a louse! Most people know that! He ran for president (primaries) and got nowhere. And I think most people don't think Romney killed that woman.

Rich Ted Kennedy lived off the government for 47 years. So how stupid are democrats to vote in a millionaire killer for 47 years?

Is this about Romney's french auto accident?

No really knows about it..or the fatality.

Do tell. I love good fiction. In fact I just saw Total Recall this past weekend. .

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online
A Mitt Romney You Haven’t Seen Yet | David Gergen
In June 1968, an automobile he was driving in southern France was hit by another vehicle, seriously injuring him and killing one of his passengers, the wife of the mission president.[nb 4] Romney, who was not at fault in the accident,[nb 4] became co-acting president of a mission demoralized and disorganized by the May civil disturbances and by the car accident.[40] He rallied and motivated the others and they met an ambitious goal of 200 baptisms for the year, the most for the mission in a decade.[40] By the end of his stint in December 1968, he was overseeing the work of 175 fellow members.[33][41] Romney developed a lifelong affection for France and its people, and speaks French.[43] The experience in the country instilled in him a belief that life is fragile and that he needed seriousness of purpose.[13][18][40] It also represented a crucible, after having been an indifferent Mormon growing up: "On a mission, your faith in Jesus Christ either evaporates or it becomes much deeper ... For me it became much deeper."[33]
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Is this about Romney's french auto accident?

No really knows about it..or the fatality.

Do tell. I love good fiction. In fact I just saw Total Recall this past weekend. .

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online
A Mitt Romney You Haven’t Seen Yet | David Gergen
In June 1968, an automobile he was driving in southern France was hit by another vehicle, seriously injuring him and killing one of his passengers, the wife of the mission president.[nb 4] Romney, who was not at fault in the accident,[nb 4] became co-acting president of a mission demoralized and disorganized by the May civil disturbances and by the car accident.[40] He rallied and motivated the others and they met an ambitious goal of 200 baptisms for the year, the most for the mission in a decade.[40] By the end of his stint in December 1968, he was overseeing the work of 175 fellow members.[33][41] Romney developed a lifelong affection for France and its people, and speaks French.[43] The experience in the country instilled in him a belief that life is fragile and that he needed seriousness of purpose.[13][18][40] It also represented a crucible, after having been an indifferent Mormon growing up: "On a mission, your faith in Jesus Christ either evaporates or it becomes much deeper ... For me it became much deeper."[33]
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Wow.. More crap? He was hit by another car? How is this death his fault?! Looks to me like he took a bad situation and used it for good.

You should be on the board of directors for Priorities USA! :clap2:
So what? Ted Kennedy was a louse! Most people know that! He ran for president (primaries) and got nowhere. And I think most people don't think Romney killed that woman.

Re-elected however, over and over again to the Senate, and he'd still be there had he not died in office.
Well we all know what a good caring husband John Edwards was when his wife had cancer and I bet they had insurance and she still died and Edwards made a baby.

now that's just fucked up innit? and all the dumb assed hypocritical democrats would have marched merrily to the polls and voted for the asshole. :lol:

Don't forget the media. The National Enquirer gave them a virtual road map to the story and they couldn't care less for waaaaay toooooo long.
All people, including liberal Obama supporters and people with good sense...know that Romney had nothing to do with the women's death.

Liberal liars are aware that even if a story is untrue, it can be used to win an election by repeating it as if it were true.

The liberal liars will not let go of this or remove the bogus lie from broadcast news up until election day because they know it may get them one more vote.

Liberals, especially those that are products of the Chicago political machine...are the most dishonest, conniving, back-stabbing sleazy assholes in America.
Do tell. I love good fiction. In fact I just saw Total Recall this past weekend. .

The shocking pictures that show how Mitt Romney almost died as a young Mormon missionary | Mail Online
A Mitt Romney You Haven’t Seen Yet | David Gergen
In June 1968, an automobile he was driving in southern France was hit by another vehicle, seriously injuring him and killing one of his passengers, the wife of the mission president.[nb 4] Romney, who was not at fault in the accident,[nb 4] became co-acting president of a mission demoralized and disorganized by the May civil disturbances and by the car accident.[40] He rallied and motivated the others and they met an ambitious goal of 200 baptisms for the year, the most for the mission in a decade.[40] By the end of his stint in December 1968, he was overseeing the work of 175 fellow members.[33][41] Romney developed a lifelong affection for France and its people, and speaks French.[43] The experience in the country instilled in him a belief that life is fragile and that he needed seriousness of purpose.[13][18][40] It also represented a crucible, after having been an indifferent Mormon growing up: "On a mission, your faith in Jesus Christ either evaporates or it becomes much deeper ... For me it became much deeper."[33]
Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Wow.. More crap? He was hit by another car? How is this death his fault?! Looks to me like he took a bad situation and used it for good.

You should be on the board of directors for Priorities USA! :clap2:

What crap?

Romney was involved in an accident.

The details are pretty sketchy as well.

And there was a of Romney's passengers died.

Wow.. More crap? He was hit by another car? How is this death his fault?! Looks to me like he took a bad situation and used it for good.

You should be on the board of directors for Priorities USA! :clap2:

What crap?

Romney was involved in an accident.

The details are pretty sketchy as well.

And there was a of Romney's passengers died.

From your link..

Witnesses did claim Catholic priest Albert Marie, 46, of Sireuil, France, was drunk when the crash happened but this was never verified.

And the Wikipedia article you posted verified that the accident wasn't Romney's fault.

Please continue with your blabbering attempts to accuse Romney of MURDER.. When the President of the United States supports using TAX money to FUND the murder of 1 million innocent lives a year. :eusa_whistle:

Wow.. More crap? He was hit by another car? How is this death his fault?! Looks to me like he took a bad situation and used it for good.

You should be on the board of directors for Priorities USA! :clap2:

What crap?

Romney was involved in an accident.

The details are pretty sketchy as well.

And there was a of Romney's passengers died.

I find it interesting that you know so much about a man you would never vote for.
I mean....I need to say this...

Do you not find it strange that you know more about a man that has never governed you than you do about the man that you tout as a great president?

Now...before you go off on some rant about "how much you know about Obama"....

Let me ask you...

Who were his friends....we hear about Romenys buddys and what they have to say about him as a teen.

Who were his adult associations?.......Other than Rezko and Ayers and Wright....who elkse did he hang out with? We hear about the Bain investors that know all about Romenys tax evasion...but who did Obama hang out with?

It seems Romeny had a very "sensational" life...he drove dogs on his car roof....he killed a passenger in his car....he ran companies that killed employee spouses....he impersonated cops...

But what about Obama? What do you know about his childhood (other than what HE wrote in HIS book)...what do you know about his free time...his leisure....his friends.

His school years? He was top dog in the law did he do there? Who did he associate with there?

Why do you know so much about Romney that you hear from people that knew him....but know NOTHING about Obama from the people that knew him?

Heck...who knew him?

Besides Ayers...and Wright...and Rezko?

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