Kermit Gosnell

I agree... it doesn't.

This man did what he did because we have a different quality of health care between the very poor and the rest of us. If he had mangled a middle class white chick, he'd have been out of business years ago.

I was just addressing Katz silly connotation that this is an example of how we've "fallen from God".

ahoy JoeB131,


if this was goin' on in a monied enclave, like Marin California or Short Hills New Jersey, it woulda come to an abrupt halt, and right fast, no doubt.

i'd read that folks feel that was some conspiracy to let this story pass and not publicize it, but honestly, how often to the MSM lend coverage to horrors that happen to poor, inner city women in general?


- MeadHallPirate

Na, he had body parts from white babies in the fridge in the lunch room to, along with latino (PC). Its a sad state of affairs when folks look past murdered children to defend a political position. Definitely a sign of sallow thinking.
It is important to preserve the "right" to kill babies no matter what age they are.

Again, women who don't want to be pregnant

1) Aren't going to stop having sex becasue you say so.
2) Aren't going to have babies they don't want because you say so.

This is a reality you all need to get your heads around.

This is your classic attempt at deflection, and its beside the point.

Na, he had body parts from white babies in the fridge in the lunch room to, along with latino (PC). Its a sad state of affairs when folks look past murdered children to defend a political position. Definitely a sign of sallow thinking.

No, we just see it pragmatically.

A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to end it.

Gosnell existed because too many road blocks were put in the way of poor women (some of whom were white) to get safe, legal abortions early in their unwanted pregnancies.

But much like the woman who recently threw her unwanted baby into the trash at school, you can't make a woman become a mother if she doesn't want to be one.

Abortion is legal here, the government pays for them no questions asked, and tax payers do pay for them. So again, no religious people have done anything to limit abortion in anyway. Gosnell liked killing people. Thats all. As for it not happening in Europe, How do you know it hasn't ? And if Europe is so great, why aren't you there ?

But that's not true.

There is something called the Hyde Amendment, which SPECIFICALLY prevents federal funds from paying for abortions.

now, there are 17 states that the states have Medicaid pay for abortion, but Pennsylvania isn't one of them.

Gosnell was aborting 20+ week fetuses because these women didn't have the money together to "take care of the problem" at 12 weeks.

But it is. Go to planned parenthood's website and check it out.
It is important to preserve the "right" to kill babies no matter what age they are.

Again, women who don't want to be pregnant

1) Aren't going to stop having sex becasue you say so.
2) Aren't going to have babies they don't want because you say so.

This is a reality you all need to get your heads around.

This is your classic attempt at deflection, and its beside the point.

Not really.

We just see the problem differently. IN my ideal world, those women would have gotten legal abortions at 12 weeks or in the case of a medically necessary one, in a clearn, well run hospital.

In the world of the anti-choice fanatic, these breeding machines would have happily had babies they couldn't afford and didn't want because it was the will of Jay-a-zus.

Tell me which one can be pragmatically accomplished?
It is important to preserve the "right" to kill babies no matter what age they are.

Again, women who don't want to be pregnant

1) Aren't going to stop having sex becasue you say so.
2) Aren't going to have babies they don't want because you say so.

This is a reality you all need to get your heads around.

This is your classic attempt at deflection, and its beside the point.

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

Wow, the old slippery slope argument...

because nothing shows the weakness of a conservative opinion than the slippery slope argument.

Hey, you guys have been arguing that "infanticide's next" for 40 years now...

Na, he had body parts from white babies in the fridge in the lunch room to, along with latino (PC). Its a sad state of affairs when folks look past murdered children to defend a political position. Definitely a sign of sallow thinking.

No, we just see it pragmatically.

A woman who doesn't want to be pregnant will find a way to end it.

Gosnell existed because too many road blocks were put in the way of poor women (some of whom were white) to get safe, legal abortions early in their unwanted pregnancies.

But much like the woman who recently threw her unwanted baby into the trash at school, you can't make a woman become a mother if she doesn't want to be one.

Women who dont want to be pregnant should go get birth control, which is also free at planned parenthood. You have yet to show a single road block other then money, which was there had they only looked.So you are not seeing anything pragmatically, so much as holding the hill. Thats why all the deflection, and the stupid pirate faggotry from the other dude. Fact is, if even an abortion done at 6 weeks was made part of sex ed in schools, I dont think it would be so good a political cause for the political class to run on. This is why the MSM wont cover it.

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

Wow, the old slippery slope argument...

because nothing shows the weakness of a conservative opinion than the slippery slope argument.

Hey, you guys have been arguing that "infanticide's next" for 40 years now...

More deflection. This crap is not the point.

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

Wow, the old slippery slope argument...

because nothing shows the weakness of a conservative opinion than the slippery slope argument.

Hey, you guys have been arguing that "infanticide's next" for 40 years now...

