Kenosha: Trump declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

The Kenosha riots were started by Vice President Biden's people and he hasn't stopped them yet.

When and if he does, there will be no reason for anyone to defend themselves.
"Declined to condemn"...was he asked to condemn the violence? I think the man is a narcissist con-man, but from the video I've seen, Rittenhouse WAS running from people and he WAS attacked before he shot them. There may be more information that would change things, but from what I've seen so far, I'd only "condemn violence from his supporters" in the sense that the kid shouldn't have been there, and armed, at all. :dunno:

I completely agree with that statement. You dance with the devil in the light of the moon expect to get burned.

And now it's going to be even more lethal and Rump isn't condemning the Army of the Rump that has been called to Arms. He's encouraged it. The thoughts that the Left would turn tail and run at the mere vision of armed Rightwingers is a false vision. All it's done is heightened the situation where there are a lot of hair triggers on both sides. Rump could end the danger with just a short speech or even a Tweet but he won't. The Deaths and Bloodshed plays into his plans to win the election.
"You dance with the devil in the light of the moon expect to get burned." Interesting mixed metaphor. It almost works except for the fact that you can't get burned with moonlight.

It goes back to my time spent with Sprecter. Moonlit Nights were when it was the most dangerous. On a Moonless night, they can't see you if you aren't firing. And you are constantly moving. On a Full Moon Night, they can see you at 10,000 feet. Now does it make sense?
An Irish Folk Tale from the “Time of Troubles”:

A “Good Protestant Boy” walks into a troubled Catholic neighborhood in Dublin one hot summer evening with a fully loaded rifle.

Somebody asks him what he is doing there. He says he’s there to support “Law & Order” and make sure there are no IRA terrorists starting trouble...

Somebody says something, maybe reaches out for the underage boys semi-automatic rifle. The boy kills him ... in self defense of course.

Then he runs away as others chase him. He falls, and as he is about to be taken, he let’s his pursuers have it, killing another unarmed Irish Republican ....

He becomes a hero of ... “the Orange Order.”
A good protestant boy walks into a neighborhood where the ira is actively bombing the houses of any protestant they can find.

Tom Paine says " he provoked us! Kill him"
If your next door neighbor runs over your picket fence, do you react by killing the puppy of the folks across the street? The terrorists supporers would say yes.

The terrorists in this thread support the same ridiculous illogic. A cop shot a violent criminal resisting arrest, and so they want to extract vengeance against business owners in Kenosha. These people didn't do anything warranting that any more than the fellow whose dog was killed in my analogy is responsible for the picket fence.

This is just basic reasoning here,, folks, and Why none of you terrorists can figure that out is beyond me.
An Irish Folk Tale from the “Time of Troubles”:

A “Good Protestant Boy” walks into a troubled Catholic neighborhood in Dublin one hot summer evening with a fully loaded rifle.

Somebody asks him what he is doing there. He says he’s there to support “Law & Order” and make sure there are no IRA terrorists starting trouble...

Somebody says something, maybe reaches out for the underage boys semi-automatic rifle. The boy kills him ... in self defense of course.

Then he runs away as others chase him. He falls, and as he is about to be taken, he let’s his pursuers have it, killing another unarmed Irish Republican ....

He becomes a hero of ... “the Orange Order.”

This the man who you imagined was only trying to disarm a child.

If your next door neighbor runs over your picket fence, do you react by killing the puppy of the folks across the street? The terrorists supporers would say yes.

The terrorists in this thread support the same ridiculous illogic. A cop shot a violent criminal resisting arrest, and so they want to extract vengeance against business owners in Kenosha. These people didn't do anything warranting that any more than the fellow whose dog was killed in my analogy is responsible for the picket fence.

This is just basic reasoning here,, folks, and Why none of you terrorists can figure that out is beyond me.

