Kenosha Could Cost Trump the Election

The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

I hope so.
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.
I live in Wisconsin, everything I have seen of that series of encounters, coupled with the states very expansive "castle doctrine," leads to conclusion of total innocence of said youth, soon, if you cretins continue to escalate, such responses will too! :wink: Oh, and Trump losing to Biden on Law & order is a ludicrous suggestion, at best!
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

Not even Stretch Armstrong could reach as far as you just did.
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

Not even Stretch Armstrong could reach as far as you just did.
Hey look. Kenosha and Katrina have seven letters and begin with K.
They were also both disastrously handled by the president in charge.
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

Not even Stretch Armstrong could reach as far as you just did.
Hey look. Kenosha and Katrina have seven letters and begin with K.
They were also both disastrously handled by the president in charge.

I see. I'm not playing this game.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
White nationalists love that stuff.

Look who's posting on here.

Not that the Russian state wouldn't also want to sow discord.
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

It's a good question whether you are actually this stupid, or lying.

Kenosha will give the Trumpslide +5%, and add 10 feet to the wall.
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

Listen, I have had it with these riots! This chaos has been going on for about 100 days or so? This is not about police brutality, "racial injustice", or anything like that. This is about destroying our country from within! This is not new, these are not peaceful protesters, these are terrorists. Don't worry about Trump. He's not going anywhere except back to the WH for four more years! I'm a 64-year-old Black woman and I thank God for the greatest President, the strongest leader and the most common sense president our country ever had. He's done more for our country and my race than any other president. Trump did not need this job. I can think of much more enjoyable ways that a wealthy senior citizen could be spending his time than being President of the United States & taking all the crap that's been thrown at him from day one. A weaker man could have never survived what he's been able to withstand for the past four years straight!

I'm from NYC and I remember Trump offending the sensibilities of the New York Elitists and ruffling the feathers of the phony since the 1970's. Many have made the mistake of underestimating Trump. He's got alligator thick skin, a spine made of steel, a mind like a steel trap and a fierce love of country! He really hasn't changed all that much since then. What you see is what you get--no fancy speeches, phony pep talks, no ass-kissing or pass-issuing because of race, color, or gender. If you dish it out to him, be prepared to take it back from him! Trump is one hell of a warrior. He won't lose.

Denouncing a terrorist group doesn't stop the terrorism. The Left doesn't denounce ANTIFA because they approve of it. Trump denounced Black Lives Matter violence because Black Lives Matter is a terrorist group that's been inciting a lot of the violence! Our ridiculous ("PC") culture allowed this group to grow, amass millions in funding from Big Tech Neoliberals, the ACLU, and other foundations & organizations who could care less about Black people and whose goal was to infiltrate organizations, state, city, federal courts, schools, colleges & universities, and any other organization they can, to bring down capitalism and destroy America from within! They have a faction, The People's Revolution, which is just as violent. Two of the Founders described themselves as "two highly trained Marxists". The third has won awards, given talks or attended talks, symposiums, at Globalist institutions, foundations--she's the "Darling of the NWO". The founders and Chapter leaders should be rounded up, arrested, thrown in Gitmo & left to rot! Same with ANTIFA and The People's Revolution. This is what happens when "PC" culture designates certain people or groups as "do not criticize". The terrorist that you can't call a terrorist will be a very successful terrorist. They can hide in plain site.

Our country is not qualified to tell other countries how to live and what to do! We can't even seem to save ourselves from self-destruction. Half the country can't even recognize a domestic terrorist group even when it's destroying our country right in front of our eyes. We will NEVER know any peace or security unless people start to realize and appreciate how priceless and precious our freedom is and stop taking it for granted.
Freedom has to be jealously guarded. When people choose to make our home their home, we need to make sure they are worthy to except our gift of America's freedom.

We have gotten too comfortable, too complacent, and too obsessed with superficial characteristics that just keep us fighting among ourselves over BS. Americans come in all races, colors, ethnicities--from all over the world. What unites us is the fact that we're all American (no hyphen needed). At least it should--it better--because it's the only thing that will save our country. What could be more important than preserving our Constitutional Republic and our sovereighty, independence and freedom? You would think this would be simple. However, it would require an unselfishness on the part of All Americans that we not have in us.

If we truly love America, then laws and policies that destroy or threaten our sovereighty will be unacceptable. As well as laws that destroy, threaten or stifle our independence. Such laws and policies will ultimately shread our Constitution and cause us to lose our freedom. Loving America means not destroying her by destroying each other over things that pale in comparison to her.

There is NO issue so important that it's worth throwing away our home, our country and all that makes us "us".

I hope that it won't take another Civil War before we finally learn the meaning of "Keep It Simple, Stupid". ---God, Country, Family & Pride makes America great. It's the only thing that can. If you don't believe in God, then believe in being an American. Your race, your color, your ethnicity, your gender, LGBTQ identity--NONE of these things comes before your God or Your Country. Not understanding this, will make us vulnerable to being irreparably divided and could lead to Civil War 2.0. That scenario is totally avoidable.

Trump said he'd restore safety in America during his 2016 RNC acceptance speech.

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​
I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.
The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.​

Trump said he'd stop the crime and violence. It has gotten worse.

Why should anyone believe him this time?
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The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.
A local murder in yet another Democrat-run city, more foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists rampaging and violence...and this could hurt Trump?! Bwuhahaha
The president has declined to even speak Jacob Blake’s name. Meanwhile, Biden has already spoken with Blake’s family,
Joe Biden condemned the violence from both sides Trump didn't.
Trump slammed Black Lives Matters without mentioning police brutality against black people.
His inflammatory rhetoric is the opposite of what Americans are looking for at a time of tension.
Kenosha could cost Trump the election.

Not even Stretch Armstrong could reach as far as you just did.
Hey look. Kenosha and Katrina have seven letters and begin with K.
They were also both disastrously handled by the president in charge.
Trump said he'd restore safety in America during his 2016 RNC acceptance speech.

Americans watching this address tonight have seen the recent images of violence in our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have witnessed this violence personally, some have even been its victims.​
I have a message for all of you: the crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end. Beginning on January 20th 2017, safety will be restored.
The most basic duty of government is to defend the lives of its own citizens. Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.​

Trump said he'd stop the crime and violence. It has gotten worse.

Why should anyone believe him this time?
More blame shifting from violence from Radical left terrorist encouraged by the DNC.....who aid and abet terrorist and demonize the police............

Good luck with that........In 1935 the prog party dissolved......hated name...
And the Trump supporters are totally fine with police executing black men.

They were all first degree murders, premeditated.

George Floyd knew they were going to kill him, it's in the body cam footage of him pleading for his life when he was in the car.

The pigs who shot Jacob Blake screamed that he had a knife before they shot him to cover their ass, because they had body microphones but not body cams. It's murder in the 1st degree.

Kind of reminds me of the black men getting killed in South Africa in the 80s.
what will cost Trump the election is that Biden is a skillful campaigner who taps into the racial and economic anxieties of large swaths of whites as well as minority voters
And the Trump supporters are totally fine with police executing black men.

They were all first degree murders, premeditated.

George Floyd knew they were going to kill him, it's in the body cam footage of him pleading for his life when he was in the car.

The pigs who shot Jacob Blake screamed that he had a knife before they shot him to cover their ass, because they had body microphones but not body cams. It's murder in the 1st degree.

Kind of reminds me of the black men getting killed in South Africa in the 80s.
Floyd died of a drug overdose. Blake is still alive and won't be beating any more women.

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