The trial of Kermit Gosnell proves that it's true. Not only the trial, but the level of support liberals are giving him.

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

Wow, the old slippery slope argument...

because nothing shows the weakness of a conservative opinion than the slippery slope argument.

Hey, you guys have been arguing that "infanticide's next" for 40 years now...

The trial of Kermit Gosnell proves that it's true. Not only the trial, but the level of support liberals are giving him.

Dont know that they support him. Its more like one of their pet political talking points is in peril.
Na, he had body parts from white babies in the fridge in the lunch room to, along with latino (PC). Its a sad state of affairs when folks look past murdered children to defend a political position. Definitely a sign of sallow thinking.

avast ye, earlycuyler!

respectfully, matey, i didn't say nothin' 'bout bein' black or white. some folks always see race, even if no one mentions it...

...imma talkin' 'bout poverty in them inner cities, which knows no color. imma not defendin' any kind 'o political position here nor be i mannin' the decks in defense 'o Dr. Gosnell - and if anyone be reachin' fer the "sallow" thinkin' crutch, 'tis yerself me bucko.

imma sayin' that i doubt the proclivities 'o Dr. Gosnell woulda continued fer this long in Newport Coast California, or in a town like Scarsdale New York. if this kinda procedure had been inflicted on Karen Santorum when she had her own abortion, i think it woulda garnered national headlines and outrage from the outset.


- MeadHallPirate
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Women who dont want to be pregnant should go get birth control, which is also free at planned parenthood. You have yet to show a single road block other then money, which was there had they only looked.So you are not seeing anything pragmatically, so much as holding the hill. Thats why all the deflection, and the stupid pirate faggotry from the other dude. Fact is, if even an abortion done at 6 weeks was made part of sex ed in schools, I dont think it would be so good a political cause for the political class to run on. This is why the MSM wont cover it.

Abortions are like lawyers.

No one likes them... until they need one.

But tell you a story.

Knew a gal when I was in the service. She was the girlfriend of a fellow Sergeant. Now, not a dumb girl, she had a college degree, brought up in the right religious environment, etc.

And she stopped using birth control and got pregnant. She said the pills were making her feel loopy, but we all suspected she was trying to get him to make good on his promise to marry her.

Well, one abortion later, you'd think she'd have learned her lesson. Nope. A year later, she pulled the same stunt.

Abortion is necessary because even smart people can be stupid. And half of them have lady parts.

Women who dont want to be pregnant should go get birth control, which is also free at planned parenthood. You have yet to show a single road block other then money, which was there had they only looked.So you are not seeing anything pragmatically, so much as holding the hill. Thats why all the deflection, and the stupid pirate faggotry from the other dude. Fact is, if even an abortion done at 6 weeks was made part of sex ed in schools, I dont think it would be so good a political cause for the political class to run on. This is why the MSM wont cover it.

Abortions are like lawyers.

No one likes them... until they need one.

But tell you a story.

Knew a gal when I was in the service. She was the girlfriend of a fellow Sergeant. Now, not a dumb girl, she had a college degree, brought up in the right religious environment, etc.

And she stopped using birth control and got pregnant. She said the pills were making her feel loopy, but we all suspected she was trying to get him to make good on his promise to marry her.

Well, one abortion later, you'd think she'd have learned her lesson. Nope. A year later, she pulled the same stunt.

Abortion is necessary because even smart people can be stupid. And half of them have lady parts.

Like I said. Holding the hill.

It's a classic attempt to justify killing children in addition to unborn babies. Women are still going to have sex, they will still decide that the toddler twos are too much for them to deal with. Why shouldn't they be allowed to kill them at that age? How about the terrible teens? Is murder okay then?

Wow, the old slippery slope argument...

because nothing shows the weakness of a conservative opinion than the slippery slope argument.

Hey, you guys have been arguing that "infanticide's next" for 40 years now...

The trial of Kermit Gosnell proves that it's true. Not only the trial, but the level of support liberals are giving him.

What level of support is that? Pointing out that the prosecution's case is full of holes?

Last time I checked, that was one of those "rights" you constitutional fetishists said were important and stuff.
Dont know that its full of holes. But say it is. Do you approve of Dr. G's actions ? Not that they are good , but that they were necessary ? That he was doing the best he could with the tools he had ?
Dont know that its full of holes. But say it is. Do you approve of Dr. G's actions ? Not that they are good , but that they were necessary ? That he was doing the best he could with the tools he had ?

No, I don't approve. If you suck at your job, you shouldn't do it.
His actions were not necessary, but those women would have found ways to end their pregnancies.
Again, the thing is that he's an inept, incompetnent doctor. But you know what, inept doctors kill 96000 Americans every year... and we don't make national cases out of most of them.
Gosnell wasn't incompetent. He competently cut the spinal cords of these infants with a scissors.

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