They understand, they simply don't care. Now it is all about the "revolution" they are trying to instigate. The bernie bros were saying this was going to happen,and lookey here, it is.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

Have you seen the Video? They were trying to kill him. Don’t see you condemning the Dems who are encouraging Violence, Raising money forbail, and. NOT condemning setting fires, looting, etc and above all the killings.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Why is this in the CDZ? It sounds like you do not believe there is anything debatable at all here. According to your speech, the 17 year old is guilty of murder and you believe Trump is responsible. And of course the hardened criminals chasing him down the street attacking are innocent angels. Yep sounds like you have it all figured out.

That appears to be USMB moderation's fault.. Thread is retail politics and a hot current event without all the facts yet.. This is NOT really what we want posted in CDZ for discussion.. Especially -- if you open with a ULTRA partisan Opost. Will be moving this back to politics where it belongs when I'm done cleaning/warning in here...
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Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

As long as I'm here -- I just hope everyone knows that the mobster that pulled the handgun on him moments before the kid shot his arm half off -- IS a convicted felon and in NO WAY should have that rioter had a firearm on his person.. When you get chased out of the gas station you're defending, get whacked with a skateboard in the head AND the guy pulls a handgun on you -- this is self defense and the murder charges will never stick.. The best damn defense lawyer in America is gonna fix this just like he fixed the slander/libel against the Covington kids..
Oh, Horsefeathers. There is no evidence that the Business owner requested that the kid protect his business. Stop throwing crap at the wall hoping something will stick.
It has been reported in a number of media that he went to Kenosha to help protect friend's business. He also works in Kenosha as a lifeguard.

The only mention was from Kyle that he was there to protect the property. No other proof. And let's face it, he isn't the most credible person right about now. Where is the proof of that business owner backing up the claim?

I doubt any competent defense lawyer is gonna make statements based on ONLY what a client says.. THat's the end of the case if he has no evidence to that effect.

The property owner has also been interviewed. I've heard both statements. He was ASKED to come and protect the gas station by the owner because the owner had LOST HIS TWO OTHER Kenosha businesses the night before to the low life mobs.. This AINT "a militia"... It's a replacement for the PUBLIC SAFETY that cities are SUPPOSED to ensure...
Tom Paine 1949 I'm guessing you didn't know that CDZ was not intended for politically volatile discussion.. There's a comment on that in the sticky section of the CDZ listings.. Gotta send this to Current Events where it probably belongs..

Oh, Horsefeathers. There is no evidence that the Business owner requested that the kid protect his business. Stop throwing crap at the wall hoping something will stick.
It has been reported in a number of media that he went to Kenosha to help protect friend's business. He also works in Kenosha as a lifeguard.

The only mention was from Kyle that he was there to protect the property. No other proof. And let's face it, he isn't the most credible person right about now. Where is the proof of that business owner backing up the claim?

I doubt any competent defense lawyer is gonna make statements based on ONLY what a client says.. THat's the end of the case if he has no evidence to that effect.

The property owner has also been interviewed. I've heard both statements. He was ASKED to come and protect the gas station by the owner because the owner had LOST HIS TWO OTHER Kenosha businesses the night before to the low life mobs.. This AINT "a militia"... It's a replacement for the PUBLIC SAFETY that cities are SUPPOSED to ensure...

Once again, I need a cite otherwise, it's just more crap thrown on the wall. If the property owner was interviewed then there has to be something more than "Kyle Said So". If I were to be facing those charges, I would be lying my ever loving ass off if I thought it might either lessen the charges or get me off scott free.

So, if you are going to continue making those claims, let's have some verifiable proof. I already posted Kyle's Lawyer's response. And after I read it (had I not seen how it came down) I would have been building that kid a Statue in the Town Square.
Oh, Horsefeathers. There is no evidence that the Business owner requested that the kid protect his business. Stop throwing crap at the wall hoping something will stick.
It has been reported in a number of media that he went to Kenosha to help protect friend's business. He also works in Kenosha as a lifeguard.

The only mention was from Kyle that he was there to protect the property. No other proof. And let's face it, he isn't the most credible person right about now. Where is the proof of that business owner backing up the claim?

I doubt any competent defense lawyer is gonna make statements based on ONLY what a client says.. THat's the end of the case if he has no evidence to that effect.

