Kent State wrestler suspended for anti-gay tweets about Michael Sam


Corner Pocket
Oct 8, 2009
Sam Wheeler, Kent State Wrestler, Suspended For Anti-Gay Tweets About Michael Sam

A wrestler you've never heard of in a school you don't care about called a 3rd-round draft pick a fag. Are we up to speed?

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes," Nielsen stated. "On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

This...actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Wheeler is a wrestler, not a school official. And while you might find his comments ignorant, um...this might sound kind of petty, but who asked you? You probably didn't even know who the kid was until it was brought to your attention (which is probably why he was hastily suspended), and he was writing on his Twitter account.

"As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter,” said Andrassy. “I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

You mean until it blows over and your boss can stop pretending he gives a shit? If you're that surprised that a young guy would dare use words like "fag" and "queer", just kick him off the team. Don't do this manipulative shit where he gives some prepared statement (that's ironically more public than his initial comments) about having learned from his mistakes that hate speech is wrong and that we should be tolerant. We all know he's just doing it because you've told him he has to in order to save his ass.

Let me be clear and say I don't support using that kind of speech. I mean, I can't say I was offended by his Tweets because it just looked like a young guy talking shit and not a full-grown-man peddling hate, but you know, I guess it takes me a minute to get an outrage boner. And, we live in a society in which "coming out" makes you an instant celebrity and have people clamoring to hail you as The Next Big Thing, and Michael Sam is no different. So, there is apart of me that thinks that when you go public, expect a variation of reactions. He wouldn't have this much attention if he didn't admit to being gay, especially not from the LGBT community writ-large and the mainstream media who mostly don't care about football or even know how the draft works, so if a few douchebags you'll never meet don't like it, who cares?

That being said, wrong is wrong. It's a good thing we're not as tolerant of intolerance as we used to be. So it's good on the school for caring that one of their athletes is boneheaded enough to say that kind of shit in public.

The issue I have is that we're becoming a nation of busybodies. The only people truly offended by anything this dude said on Twitter were following him on Twitter. Just call the guy a dick and unsubscribe to him! I'm tired of all this fake outrage. People trolling the Internet looking for something to be offended by, finding it, and then saying they're offended. And then a major news outlet runs the story and apparently there's "public outrage" at something most people wouldn't give two shits about on their own. It's just gossipy and overly hysterical and it really makes it seem like "gay tolerance" is more like "scare people into silence". But changing people's minds and shutting people up aren't the same thing.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.
Just like Secty Kerry said, 'in America, you're free to be stupid'.

What he said was stupid and worse but he has the right to say it.
Sam Wheeler, Kent State Wrestler, Suspended For Anti-Gay Tweets About Michael Sam

A wrestler you've never heard of in a school you don't care about called a 3rd-round draft pick a fag. Are we up to speed?

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes," Nielsen stated. "On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

This...actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Wheeler is a wrestler, not a school official. And while you might find his comments ignorant, um...this might sound kind of petty, but who asked you? You probably didn't even know who the kid was until it was brought to your attention (which is probably why he was hastily suspended), and he was writing on his Twitter account.

"As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter,” said Andrassy. “I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

You mean until it blows over and your boss can stop pretending he gives a shit? If you're that surprised that a young guy would dare use words like "fag" and "queer", just kick him off the team. Don't do this manipulative shit where he gives some prepared statement (that's ironically more public than his initial comments) about having learned from his mistakes that hate speech is wrong and that we should be tolerant. We all know he's just doing it because you've told him he has to in order to save his ass.

Let me be clear and say I don't support using that kind of speech. I mean, I can't say I was offended by his Tweets because it just looked like a young guy talking shit and not a full-grown-man peddling hate, but you know, I guess it takes me a minute to get an outrage boner. And, we live in a society in which "coming out" makes you an instant celebrity and have people clamoring to hail you as The Next Big Thing, and Michael Sam is no different. So, there is apart of me that thinks that when you go public, expect a variation of reactions. He wouldn't have this much attention if he didn't admit to being gay, especially not from the LGBT community writ-large and the mainstream media who mostly don't care about football or even know how the draft works, so if a few douchebags you'll never meet don't like it, who cares?

