Kermit Gosnell

Gosnell's lawyer never proposed a defense of any kind. Not a single defense witness was presented. This is all about Gosnell's being black and protecting abortions no matter how many die. It isn't true that NO ONE will defend Gosnell, he has plenty of defenders here in this little microcosm. He just has no defense to the acts of which he is accused.

What's shocking coming from the Gosnell worshippers is that they are so afraid of the days of "coat hangars". A coat hangar would be a better and safer instrument than what Gosness actually USED.

Actually, what we are afraid of was the days when Gosnell was the norm, which is the case in countries like the Philippines where they have 500K abortions a year and 4000 women a year die of abortion related complications.

Gosnell didn't need to present defens witnesses because his lawyer did a pretty good job evisceratng the prosecution witnesses.

Gosnell IS the norm! The lawyer didn't eviscerate the prosecution witnesses that testified how Gosnell murdered babies born and breathing on their own. The lawyer feels he didn't need to. Gosnell is black and kills babies, that's enough for him to be found not guilty. Proving up the prosecution's case IS proving up the defense.

Gosnell IS the norm! The lawyer didn't eviscerate the prosecution witnesses that testified how Gosnell murdered babies born and breathing on their own. The lawyer feels he didn't need to. Gosnell is black and kills babies, that's enough for him to be found not guilty. Proving up the prosecution's case IS proving up the defense.

Very few women die from abortion complications today.. In fact, abortion is safer than childbirth.

But, yeah, when the lawyer got the medical examiner to admit that he couldn't say if these fetuses were born alive or dead and the judge had to throw three of them out- he did a pretty good job.

Again- if they stuck to the negligent manslaughter and drugs, he'd be in jail by now.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.
They could have thrown him in prison a long time ago, if they concentrated on the drug charges and the death of the woman he killed.

It was the anti-choice bootstrapping that is getting them into trouble.

Lots pf foot dragging by the health department. no one would investigate him. It was politics over religion. Anti choice bullshit had nothing to do with it until now. Race has allot to do with it to. His lawyer is pushing it like he is being persecuted for being a black abortion doctor. Notice not one individual will loudly defend him ? The surviving Boston Marathon bomber has more support.

There's nothing to defend him for. At worst, he was a serial killer. At best, he was a grossly incompetent doctor.

My guess- if his lawyer is pushing the race issue, then he's reading something in the jury that isn't obvious to us.

In bold is more like it. He is both. Maybe not incompetent though. He seamed to get off on the killing, and how it was done. His Lawyer is pushing politics and race because that's all he has. People have been convicted of murder for much less, without bodies or murder weapons and on circumstantial evidence alone. Here we have the weapons and the bodies, as well as witnesses. If he is not convicted of murder then their is no hope for our civilization. For or against abortion is another ball of string totally, but how abortions are done, and by whom needs to have a real hard look at how they are done and who is doing them.
Democrats are betting on the jury being liberal enough to prefer dead babies to live ones. That, and being too afraid to convict a black man.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

Again- you have provable cases against him for killing the 41 year old woman and thedrug dealing.

This stuff about whether fetuses were in the womb or outside the womb nd if they were 23 weeks or 25 weeks just muddies the issue....
Democrats are betting on the jury being liberal enough to prefer dead babies to live ones. That, and being too afraid to convict a black man.

I hope not. At a minimum, this creep needs to die in prison. We also need to strictly monitor abortion clinics and have a zero tolerance policy for violations with manditorey prison time and ridiculous fines for first time offenders. I also think that if we are going to have such detailed sex education in schools, we also need to have abortion education so the kids see and understand the process.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

Again- you have provable cases against him for killing the 41 year old woman and thedrug dealing.

This stuff about whether fetuses were in the womb or outside the womb nd if they were 23 weeks or 25 weeks just muddies the issue....

There is no question if they were or were not out of the womb and killed. The question is if he did or did not kill viable babes, and if they would have survived. If they would have been birthed in a hospital as primi's they would have had life support and a chance. Honestly, I would love to search for this animals spine with a rusty ice pick. He is scum, and I hope he is assassinated. The lawyer to.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

Again- you have provable cases against him for killing the 41 year old woman and thedrug dealing.

This stuff about whether fetuses were in the womb or outside the womb nd if they were 23 weeks or 25 weeks just muddies the issue....

There is no question if they were or were not out of the womb and killed. The question is if he did or did not kill viable babes, and if they would have survived. If they would have been birthed in a hospital as primi's they would have had life support and a chance. Honestly, I would love to search for this animals spine with a rusty ice pick. He is scum, and I hope he is assassinated. The lawyer to.

just let him roam free in general population

the rest will work itself out
If everything I've read about what he did is true, I'm sure the jury will deliver a just verdict.

I think the problem for them is deciding whether or not the babies were alive when delivered - an eyewitness saying they moved isn't evidence of life - unless an ME examined all the babies and determined they had breathed.