The property owner has also been interviewed. I've heard both statements. He was ASKED to come and protect the gas station by the owner because the owner had LOST HIS TWO OTHER Kenosha businesses the night before to the low life mobs.. This AINT "a militia"... It's a replacement for the PUBLIC SAFETY that cities are SUPPOSED to ensure...

Once again, I need a cite otherwise, it's just more crap thrown on the wall. If the property owner was interviewed then there has to be something more than "Kyle Said So". If I were to be facing those charges, I would be lying my ever loving ass off if I thought it might either lessen the charges or get me off scott free.

So, if you are going to continue making those claims, let's have some verifiable proof. I already posted Kyle's Lawyer's response. And after I read it (had I not seen how it came down) I would have been building that kid a Statue in the Town Square.

Did ya watch the interview with his interim lawyer? Think it was posted pages back.. Lemme know if ya havent' and REALIZE that some folks on some days just might HAVE more "context" and info than you do.. That's why I come here in fact...
So ya did watch it and just rejected EVERY assertion because you WANT to blame this on militias and Trump.. AMIRITE???

Are you posting stuttering? You think I can be on 24/7 and answer your posts within 2 minutes? My, that's quite an ego you have there.

And I posted his Lawyers response already. It was filled with what Kyle stated. Nothing was verifiable. Nothing from his so called employer. Nothing from his business friend. It's all from what Kyle told his lawyer. Sort of reminds me of the movie "Liar, Liar". You can't be a Lawyer unless you can lie. The last time I used a lawyer, I knew he didn't think much of what he presented but he presented with all his every loving heart. He didn't have to personally believe it, but it was his job to present like he did. So I don't put any faith in anything his Lawyer says since it supposedly comes from Kyle.

But if you present sworn testimony from the Friend Business Owner, the guy that "Loaned him the AR", his Employer then I will accept it. But not until then. You need to buy Kyle a Pony.
OK. Here goes. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.[1]
It gives me the right (which I exercise) to keep and bear arms for my own defense, particularly my home, as well as if needed to act as part of a regulated force in defense of the common good. That "well regulated" part has always been a sticky wicket. It gives me the right to possess and use, but not necessarily the right to define "regulated" or necessarily to engage in defining defensive or offensive operation with weapons, totally on my own volition.
What does it mean to you?

"Not Necessarily"

You hedged.
How so? Which detail of the 2nd amendment did you want did you want more depth of explanation on?

I do not need any further explanation from you to know why you hedged.

The 2nd Amendment speaks to the right of the people to keep and bear arms for the security of a free State.

Your vacillations about what is and is not "necessarily" required in the exercise of that right is where you are hedging.

There is not always time for an individual or small group to organize and regulate themselves. Especially, when even the local law enforcement is under attack and defending themselves. "The people" have a Constitutional right to defend their self and the security of their State.

This young man was doing exactly that.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.

Actually, from reading Wisconsin law, it was illegal for Rittenhouse to be carrying that gun. It's still uncertain where it was from and if it might have crossed state lines; his lawyer says not, but his lawyer also says it was legal for him to have the gun, and so far as I've been able to see, it was not. :dunno:

Defending himself may have been perfectly fine legally, but the weapon he used to do it likely was not legal for him to have. :dunno:

I feel the big question will involve the initial shooting.

As I understand it If you are legally carrying a firearm and are somewhere you have the legal right to be and you are not engaged in anything illegal — you have the right in many states to use your weapon to deter an individual who is attacking you with the intention of putting you in the hospital for an extended stay or six feet under. Of course that assumes your attacker has the capability or the means to hurt or kill you. If he attacks you by spraying you with water from a hose lethal force is not necessary. If he wraps the hose around your neck and tries to choke you then lethal force is appropriate.

So in the first shooting did the shooter have the right to be where he was and was he not doing anything illegal? Was the first attack serious enough to justify lethal force? Those are my questiiins.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
/——/ LiberalPropagandaville, where rioters are peaceful protestors, and people standing up to them are vigilantes.

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