Kerry on Religion: 'Not the Way I Think Most People Want to Live'

V has no moral base, no spiritual view.

He is one of the far right reactionary social cons who abuse religious freedom in order to gain power over others.

And you as a subversive only have the overthrow of our traditional government as your goal. I'm agnostic as I've stated many times, I simply stand with people of religion, as I've seen over decades that they are more moral, ethical, and principled than the trash such as yourself!
You claim the moral, ethical and principled high ground!??:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Try to stop with the name calling and let us see how long before you hit the skids again..

And from a post of yours less than a half hour ago...

Which shithead is that?? There are just too many to figure that one out...

Child, YOU are a PATHETIC loser, besides being a hypocrite!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

I don't have the ability to degenerate myself by playing the vindictive pious ass you are..

No? Seems your avatar says you're an ass!:badgrin::badgrin:
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Nakula Nakula, an ordinary guy on probation, and part of that probation prohibited him from using the internet to produce anything with an alias, and without prior consent from his probation officer..

How many guys who violate probation get news crews at their home in the middle of the night to watch them dragged away in a police car? How many guys get the Secretary of State promising to send him to prison for a long long time? How many guys who violated probation have their families go into hiding because of threats against their lives?

You do admit that he never was an American preacher so that has to be worth something.
"Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation"

Secretary Kerry is not saying not to follow to letter of the Book. (He is not say to do it and he is also not saying which Book.) He is saying that there are those who have interpretations of the Book which are probably not best followed. I think we can all think of some people who have interpretations of the Book which are best not followed.

Remarks at Embassy Addis Ababa and the U.S. Mission to the African Union
This is a time here in Africa where there are a number of different cross-currents of modernity that are coming together to make things even more challenging. Some people believe that people ought to be able to only do what they say they ought to do, or to believe what they say they ought to believe, or live by their interpretation of something that was written down a thousand plus, two thousand years ago. That’s not the way I think most people want to live.

And it is appropriate that our top diplomat go to another country and point out how bad their religion is. Isn't that what you mean? You agree with Kerry that an arrogant United States representative go to some other country and inform the people of that country how they want to live. Maybe they didn't know how they wanted to live before. They need Kerry to instruct them.

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