At least we now know which administration official made the comment. And it figures, John F.U. Kerry.
Ok an anonymous high ranking House of Representatives source told me that John Boehner is a transgender pole dancer at a gay bar in Washington. I invite you to prove that I'm lying. See how that anonymous source claim works? I find it odd that nobody has mentioned the only person who is undeniably chicken shit. Jeffery Goldberg and the Atlantic published a story with nothing more than an "anonymous" source with the only purpose of disrupting the relationship between the US and Israel. If that was the official opinion of the Whitehouse, then you would have an important story worthy of informing the public, but claiming some unnamed person said that is nothing more than an opportunity to spread shit. I'm really tired of the innuendo and unfounded crap that serves no purpose but to cause problems. Of course the right wing is thrilled for the story, but it is nothing more than all the other undocumented and ridiculous claims they usually make. I guess facts are too much to ask for now days. Some imaginary unnamed source is enough for feeble minds .
I tend to agree that the aplogy is worthless, although I also understand that it was necessary.

This shouldn't distract us from the main issue - which is that Bibi deserves all the abuse he receives, and more. The man is an ogre and a despot.

Oh Puhleeze. In the first place, Kerry is the asshole who made the comment. He and Obama are both bigger assholes than Netanyahu ever thought of being. The later is just a man trying to defend his country, which is surrounded by enemies bent on destroying it. Kerry and Obama are both bent on helping Israel's enemies.
I tend to agree that the aplogy is worthless, although I also understand that it was necessary.

This shouldn't distract us from the main issue - which is that Bibi deserves all the abuse he receives, and more. The man is an ogre and a despot.

Israel has the Mediterranean Sea to the East and a dozen countries north, south and west that are trying to force all of the Israeli's to swim for it and Bibi is going to do everything in his power to avoid getting wet. Any sane person would do the same thing.

No, any sane person would look at what he could do to stop the pushing.

Bibi is and always has been interested in only one thing - Bibi staying in power. The man is a liability.
I tend to agree that the aplogy is worthless, although I also understand that it was necessary.

This shouldn't distract us from the main issue - which is that Bibi deserves all the abuse he receives, and more. The man is an ogre and a despot.

Israel has the Mediterranean Sea to the East and a dozen countries north, south and west that are trying to force all of the Israeli's to swim for it and Bibi is going to do everything in his power to avoid getting wet. Any sane person would do the same thing.

No, any sane person would look at what he could do to stop the pushing.

Bibi is and always has been interested in only one thing - Bibi staying in power. The man is a liability.
You mean by disappearing? Yeah, that would work.
S.J. -

It's not easy to get a handle on this issue without a good knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs, but very few Arabic countries have any interest at all in fighting Israel on a battlefield. The only real threats are from Syria, Iraq and Iran.

Had Israel cut a deal with Palestinians at any point in the past 30 years, they would have been recognised by probably more than 20 Islamic countries. That would completely take the steam out of any military resistance.

Bibi opposes any deal, and in my opinion is clearly working counter to Israel's best interests. It's just like the invasion of Lebanon - Israel is very often its own worst enemy.
S.J. -

It's not easy to get a handle on this issue without a good knowledge of Middle Eastern affairs, but very few Arabic countries have any interest at all in fighting Israel on a battlefield. The only real threats are from Syria, Iraq and Iran.

Had Israel cut a deal with Palestinians at any point in the past 30 years, they would have been recognised by probably more than 20 Islamic countries. That would completely take the steam out of any military resistance.

Bibi opposes any deal, and in my opinion is clearly working counter to Israel's best interests. It's just like the invasion of Lebanon - Israel is very often its own worst enemy.
The only deal the Palestinians want is for Israel to give up land. The Palestinians are their own worst enemy, they keep putting terrorists in charge. How do they think Israel is going to respond to more terrorism? What do you expect them to do, leave?

I just explained to you how Israel could respond to terrorism - by cutting a deal with the Palestinians, and using that leverage to cut deals with Palestine's backers. To some extent, this has already happened with Turkey.

The only deal the Palestinians want is for Israel to give up land. The Palestinians are their own worst enemy, they keep putting terrorists in charge.

Agreed - but Israel has known from Day One of its existance that they would have to live without the Sinai, Gaza and at least 85% of the West Bank. That isn't new.

It might seem like an impossible situation, but any decent teams of negotiators could hammer out a deal in a few days, because both sides know exactly what the other wants.

Both sides have to make concessions. That is the nature of any difficult negotiation.

Palestinians will have to give up several cities that have always been Palestinian - Akko, Nazareth, Jaffo. They will also have to give up unlimited right of return, and will probably have to give up contigious borders and even control of those borders.

Saying Israel has been "extraordinarily patient" is just one thinks that.

Both sides have to make concessions. That is the nature of any difficult negotiation.

Palestinians will have to give up several cities that have always been Palestinian - Akko, Nazareth, Jaffo. They will also have to give up unlimited right of return, and will probably have to give up contigious borders and even control of those borders.

Saying Israel has been "extraordinarily patient" is just one thinks that.
There's one thing the Palestinians will never give up is violence. Israel has offered many concessions if the Palestinians would recognize Israel's right to exist. They won't do it.
SJ -

You don't know the situation at all well enough to make that claim - not by a long, long way. None of us do, actually.

People said the IRA would never give up bombing, but they did.

Most Palestinians would recognise Israel tomorrow if they had any real reason to do so. Yes, there will probably always be some attacks and some violence, but if that were to diminish year on year I think both sides would accept that.
SJ -

You don't know the situation at all well enough to make that claim - not by a long, long way. None of us do, actually.

People said the IRA would never give up bombing, but they did.

Most Palestinians would recognise Israel tomorrow if they had any real reason to do so. Yes, there will probably always be some attacks and some violence, but if that were to diminish year on year I think both sides would accept that.

Bullshit. The Arabs won't rest until the Jews are pushed into the sea. That is the crux of the matter.
Ok an anonymous high ranking House of Representatives source told me that John Boehner is a transgender pole dancer at a gay bar in Washington. I invite you to prove that I'm lying. See how that anonymous source claim works? I find it odd that nobody has mentioned the only person who is undeniably chicken shit. Jeffery Goldberg and the Atlantic published a story with nothing more than an "anonymous" source with the only purpose of disrupting the relationship between the US and Israel. If that was the official opinion of the Whitehouse, then you would have an important story worthy of informing the public, but claiming some unnamed person said that is nothing more than an opportunity to spread shit. I'm really tired of the innuendo and unfounded crap that serves no purpose but to cause problems. Of course the right wing is thrilled for the story, but it is nothing more than all the other undocumented and ridiculous claims they usually make. I guess facts are too much to ask for now days. Some imaginary unnamed source is enough for feeble minds .

I understand and share the frustration you have with anonymous sources, but if it was not credible, why would Kerry apologize for it?

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