Kenosha: Trump declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

Interesting. You know Rittenhouse's intent, White? How exactly?
As for Wisconsin law? There was a curfew in place. Both Rittenhouse and the men who attacked him were in violation of that curfew. You charge one side then you need to charge the other as well. That isn't being done by the political leaders.
If he intended to be armed in Wisconsin and below age of 18 he intended to commit an offense under Wisconsin law whether he knew it or not. Anytime I carry across state lines I familiarize myself with the weapons laws of the state I travel to before I go, even though I am licensed, just as instructed in the class I took. Not as critical for me as I am covered by a lot of reciprocal agreements between states, but there is no reciprocal agreement covering the kid in this case.
Do you understand what "intent" means, White? It doesn't sound like you do...
Yes. Are you saying he just happened across and AR after he got there? I suspect he took it with him, demonstrating he intended to have it with him when he got there. That is intent, in this situation. Intent itself is not the crime though. I could not even find intent to go armed in Illinois law. Still on the books in TN, but that is immaterial. That intent to go armed thing is in fact under debate in our state, now. Wisconsin law forbid unsupervised minors from going armed. I don't think they have a separate intent law either.

No, he got it from a friend of his who lives in Kenosha. Instead of being proven a fool how about you do some basic research on the subject first.

No. That will have to be proven or dis proven. Have read now what his lawyer said and doubt it will escape scrutiny in court. No matte how you slice it, he is forbidden by Wisconsin law to have the weapon unsupervised. It also begs the non legal question, what kind of idiot gives and out of state kid an AR to carry to a riot?
Why is there so much focus on a 17 year old kid but not on the THREE adult males that were chasing and and threatening him (one of which had a gun and wanted to shoot the kid) as they were in the commission of committing felonies by looting and pillaging? How many innocent people have been beaten by a mob of commie thugs because they wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time and were ASSUMED to be Trump supporters? How many MAGA hat wearers have been blindsided by a gang of ANTIFA thugs? Should I"key" the car of someone with a Biden/Harris bumper sticker (should I ever see one? Should I try and ram their car off the road because I don't like their commie views? That the very sight of a Biden/Harris support sign or sticker "triggers" me thus justifying my use of violence against them and then whine if they try and fight back?

It makes about the same amount of sense if one would actually stand back and observe with an unbiased eye. I guess I was just raised better than to randomly seek out strangers that express opinions that offend my sense of decorum. I will say this much, I will inflict as much physical damage as humanly possible if someone approaches me that took umbrage with what I have to say about these commie fucks and wants to attempt to "bully" me into silence. Fuck'em and the horse they rode in on.
Focus is on the dumb kid, because the 3 dumb adults are dead. They cannot be questioned. They cannot be held or prosecuted or be held accountable for their actions, intents or anything else as that judgement has already been made mute, as they can no longer speak for themselves due to the actions of the kid. In a civilized society (not present in the area where lawless uncaring violence occurs) the living must speak for the dead, without passing summary judgement on accounts, the laws of society have not passed judgement on already, certainly not holding their lives worthless over offenses, unproven and or/less than judged to be death penalty offenses, no matter what those offenses are portrayed to be, rightly or wrongly. The right to self defense requires the one using it is not responsible by their own actions, for having substantial responsibility in the situation and escalating it to the level where the ultimate self defense is required as the only way out.
right to self defense is not without limits. No non-law enforcement citizen is assumed to have the right to travel away from their home, and take up an unregulated law enforcement position on their own volition, validly calling it support of law enforcement, thereby gaining that bit of societal acceptance (granted law enforcement officer's as may be required for them to execute their duties) for their actions. Volunteerism does not make the citizen a valid law enforcement officer no matter their intent.

The rest of your first paragraph is pretty well infused with emotional partisan rhetoric, not suited to reasoned debate, or acceptable without objection in a court of law, and a court of law is where this is headed. The dead and indeed the living cannot be tried in the streets, news papers or internet message boards and that judgement be held valid, as we are a country regulated by laws.