I imagine Gosnell will appeal against any conviction, so this case will drag on for a lot longer.

If they weren't fucking alive why did he feel the need to snip their spines with scissors? doyathink?
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

Again- you have provable cases against him for killing the 41 year old woman and thedrug dealing.

This stuff about whether fetuses were in the womb or outside the womb nd if they were 23 weeks or 25 weeks just muddies the issue....

You are purposefully muddying the issue yourself. I am not going to rehash another abortion debate with you, as I already have taken you to task over it.

Whats taking the jury so long ?


That fucker!

I never trusted that green little bastard.


"Why are there so many

laws against murder?"
If everything I've read about what he did is true, I'm sure the jury will deliver a just verdict.

I think the problem for them is deciding whether or not the babies were alive when delivered - an eyewitness saying they moved isn't evidence of life - unless an ME examined all the babies and determined they had breathed.

I imagine Gosnell will appeal against any conviction, so this case will drag on for a lot longer.

If they weren't fucking alive why did he feel the need to snip their spines with scissors? doyathink?

This is what I am not understanding. Religiosity, as one poster claims is not muddying the waters here. Politics, and race are. If the public were to have their attention switched from Lindsey Lohan, and Reese Witherspoon and on to this guy, I think it would lead to a rethinking of abortion in this country, and the death of the one of the lefts biggest pet issues. The left of both parties need this to go away very quietly.
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Democrats are betting on the jury being liberal enough to prefer dead babies to live ones. That, and being too afraid to convict a black man.

I hope not. At a minimum, this creep needs to die in prison. We also need to strictly monitor abortion clinics and have a zero tolerance policy for violations with manditorey prison time and ridiculous fines for first time offenders. I also think that if we are going to have such detailed sex education in schools, we also need to have abortion education so the kids see and understand the process.

It follows, then, that schools should show the birth process as well, along with 2am feedings and diaper changes, and also caring for special needs babies.

No, schools definitely need to teach sex education, but basing an entire curricula around the circle of life can be problematic, especially in cult-based schools.

Meanwhile, back at the trial, it gives all the more reason to ignore the Teabaggers and insist on more federal inspectors.
The jury probably want to be sure they have all the information required to make a decision.

You mean like the two hours it took the jury to acquit O.J.?

Do you need more information to convict the man of murder?
Democrats are betting on the jury being liberal enough to prefer dead babies to live ones. That, and being too afraid to convict a black man.

I hope not. At a minimum, this creep needs to die in prison. We also need to strictly monitor abortion clinics and have a zero tolerance policy for violations with manditorey prison time and ridiculous fines for first time offenders. I also think that if we are going to have such detailed sex education in schools, we also need to have abortion education so the kids see and understand the process.

It follows, then, that schools should show the birth process as well, along with 2am feedings and diaper changes, and also caring for special needs babies.

No, schools definitely need to teach sex education, but basing an entire curricula around the circle of life can be problematic, especially in cult-based schools.

Meanwhile, back at the trial, it gives all the more reason to ignore the Teabaggers and insist on more federal inspectors.

They do see the birth process, with commentary. Sex ED is very explicit in schools. They even cover where and how to get rubbers, birth control pills as well as directions to planned parenthood. Proper use of birth control is covered in public school, so the whole abortion process should be covered to. As for the government, they declined to investigate Gosnell many times. Heads should roll at the health department to. "Tea Baggers" have nothing to do with it.
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The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

That's not true at all. If he was doing what he is accused of, he is doing a disservice to abortion rights, and deserves to be given the death penalty.

He's no hero to pro-abortion cause any more than Adam Lanza is a hero to gun enthusiasts.

Quit spewing bs.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

That's not true at all. If he was doing what he is accused of, he is doing a disservice to abortion rights, and deserves to be given the death penalty.

He's no hero to pro-abortion cause any more than Adam Lanza is a hero to gun enthusiasts.

Quit spewing bs.

it looks like he was the dirty little secret

some testimony stated that

other providers that knew the pregnancy was too far advanced

would tell them to go see this guy
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

Again- you have provable cases against him for killing the 41 year old woman and thedrug dealing.

This stuff about whether fetuses were in the womb or outside the womb nd if they were 23 weeks or 25 weeks just muddies the issue....

You are purposefully muddying the issue yourself. I am not going to rehash another abortion debate with you, as I already have taken you to task over it.


You mean I kicked the ass of you and the sky pixie you rode in on.
The pro aborts are too strong to want him in jail at all. He is a hero to their cause. I'm surprised obama hasn't called him by now.

That's not true at all. If he was doing what he is accused of, he is doing a disservice to abortion rights, and deserves to be given the death penalty.

He's no hero to pro-abortion cause any more than Adam Lanza is a hero to gun enthusiasts.

Quit spewing bs.

This is true. I cant think of anyone other then his shitbag lawyer who does not think he is a piece of shit.

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