Kermit Gosnell

At least one baby was observed breathing, according to testimony. One was shrieking.

The dead do neither.

Shrieking that is, until this sick fuck went in and made it stop.

. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

Witnesses put him killing a babe that was crying. That kids feet were also in the fridge with all the others he had.
Shrieking that is, until this sick fuck went in and made it stop.

. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

Witnesses put him killing a babe that was crying. That kids feet were also in the fridge with all the others he had.

There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.
. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

Witnesses put him killing a babe that was crying. That kids feet were also in the fridge with all the others he had.

There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.

It is, and what makes it worse is this guy doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with this at all. The whole thing makes me sick. I wish the jury would hurry.
Witnesses put him killing a babe that was crying. That kids feet were also in the fridge with all the others he had.

There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.

It is, and what makes it worse is this guy doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with this at all. The whole thing makes me sick. I wish the jury would hurry.

I saw the Grand Jury Report on the investigation.

I don't track Pennsylvania "law," though. Is THAT lengthy document the "indictment" in this case?

I have tried to look at the actual indictment (or PA equivalent) for this case, and cannot find it.
. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

Witnesses put him killing a babe that was crying. That kids feet were also in the fridge with all the others he had.

There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.

Gosnell isn't nearly as nightmarish as the fact that so many people defend what he did.
At least one baby was observed breathing, according to testimony. One was shrieking.

The dead do neither.

Shrieking that is, until this sick fuck went in and made it stop.

. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

It makes me fucking sick when someone tries to justify his behavior because "women couldn't get access to affordable abortive care." The guy is a freaking murderer, a wretched man who deserves to die for his crimes.

Holy moses! :cuckoo:
There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.

It is, and what makes it worse is this guy doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with this at all. The whole thing makes me sick. I wish the jury would hurry.

I saw the Grand Jury Report on the investigation.

I don't track Pennsylvania "law," though. Is THAT lengthy document the "indictment" in this case?

I have tried to look at the actual indictment (or PA equivalent) for this case, and cannot find it.

Yes it is. That is the actual indictment of Kermit Gosnell. The charges are levied close to the beginning of the report.

If anyone else wishes to read it, I must warn you the descriptions are horrifically graphic and outrightly disturbing/sickening:
There are very few murder cases that are not sad or even gruesome.

This one is nightmarish.

Gosnell isn't nearly as nightmarish as the fact that so many people defend what he did.

They have to, his practices are the norm at abortion clinics across the country.

This is the reality of abortion.

Thats not true. Other clinics sent women to him because he would do what he is charged with, which is kill babies late in pregnancies.
It is, and what makes it worse is this guy doesn't seem to think anything is wrong with this at all. The whole thing makes me sick. I wish the jury would hurry.

I saw the Grand Jury Report on the investigation.

I don't track Pennsylvania "law," though. Is THAT lengthy document the "indictment" in this case?

I have tried to look at the actual indictment (or PA equivalent) for this case, and cannot find it.

Yes it is. That is the actual indictment of Kermit Gosnell. The charges are levied close to the beginning of the report.

If anyone else wishes to read it, I must warn you the descriptions are horrifically graphic and outrightly disturbing/sickening:

Strange charging document. The report part was horrifying.

The accusation portion looks more like a set of suggestions rather than a Grand jury's accusations.

It is one of the most fact-specific accusation documents I have seen, however.
When a "doctor" either himself or via his staff injects drugs into women to "induce" a miscarriage and the "patient" is then allowed to "go to the bathroom" to give birth (or have a miscarriage) in toilets, it is pretty obvious even to non doctors that SOME of the children are going to be born alive.

Testimony says some were.

And the doctor and/or his "trained" staff then finished them off.

That's called "murder."

I really hope Gosnell gets convicted.
Shrieking that is, until this sick fuck went in and made it stop.

. . . or the "staff" whom the aforesaid sick fuck "trained."

At best that makes the sick scumbag an accomplice whose criminal liability should be exactly equal to whoever stuck the scissors in the children's' necks and severed their spines: murder.

It makes me fucking sick when someone tries to justify his behavior because "women couldn't get access to affordable abortive care." The guy is a freaking murderer, a wretched man who deserves to die for his crimes.

Holy moses! :cuckoo:

Unfortunately this is the reality of black, inner city, medical care. How many women did Patrick Chavis kill bringing affordable plastic surgery to inner city women? How many people died at Martin Luther King Jr. Hospital before it was closed?

The difference between Gosnell and Chavis is that Gosnell gets the support of all liberals because he was killing babies and that's the most important and noble act in liberalism.
I saw the Grand Jury Report on the investigation.

I don't track Pennsylvania "law," though. Is THAT lengthy document the "indictment" in this case?

I have tried to look at the actual indictment (or PA equivalent) for this case, and cannot find it.

Yes it is. That is the actual indictment of Kermit Gosnell. The charges are levied close to the beginning of the report.

If anyone else wishes to read it, I must warn you the descriptions are horrifically graphic and outrightly disturbing/sickening:

Strange charging document. The report part was horrifying.

The accusation portion looks more like a set of suggestions rather than a Grand jury's accusations.