Your third paragraph is a plea to look at the situation with an unbiased eye, where you, yourself are not without bias, nor expressing your argument in an unbiased unemotional manner. This completely defeats your argument.

Correction -- the child rapist and other career criminal you support cannot speak because of their OWN actions.

Where you and I differ is that you see attempted murder as some sort of right as long as you support the agenda involved, whereas I see people as having the inalienable right to their own life and so should be able to defend themselves against those trying to murder them.
No. I do not. Your understanding would work equally well, regarding a criminal shooting cops to keep the cops from shooting them. That is a non-starter.
Cops shooting violent criminals is not the subject of this thread.

That you support domestic terrorism BECAUSE cops end up shooting violent criminals is the issue here.

That a cop shoots a violent criminal resisting arrest DOES NOT justify your terrorist friends attacking the businesses of innocent people.
Wasn't talking about the subject of the thread. Was talking to your statement of having an inalienable right to their own life. Your saying I support domestic terrorism is untrue, a useless slur, and I have no terrorist friends. Get a grip on you emotions, as they overwhelm your logic.
you side with those who have been engaging in terrorism when you try to characterise a boy engaging in self defense against them the way you have been doing .

I am simply yelling the truth about what you support, so if you think that is a slur, perhaps your time would be better spent analyzing why you consider truth to be a slur.
Pretty well a slur, saying someone supports domestic terrorism when they do not, never has and in fact ha been a part of an anti- civil disturbance operation, still having a official commendation in my "I love me" file. Analysis complete.
I am characterizing the boy, (while of good intention) was part of the problem, not just and only part of the solution and was misguided in being allowed to be there, in defference to Wisconsin law prohibiting children from being on the streets in possession a firearm, unsupervised. That is not support of terrorism. I made no justification of the rioters or looters. The fact that you are "simply yelling" your misguided idea of truth of what I do or do not support, is nothing more than validation of your own emotional state.
You defend terrorism. You promote the interests of those engaging in it .You enable it, you run intetferrence for it, you identify with those causing it and you vilify those who oppose it.

That is support - beyond any possible shadow of a doubt.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yea, the old "we're looking into it"? Pure nonsense ^ He defended the lil butthole

The hispanic teenager was the victim...of attacks by 3 different violent, convicted felons who were in the process of breaking even more laws...

He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison. Perhaps you could become pen pals? :icon_rolleyes:

He will likely walk on all charges, even the gun charge. Why are you defending violent felons, at least one of whom is a violent sexual predator?
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yea, the old "we're looking into it"? Pure nonsense ^ He defended the lil butthole

The hispanic teenager was the victim...of attacks by 3 different violent, convicted felons who were in the process of breaking even more laws...

He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison. Perhaps you could become pen pals? :icon_rolleyes:

He will likely walk on all charges, even the gun charge. Why are you defending violent felons, at least one of whom is a violent sexual predator?

Would you like to bet on that - Loser leaves USMB for a month?

Put up or shut up
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yea, the old "we're looking into it"? Pure nonsense ^ He defended the lil butthole

The hispanic teenager was the victim...of attacks by 3 different violent, convicted felons who were in the process of breaking even more laws...

He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison. Perhaps you could become pen pals? :icon_rolleyes:

He will likely walk on all charges, even the gun charge. Why are you defending violent felons, at least one of whom is a violent sexual predator?

Would you like to bet on that - Loser leaves USMB for a month?

Put up or shut up

Yeah, not taking that bet....left wing juries will convict innocent people all the time.....let me pick the jury, of actual jurors and you have a bet.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yea, the old "we're looking into it"? Pure nonsense ^ He defended the lil butthole

The hispanic teenager was the victim...of attacks by 3 different violent, convicted felons who were in the process of breaking even more laws...

He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison. Perhaps you could become pen pals? :icon_rolleyes:

He will likely walk on all charges, even the gun charge. Why are you defending violent felons, at least one of whom is a violent sexual predator?