That being said, wrong is wrong. It's a good thing we're not as tolerant of intolerance as we used to be. So it's good on the school for caring that one of their athletes is boneheaded enough to say that kind of shit in public.

The issue I have is that we're becoming a nation of busybodies. The only people truly offended by anything this dude said on Twitter were following him on Twitter. Just call the guy a dick and unsubscribe to him! I'm tired of all this fake outrage. People trolling the Internet looking for something to be offended by, finding it, and then saying they're offended. And then a major news outlet runs the story and apparently there's "public outrage" at something most people wouldn't give two shits about on their own. It's just gossipy and overly hysterical and it really makes it seem like "gay tolerance" is more like "scare people into silence". But changing people's minds and shutting people up aren't the same thing.

Whee doggies! This guy has a case! I hope he takes their asses to the cleaners! He can.
Sam Wheeler, Kent State Wrestler, Suspended For Anti-Gay Tweets About Michael Sam

A wrestler you've never heard of in a school you don't care about called a 3rd-round draft pick a fag. Are we up to speed?

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes," Nielsen stated. "On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

This...actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Wheeler is a wrestler, not a school official. And while you might find his comments ignorant, um...this might sound kind of petty, but who asked you? You probably didn't even know who the kid was until it was brought to your attention (which is probably why he was hastily suspended), and he was writing on his Twitter account.

"As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter,” said Andrassy. “I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

You mean until it blows over and your boss can stop pretending he gives a shit? If you're that surprised that a young guy would dare use words like "fag" and "queer", just kick him off the team. Don't do this manipulative shit where he gives some prepared statement (that's ironically more public than his initial comments) about having learned from his mistakes that hate speech is wrong and that we should be tolerant. We all know he's just doing it because you've told him he has to in order to save his ass.

Let me be clear and say I don't support using that kind of speech. I mean, I can't say I was offended by his Tweets because it just looked like a young guy talking shit and not a full-grown-man peddling hate, but you know, I guess it takes me a minute to get an outrage boner. And, we live in a society in which "coming out" makes you an instant celebrity and have people clamoring to hail you as The Next Big Thing, and Michael Sam is no different. So, there is apart of me that thinks that when you go public, expect a variation of reactions. He wouldn't have this much attention if he didn't admit to being gay, especially not from the LGBT community writ-large and the mainstream media who mostly don't care about football or even know how the draft works, so if a few douchebags you'll never meet don't like it, who cares?

That being said, wrong is wrong. It's a good thing we're not as tolerant of intolerance as we used to be. So it's good on the school for caring that one of their athletes is boneheaded enough to say that kind of shit in public.

The issue I have is that we're becoming a nation of busybodies. The only people truly offended by anything this dude said on Twitter were following him on Twitter. Just call the guy a dick and unsubscribe to him! I'm tired of all this fake outrage. People trolling the Internet looking for something to be offended by, finding it, and then saying they're offended. And then a major news outlet runs the story and apparently there's "public outrage" at something most people wouldn't give two shits about on their own. It's just gossipy and overly hysterical and it really makes it seem like "gay tolerance" is more like "scare people into silence". But changing people's minds and shutting people up aren't the same thing.

Just more of that Demofascist tolerance on display.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

You are such a bald faced liar.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

Good points.

I think he has the right to say stupid, ignorant things.

And, Kent State has the right to react.
Apparently, freedom of speech doesn't mean much at Kent State. He has a right to express his opinion no matter how ignorant it may be. He wasn't stating it on behalf of the university and him being a student there doesn't in of itself make it their affair. They violated his constitutional rights, in my opinion by suspending him.
Sam Wheeler, Kent State Wrestler, Suspended For Anti-Gay Tweets About Michael Sam

A wrestler you've never heard of in a school you don't care about called a 3rd-round draft pick a fag. Are we up to speed?

“We are aware of the insensitive tweets by one of our student athletes," Nielsen stated. "On behalf of Kent State University, we consider these comments to be ignorant and not indicative of the beliefs held by our university community as a whole. This is an educational opportunity for all of our student-athletes.”

