Kerry Gives Iran the A-Bomb


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Flippy couldn't negotiate his way through a ham sandwich. The IDF estimates Iran needs another 6 months of uranium enrichment to be "on the threshold" of making a bomb. Long John just gave them 7 months in case there's a problem. Of course he's just following orders from the Kenyan Coward, but the smiles and the handshakes with the dirtbags are pure Kerry.

Unfucking believable....
Did he also offer to come back to help Iran launch them when the time comes?

And he also "negotiated" that they begin receiving $700M a month from their frozen assets.
Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran
Do you people always title your threads with lies, or is this just something you recently started?
Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran

He awarded himself (through his after-action reports) 2 Bronze and a Silver Star for a bee sting, an ingrown hair, and a dose of the clap he got in a Saigon cat house....the Iranians offered him a bowl of figs to keep talking.
Just so I'm clear here.....
Is this going to be considered another outstanding and historic achievement for our leader Obama?
Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran

Israel was wrong about Iraq, and well they have been saying the same thing about Iran since 1992, and by the way,

who in the hell is Israel to have nukes and not allow anyone in the country to check it out, whereas Iran has had their country checked inside and out. Sick of Israel and their propaganda BS.
Maybe he didn't make himself clear as to who Iran was dealing with...
Did Kerry mention that he served in Viet Nam?
That might have impressed the Iranians and could have changed things...

Looks like Israel is all alone on this and will have to deal with Iran

Oh and Israel has no business with Iran, bad enough what they are doing to the Pals. Who in the hell does those Zionuts think they are?
Israel was wrong about Iraq, and well they have been saying the same thing about Iran since 1992, and by the way,

who in the hell is Israel to have nukes and not allow anyone in the country to check it out, whereas Iran has had their country checked inside and out. Sick of Israel and their propaganda BS.

I guess you've forgotten how many SCUDs Saddam fired into Israel during the Gulf War, eh? Some of them held chemical munitions but our Patriot missiles knocked those down before there were mass casualties. But remind us how many times Israel has threatened to wipe Iran off the map? As to inspections, you're full of shit on that too.....Iran won't allow anybody into their underground facilities at Chalus and other locations. This isn't "propaganda"..this is the survival of the Israeli people.
Oh and Israel has no business with Iran, bad enough what they are doing to the Pals. Who in the hell does those Zionuts think they are?

What are the "pals" doing to the Israelis.....lobbing in hundreds of rockets a day....digging tunnels to kidnap and murder Jewish kids? Boo hoo....the poor palis......Israel has every right to kill them all.
I just found an article the other day. This is no surprise that the Dems will move on this.

Their big ticket green donor, Steyer, has been lobbying for Iran to get nuclear power.

Money talks. He's been working on this for some time. Next time you see a post about how the Koch Brothers control the R's give them a freaking internet knuckle sandwich because they are all about sucking Steyer's dick.

Let me get that link.
I just found an article the other day. This is no surprise that the Dems will move on this.

Their big ticket green donor, Steyer, has been lobbying for Iran to get nuclear power.

Money talks. He's been working on this for some time. Next time you see a post about how the Koch Brothers control the R's give them a freaking internet knuckle sandwich because they are all about sucking Steyer's dick.

Let me get that link.

The problem is that Iran also has a heavy water PLUTONIUM reactor....that has only one purpose and it's not to generate power.
This is the limpest, most disastrous president. We'll be spending a lot of time cleaning up his messes.
Here it is. Sorry for the delay. I've got to organize my stack of stuff better.

More at link but here's part of the expose.

We have written often about Tom Steyer, the coal magnate turned “green” energy crony who has become the largest funder of the Democratic Party, and the Democracy Alliance, an umbrella group of left-wing donors that supports a variety of liberal organizations.

Steyer and the Alliance are usually associated with domestic issues, but one foreign policy organization that both support is the Truman National Security Project.

The Truman National Security Project’s effort to create a network of supporters of the White House efforts to come to a nuclear agreement with Iran on its nuclear program, even before the details of a final nuclear deal have emerged, was revealed in internal emails obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Power Line’s John Hinderaker writes that the support of Truman from Steyer and the Democracy Alliance donor network says a lot about the effort.

This is highly revealing: Truman was formed for “exactly” this purpose, that is, to generate an astroturf campaign in blind obedience to Obama administration foreign policies, whatever they may turn out to be

Global warming, no way; Iranian bomb, no problem. Truman parrots the Obama administration’s foreign policy priorities, however perverse they may be.

Tom Steyer Democracy Alliance Funding Support Network for Iran Deal Washington Free Beacon

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