Would you like to bet on that - Loser leaves USMB for a month?

Put up or shut up

Yeah, not taking that bet....left wing juries will convict innocent people all the time.....let me pick the jury, of actual jurors and you have a bet.

You made a claim and now you want to pick the jury? Sorry wimp - that ain't happenin'
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.

Yea, the old "we're looking into it"? Pure nonsense ^ He defended the lil butthole

The hispanic teenager was the victim...of attacks by 3 different violent, convicted felons who were in the process of breaking even more laws...

He'll be spending the rest of his life in prison. Perhaps you could become pen pals? :icon_rolleyes:

He will likely walk on all charges, even the gun charge. Why are you defending violent felons, at least one of whom is a violent sexual predator?
I am a productive member of society and own a small business and so support the small business people being victimized. I see myself in their shoes because they are like me.

I'm sure other posters also have similar ways of identifying with others
When younger I walked into some places I never should have been. its to bad one of the Adults, hopefully a Police officer, who SHOULD have questioned his age & the danger of a 17 year old with a weapon, & put him safely behind the line and removed the rifle from his possession. Result no death no jail. is rational thought now dead?
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

What violence from his supporters? Do you even try to post the truth?

The hispanic teenager with the rifle was attacked by a mob, in particular 3 different felons...convicted felons, who were in the mob....all shots fired by the hispanic teenager were in response to violence from the joe biden voters.......he was attacked......
Emotional mis characterizations from either side are not productive to logical argument, are they?
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
Let's be clear. You are posting a pile of BULLSHIT. Yes, Trump defends Kyle Rittenhouse. So do I. That's because he was not doing anything wrong or illegal, and is now being politically railroaded by a staunchly Democrat city, accusing him of first degree murder, which is preposterous.

The only individuals that Kyle Rittenhouse shot, were three individuals that were attacking him, and putting him at risk of serious bodily harm or death. He shot in self-defense which is perfectly legal and correct.

What is not perfectly legal and correct, is the tolerance of massive illegal mob violence by airhead idiots who are rioting over absolutely NOTHING. The people who are accusing Rittenhouse of murder, should themselves be in jail at this moment, for they are just as guilty as the mindless baboons running wild in the streets.

Kenosha mayor John Antaramian also fueled the rioting by calling the shooting of Jason Blake "unacceptable". FALSE! The shooting was ACCEPTABLE, and 100% JUSTIFIABLE, and a mirror image of the shooting of Terrence Crutcher in 2016, in which the police officer shooter, Betty Shelby, was cleared of all charges.
The kid crossed state lines specifically to committ an offense under Wisconsin law, as anyone under 18 is not allow to carry a a weapon without supervision and the illinois militia members do not have standing. It was against Wisconsin law for him to be there on the streets armed in the first place and he traveled interstate to commit the offense.

Interesting. You know Rittenhouse's intent, White? How exactly?
As for Wisconsin law? There was a curfew in place. Both Rittenhouse and the men who attacked him were in violation of that curfew. You charge one side then you need to charge the other as well. That isn't being done by the political leaders.
If he intended to be armed in Wisconsin and below age of 18 he intended to commit an offense under Wisconsin law whether he knew it or not. Anytime I carry across state lines I familiarize myself with the weapons laws of the state I travel to before I go, even though I am licensed, just as instructed in the class I took. Not as critical for me as I am covered by a lot of reciprocal agreements between states, but there is no reciprocal agreement covering the kid in this case.
Do you understand what "intent" means, White? It doesn't sound like you do...
Yes. Are you saying he just happened across and AR after he got there? I suspect he took it with him, demonstrating he intended to have it with him when he got there. That is intent, in this situation. Intent itself is not the crime though. I could not even find intent to go armed in Illinois law. Still on the books in TN, but that is immaterial. That intent to go armed thing is in fact under debate in our state, now. Wisconsin law forbid unsupervised minors from going armed. I don't think they have a separate intent law either.