This...actually doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Wheeler is a wrestler, not a school official. And while you might find his comments ignorant, um...this might sound kind of petty, but who asked you? You probably didn't even know who the kid was until it was brought to your attention (which is probably why he was hastily suspended), and he was writing on his Twitter account.

"As an alum of Kent State University and as Sam’s head coach, I was surprised and offended by what I read on Twitter,” said Andrassy. “I have spoken to Sam personally, and while he is remorseful, he will be suspended indefinitely while we determine the best course of action moving forward.”

You mean until it blows over and your boss can stop pretending he gives a shit? If you're that surprised that a young guy would dare use words like "fag" and "queer", just kick him off the team. Don't do this manipulative shit where he gives some prepared statement (that's ironically more public than his initial comments) about having learned from his mistakes that hate speech is wrong and that we should be tolerant. We all know he's just doing it because you've told him he has to in order to save his ass.

Let me be clear and say I don't support using that kind of speech. I mean, I can't say I was offended by his Tweets because it just looked like a young guy talking shit and not a full-grown-man peddling hate, but you know, I guess it takes me a minute to get an outrage boner. And, we live in a society in which "coming out" makes you an instant celebrity and have people clamoring to hail you as The Next Big Thing, and Michael Sam is no different. So, there is apart of me that thinks that when you go public, expect a variation of reactions. He wouldn't have this much attention if he didn't admit to being gay, especially not from the LGBT community writ-large and the mainstream media who mostly don't care about football or even know how the draft works, so if a few douchebags you'll never meet don't like it, who cares?

That being said, wrong is wrong. It's a good thing we're not as tolerant of intolerance as we used to be. So it's good on the school for caring that one of their athletes is boneheaded enough to say that kind of shit in public.

The issue I have is that we're becoming a nation of busybodies. The only people truly offended by anything this dude said on Twitter were following him on Twitter. Just call the guy a dick and unsubscribe to him! I'm tired of all this fake outrage. People trolling the Internet looking for something to be offended by, finding it, and then saying they're offended. And then a major news outlet runs the story and apparently there's "public outrage" at something most people wouldn't give two shits about on their own. It's just gossipy and overly hysterical and it really makes it seem like "gay tolerance" is more like "scare people into silence". But changing people's minds and shutting people up aren't the same thing.

Wrestling has to be the gayest sport out there. Does his weenie grown when he grabs onto the guy under him?
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

Good points.

I think he has the right to say stupid, ignorant things.

And, Kent State has the right to react.

It's a state school. The coach is a state actor. He has a constitutional right to be "stupid" when it comes to words.

How would you faggots like students to be punished for speaking pro gay rights speech?
Curious where the ACLU is on this. If a state school's team suspended a athlete for pro gay comments they would be up in arms. They'e even defended the KKK before.. But not this?
Apparently, freedom of speech doesn't mean much at Kent State. He has a right to express his opinion no matter how ignorant it may be. He wasn't stating it on behalf of the university and him being a student there doesn't in of itself make it their affair. They violated his constitutional rights, in my opinion by suspending him.
Absolutely. He should not be suspended for merely expressing his opinion. If we're following this road, then we may as well suspend all of congress.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

I think his point is the only reason we're hearing about this is because he said something about a gay person. Had he went off on a tirade about those stupid goddamn "teabaggers" ruining America, HuffPo probably would've ran an article about a Kent State wrestler DESTROYS Tea Party on Twitter. It's not about being stupid -- gay people like to think they're for equality when they're really for special treatment -- it's the school and the media having an exceptional reaction to his use of fag and queer, not just "hate speech" in general.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

Not condoning the comment, just pointing out the double standard.
Had the guy made a disparaging tweet about Christianity, he would have been applauded.

Nope....making disparaging tweets about groups when in a position such as his (under the thumb of a college sporting coach) a really stupid move. Since wrestling is also a tactical sport...he got suspended for being too stupid to be a good wrestler.

Not condoning the comment, just pointing out the double standard.

Just where do you get the impression that liberals hate christianity? Are you saying only conservatives attend church services?

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