It is one of the most fact-specific accusation documents I have seen, however.

Its politics I think. By rights this case should bring into question the regulations on abortion at a very minimum. The people should be asking who is keeping an eye on thees guys and asking why the Dr's were referring women to this man rather then turning him in. Sadly, even if this shit bag gets convicted it will be forgotten with the next celebrity DUI dash cam or cooking segment on the morning news. We are doomed.
Yes it is. That is the actual indictment of Kermit Gosnell. The charges are levied close to the beginning of the report.

If anyone else wishes to read it, I must warn you the descriptions are horrifically graphic and outrightly disturbing/sickening:

Strange charging document. The report part was horrifying.

The accusation portion looks more like a set of suggestions rather than a Grand jury's accusations.

It is one of the most fact-specific accusation documents I have seen, however.

Its politics I think. By rights this case should bring into question the regulations on abortion at a very minimum. The people should be asking who is keeping an eye on thees guys and asking why the Dr's were referring women to this man rather then turning him in. Sadly, even if this shit bag gets convicted it will be forgotten with the next celebrity DUI dash cam or cooking segment on the morning news. We are doomed.


the media benches looked like a ghost town

the last thing in the world they wanted

was to shine light on this trial
Why are libeals so invested in Kermit Gosnell that they want him to go free? Clearly the man is a murderer. He's been a murderer for decades. When he was just starting out he was a killer using the supercoil to induce abortions. Women would have been safer if a coat hanger had been used.

Not really. Gosnell was weird going way back to the 60's, and it looks like hr sought out poor folks to be able to do his thing. You also have to be honest, affluent white kids are not getting abortions, poor minority's are. No one gives a fuck about Europe, this happened here, not there. Religion had nothing to do with it and I challenge you to provide one example where it did ? You cant and that's why you keep going back to it. So you know, Rich people were paying for Gosnell's murder spree, and they do pay for abortions in this country.

Exactly. This wouldn't happen in Europe were abortion is legal and the government pays for them, no questions asked.

But because we have a bunch of dumb religious people who have fought against any funding for abortion or to pass dumb laws that keep the contientious providers out of the game, you are going to have guys like Gosnell praying on the poor.
I agree... it doesn't.

This man did what he did because we have a different quality of health care between the very poor and the rest of us. If he had mangled a middle class white chick, he'd have been out of business years ago.

I was just addressing Katz silly connotation that this is an example of how we've "fallen from God".

ahoy JoeB131,


if this was goin' on in a monied enclave, like Marin California or Short Hills New Jersey, it woulda come to an abrupt halt, and right fast, no doubt.

i'd read that folks feel that was some conspiracy to let this story pass and not publicize it, but honestly, how often to the MSM lend coverage to horrors that happen to poor, inner city women in general?


- MeadHallPirate

Not really. Gosnell was weird going way back to the 60's, and it looks like hr sought out poor folks to be able to do his thing. You also have to be honest, affluent white kids are not getting abortions, poor minority's are. No one gives a fuck about Europe, this happened here, not there. Religion had nothing to do with it and I challenge you to provide one example where it did ? You cant and that's why you keep going back to it. So you know, Rich people were paying for Gosnell's murder spree, and they do pay for abortions in this country.

Exactly. This wouldn't happen in Europe were abortion is legal and the government pays for them, no questions asked.

But because we have a bunch of dumb religious people who have fought against any funding for abortion or to pass dumb laws that keep the contientious providers out of the game, you are going to have guys like Gosnell praying on the poor.

Abortion is legal here, the government pays for them no questions asked, and tax payers do pay for them. So again, no religious people have done anything to limit abortion in anyway. Gosnell liked killing people. Thats all. As for it not happening in Europe, How do you know it hasn't ? And if Europe is so great, why aren't you there ?

Abortion is legal here, the government pays for them no questions asked, and tax payers do pay for them. So again, no religious people have done anything to limit abortion in anyway. Gosnell liked killing people. Thats all. As for it not happening in Europe, How do you know it hasn't ? And if Europe is so great, why aren't you there ?

But that's not true.

There is something called the Hyde Amendment, which SPECIFICALLY prevents federal funds from paying for abortions.

now, there are 17 states that the states have Medicaid pay for abortion, but Pennsylvania isn't one of them.

Gosnell was aborting 20+ week fetuses because these women didn't have the money together to "take care of the problem" at 12 weeks.
It is important to preserve the "right" to kill babies no matter what age they are.

Abortion is legal here, the government pays for them no questions asked, and tax payers do pay for them. So again, no religious people have done anything to limit abortion in anyway. Gosnell liked killing people. Thats all. As for it not happening in Europe, How do you know it hasn't ? And if Europe is so great, why aren't you there ?

But that's not true.

There is something called the Hyde Amendment, which SPECIFICALLY prevents federal funds from paying for abortions.

now, there are 17 states that the states have Medicaid pay for abortion, but Pennsylvania isn't one of them.

Gosnell was aborting 20+ week fetuses because these women didn't have the money together to "take care of the problem" at 12 weeks.

What happens if they don't have the money until the child is two?

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