No, he got it from a friend of his who lives in Kenosha. Instead of being proven a fool how about you do some basic research on the subject first.

No. That will have to be proven or dis proven. Have read now what his lawyer said and doubt it will escape scrutiny in court. No matte how you slice it, he is forbidden by Wisconsin law to have the weapon unsupervised. It also begs the non legal question, what kind of idiot gives and out of state kid an AR to carry to a riot?
Why is there so much focus on a 17 year old kid but not on the THREE adult males that were chasing and and threatening him (one of which had a gun and wanted to shoot the kid) as they were in the commission of committing felonies by looting and pillaging? How many innocent people have been beaten by a mob of commie thugs because they wandered into the wrong place at the wrong time and were ASSUMED to be Trump supporters? How many MAGA hat wearers have been blindsided by a gang of ANTIFA thugs? Should I"key" the car of someone with a Biden/Harris bumper sticker (should I ever see one? Should I try and ram their car off the road because I don't like their commie views? That the very sight of a Biden/Harris support sign or sticker "triggers" me thus justifying my use of violence against them and then whine if they try and fight back?

It makes about the same amount of sense if one would actually stand back and observe with an unbiased eye. I guess I was just raised better than to randomly seek out strangers that express opinions that offend my sense of decorum. I will say this much, I will inflict as much physical damage as humanly possible if someone approaches me that took umbrage with what I have to say about these commie fucks and wants to attempt to "bully" me into silence. Fuck'em and the horse they rode in on.
Focus is on the dumb kid, because the 3 dumb adults are dead. They cannot be questioned. They cannot be held or prosecuted or be held accountable for their actions, intents or anything else as that judgement has already been made mute, as they can no longer speak for themselves due to the actions of the kid. In a civilized society (not present in the area where lawless uncaring violence occurs) the living must speak for the dead, without passing summary judgement on accounts, the laws of society have not passed judgement on already, certainly not holding their lives worthless over offenses, unproven and or/less than judged to be death penalty offenses, no matter what those offenses are portrayed to be, rightly or wrongly. The right to self defense requires the one using it is not responsible by their own actions, for having substantial responsibility in the situation and escalating it to the level where the ultimate self defense is required as the only way out.
right to self defense is not without limits. No non-law enforcement citizen is assumed to have the right to travel away from their home, and take up an unregulated law enforcement position on their own volition, validly calling it support of law enforcement, thereby gaining that bit of societal acceptance (granted law enforcement officer's as may be required for them to execute their duties) for their actions. Volunteerism does not make the citizen a valid law enforcement officer no matter their intent.

The rest of your first paragraph is pretty well infused with emotional partisan rhetoric, not suited to reasoned debate, or acceptable without objection in a court of law, and a court of law is where this is headed. The dead and indeed the living cannot be tried in the streets, news papers or internet message boards and that judgement be held valid, as we are a country regulated by laws.

Your third paragraph is a plea to look at the situation with an unbiased eye, where you, yourself are not without bias, nor expressing your argument in an unbiased unemotional manner. This completely defeats your argument.

Correction -- the child rapist and other career criminal you support cannot speak because of their OWN actions.

Where you and I differ is that you see attempted murder as some sort of right as long as you support the agenda involved, whereas I see people as having the inalienable right to their own life and so should be able to defend themselves against those trying to murder them.
No. I do not. Your understanding would work equally well, regarding a criminal shooting cops to keep the cops from shooting them. That is a non-starter.
Cops shooting violent criminals is not the subject of this thread.

That you support domestic terrorism BECAUSE cops end up shooting violent criminals is the issue here.

That a cop shoots a violent criminal resisting arrest DOES NOT justify your terrorist friends attacking the businesses of innocent people.
Wasn't talking about the subject of the thread. Was talking to your statement of having an inalienable right to their own life. Your saying I support domestic terrorism is untrue, a useless slur, and I have no terrorist friends. Get a grip on you emotions, as they overwhelm your logic.
you side with those who have been engaging in terrorism when you try to characterise a boy engaging in self defense against them the way you have been doing .

I am simply yelling the truth about what you support, so if you think that is a slur, perhaps your time would be better spent analyzing why you consider truth to be a slur.
Pretty well a slur, saying someone supports domestic terrorism when they do not, never has and in fact ha been a part of an anti- civil disturbance operation, still having a official commendation in my "I love me" file. Analysis complete.
I am characterizing the boy, (while of good intention) was part of the problem, not just and only part of the solution and was misguided in being allowed to be there, in defference to Wisconsin law prohibiting children from being on the streets in possession a firearm, unsupervised. That is not support of terrorism. I made no justification of the rioters or looters. The fact that you are "simply yelling" your misguided idea of truth of what I do or do not support, is nothing more than validation of your own emotional state.
You defend terrorism. You promote the interests of those engaging in it .You enable it, you run intetferrence for it, you identify with those causing it and you vilify those who oppose it.

That is support - beyond any possible shadow of a doubt.
You can emotionally shout that to the rooftops and it will not help your argument. You are a LIAR.
You can emotionally shout that to the rooftops and it will not help your argument. You are a LIAR.
Emotionally shouting? Is that anything like shouting emotionally?

I am not doing that. I am simply using logic.You would not have spent dozens, if not hundreds of posts promoting the viewpoint of domestic terrorists if you didn't support them.

What's next - your saying you love animals while cheering on a battle to death dog fight?
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When younger I walked into some places I never should have been. its to bad one of the Adults, hopefully a Police officer, who SHOULD have questioned his age & the danger of a 17 year old with a weapon, & put him safely behind the line and removed the rifle from his possession. Result no death no jail. is rational thought now dead?
Or the Mayor of Kenosha could have let the Police do their jobs and arrest the anarchists that were burning and looting and then citizens wouldn't have to roam the streets with weapons trying to defend businesses! Duh? Rational thought? Try some yourself, Sartre!
You can emotionally shout that to the rooftops and it will not help your argument. You are a LIAR.
Emotionally shouting? Is that anything like shouting emotionally?

I am not doing that. I am simply using logic.You would not have spent dozens, if not hundreds of posts promoting the viewpoint of domestic terrorists if you didn't support them.

What's next - your saying you love animals while cheering on a battle to death dog fight?
This is pointless as you still persist. Talk to you in a few weeks,... maybe. You are blocked.:spank: Bye. :talktothehand:
When younger I walked into some places I never should have been. its to bad one of the Adults, hopefully a Police officer, who SHOULD have questioned his age & the danger of a 17 year old with a weapon, & put him safely behind the line and removed the rifle from his possession. Result no death no jail. is rational thought now dead?
Or the Mayor of Kenosha could have let the Police do their jobs and arrest the anarchists that were burning and looting and then citizens wouldn't have to roam the streets with weapons trying to defend businesses! Duh? Rational thought? Try some yourself, Sartre!

The democrat party has been encouraging the domestic terrorism, the democrat party has been ordering police to step aside so they can engage in it, and the democrT party even has a slush fund set up to bail out those terrorists that do get arrested.

...but, hey, orange man bad is all that counts, right?
When younger I walked into some places I never should have been. its to bad one of the Adults, hopefully a Police officer, who SHOULD have questioned his age & the danger of a 17 year old with a weapon, & put him safely behind the line and removed the rifle from his possession. Result no death no jail. is rational thought now dead?

The cops instead, refused to allow him to rejoin his group, and forced him to be alone in the riot controlled zone, with his rifle at night.

In all likelyjhood, Antifa spotters saw him by himself and direct a team of violent thugs to attack him, in the expectation that he would allow them to beat him to a bloody pulp.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.

17 is not a child and self defense is not normally called "vigilantism".

"Provoke"? This is news to me. I've not heard anyone claim to know what sparked the incident.

What have you heard that Ritterhouse said or did to "provoke" those attacks on him?

Or, do you consider him just being there, to be "provocation" enough to justify violent assault?
You can emotionally shout that to the rooftops and it will not help your argument. You are a LIAR.
Emotionally shouting? Is that anything like shouting emotionally?

I am not doing that. I am simply using logic.You would not have spent dozens, if not hundreds of posts promoting the viewpoint of domestic terrorists if you didn't support them.

What's next - your saying you love animals while cheering on a battle to death dog fight?
This is pointless as you still persist. Talk to you in a few weeks,... maybe. You are blocked.:spank: Bye. :talktothehand:
I know it is pointless because I know you will still promote the interests of domestic terrorists and still denying you are doing so.

I do not write what I write solely for your consumption, however, so I will continue to post as I see fit.

Thanks for announcing to everybody that you have me on ignore, though.
"Declined to condemn"...was he asked to condemn the violence? I think the man is a narcissist con-man, but from the video I've seen, Rittenhouse WAS running from people and he WAS attacked before he shot them. There may be more information that would change things, but from what I've seen so far, I'd only "condemn violence from his supporters" in the sense that the kid shouldn't have been there, and armed, at all. :dunno:

I completely agree with that statement. You dance with the devil in the light of the moon expect to get burned.

And now it's going to be even more lethal and Rump isn't condemning the Army of the Rump that has been called to Arms. He's encouraged it. The thoughts that the Left would turn tail and run at the mere vision of armed Rightwingers is a false vision. All it's done is heightened the situation where there are a lot of hair triggers on both sides. Rump could end the danger with just a short speech or even a Tweet but he won't. The Deaths and Bloodshed plays into his plans to win the election.
"You dance with the devil in the light of the moon expect to get burned." Interesting mixed metaphor. It almost works except for the fact that you can't get burned with moonlight.
When younger I walked into some places I never should have been. its to bad one of the Adults, hopefully a Police officer, who SHOULD have questioned his age & the danger of a 17 year old with a weapon, & put him safely behind the line and removed the rifle from his possession. Result no death no jail. is rational thought now dead?

The cops instead, refused to allow him to rejoin his group, and forced him to be alone in the riot controlled zone, with his rifle at night.

In all likelyjhood, Antifa spotters saw him by himself and direct a team of violent thugs to attack him, in the expectation that he would allow them to beat him to a bloody pulp.
It sounds like the way wolves seperate one of the lambs from the flock.
Communist democrats are trying to make self defense unthinkable. A white person should be attacked without mercy for saving their own lives. Don't even consider it. Otherwise old people might use deadly force against an attacker. Women might fight back and injure a rapist. We can't allow that. It should be death to strike the riot caste.
Trump is allowing a 17-year-old vigilante gunman to fight illegal battles for him.

Trump defends accused Kenosha gunman, declines to condemn violence from his supporters

Let us be clear: The President is acting like a retarded juvenile proto-fascist and encouraging law breaking vigilante violence. Civilians shooting other civilians, even children crossing state lines with automatic weapons to play cops, provoke and kill unarmed demonstrators, is what this president now stands for. That child is not nearly so responsible as the president himself. Trump is crossing a line here. If re-elected Trump will quite evidently lead his followers to unleashing serious bloodshed, which will create more violence in response. The ultimate result will quite possibly be a declaration of marshal law and the destruction of representative democracy.
I watched the press briefing and Trump did not, I repeat, did not defend the shooter. He said he was looking into it and it looked like the kid was being attacked and his action was self defense. Your comments are a fabrication and a damn lie. Reuters as well is lying and played word games. It's no wonder that Democraps are fucked up in the head from believing fake news all the time.
It has been my experience that leftists here like to use the clean debate forum when they know they are lying.

It can't really be a clean debate, though, when it starts off so dirty

Wow, if the facts don't line up with your narrative, it's all lies. Gotcha'.

OP is full of lies. Rittenhouse was not armed with an automatic weapon. Trump did not refuse to condemn violence nor did he "defend" the kenosha shooting. He said it's under investigation and wants police, not civilians to be allowed to enforce law and order.


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