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Kerry's Front Man from 2004 Stripped of Silver Star

Blah blah- still would've saved us from a DEPRESSION, like Gore would've averted 9/11. Boooosh was a total moron, and Cheney a total azzhole LOL!
Nixon's total must have included Viet civilians. Bombed the SHYTTE out of them (PROBABLY his "secret plan"!)....:eusa_angel:

When were you first diagnosed with ADD?

This thread is not about Gore or Bush or Cheney.

Has your therapist ever recommended to your parents electroshock?

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What does that have to do with the Swiftboating of John Kerry by a President and Vice President who never sniffed Viet Nam?

Kerry "gamed" Viet Nam. He could be seen in many photos with his arms wrapped around enlisted men, he an officer. It's called "fraternization" and there's a good reason that it is forbidden. Kerry and his purported record, is a good example of why.

You have no idea of what you are writing. Look up fraternization, and that is not what Kerry was doing. However, you are talking crap prejudicial to the good order and discipline of the service, even if you have only ever been a civilian. If you were military, then your act here is despicable.
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier.

WinterSoldier.com - <p>What's New?

John Kerry is almost as big a fraud as the Hussein. Lets not forget where is VP-to-be Edwards is at.

And these are "the best" the Dems have?
And those that had no $$ for college were drafted. You left that fact out.
My brother was from a military family and he would have never taken a deferment. He did his 3 years and then went to college.
Something about duty, honor, country.

Well isn't your brother special!

Neither Obama nor Clinton ever served, and the later pulled all kinds of strings and tricks to avoid service.

Kerry's service record is suspect, to say the least.

Only your lies here are suspect.
Stupid war. Maybe if people stop listening to demagogues, Obama can get back on with getting us back on track for the first time since 1964...
Two things are for sure. Kerry was at least within a few miles of Cambodia, hard to say, thought he was there. Daddy got W a cushy dodge he barely stayed with between the drugs and alcohol, and Foxbots find facts inconvenient, and stupid insults a great reason for voting a certain way...Ugly 'Merican Pub Dupes!!:cuckoo:

I'll tell you one thing that is "true for sure"; regardless of what he did or did not do in-country, when John Kerry returned from Vietnam, he betrayed his fellow vets by accusing them of supposed "war crimes" they never committed, and procured perjured testimony about said "war crimes" from MEN WHO WERE NEVER IN VIETNAM. That is a proven fact, and a matter of record that is NOT in dispute, even from Mr. Kerry himself. Ultimately, that's what the whole Swiftboating thing was about. Betraying your brothers in arms (falsely and for the sake of an agenda, yet!) does not go over well with most of us vets. You do not stab us in the back, and then try to run for president as "one of us", no matter what party you belong to!

Hmm, then explain why you supported Bush, who deserted, and wasn't there for my brothers in Vietnam. Explain why you supported McCain, when he abandoned American POWs and attacked a POW family member? Just curious if your word means anything. How about Cheney, the guy who twice deserted US POWs. Did you support him as well?

First, Bush did NOT "desert". Who said I supported McCain (I didn't). Who said I supported (or approved of) Cheney? You assume a lot. Now tell me, did you support Clinton, who was just as much a draft dodger as Cheney?You haven't read enough of my posts to know WHAT I support, or you'd know something else about me you clearly do not.
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier.

WinterSoldier.com - <p>What's New?

Lyric from an old Polish folk song (translated)

"You can tell a man who boozes
by the company he chooses"

"And the pig got up and slowly
walked away"

The alleged porn merchant comes off smelling pretty good
by comparison.
Remember that long campaign where everyone from the Kerry camp was trying to discredit the Swift Boat Veterans?

Well Kerry's front man ( the one who actually introduced Kerry at the Democrat Convention) has had his Silver Star revoked.

And it's not because he's serving a 37 month sentence for posession of child pornography.


Here's the quote from Winter Soldier.

July 25, 2011 -- John Kerry was introduced at the 2004 Democratic National Convention by Wade Sanders, a retired Navy Captain and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy who served as a Swift Boat officer in Vietnam. Like Kerry, Sanders was the recipient of a Silver Star for gallantry in action.

During the 2004 campaign, Sanders functioned as Kerry's lead attack dog against the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, repeatedly denouncing the veterans on the air as liars and comparing them to Nazi propagandists.

Wade Sanders is currently in Federal prison, serving a 37-month sentence for possessing child pornography. Now the Navy Times reports that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus has revoked Sanders' Silver Star.

The highly unusual decision appears unrelated to Sanders' felony conviction.

A Navy spokesman cited "subsequently determined facts and evidence surrounding both the incident for which the award was made and the processing of the award itself."

John Kerry has to be hoping this doesn't become a trend.

It appears only a few outlets have published this. American Thinker, Politico, Boston Globe and Fox.

I hope it starts getting around on the net. The Swift Boat Vets were called a lot of names and were treated viciously in 2004. Divine justice that the main attack dog for Kerry is sitting in jail for child porn AND having his Silver Star revoked.

Here's the link to Winter Soldier.

WinterSoldier.com - <p>What's New?

John Kerry is almost as big a fraud as the Hussein. Lets not forget where is VP-to-be Edwards is at.

And these are "the best" the Dems have?

Says the guy whose party gave us Tricky Dicky, Spiro Agnew, Dick Cheney, Dumbya and Quayle, and still might give us Palin and Bachmann....Talk about glass houses...
The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

My wifes' Uncle was a Captain in the Navy at the time, and was just above the officer who Kerry reported to. He said that the swift boater's accusations were ridiculous and untrue.

oh, well, if your wife's uncle said it, it must be true.


He was there and involved at the time. And why would he lie?
The lies told about Kerrys honorable military service by two candidates who ducked combat were some of the most despicable ever told

My wifes' Uncle was a Captain in the Navy at the time, and was just above the officer who Kerry reported to. He said that the swift boater's accusations were ridiculous and untrue.

Yeah, we have one of those uncles too. He served in Korea and knew a man who was shot down twice and twice escaped from North Korean POW camps by commandeering a train. He was awarded the MOH too. That story is as credible as the one you posted.

Why would my wife's uncle lie about this? You just choose to accept what you believe, this is known as ignorance.
Stupid war. Maybe if people stop listening to demagogues, Obama can get back on with getting us back on track for the first time since 1964...

Gee, I thought he got America right back on the road to peace March 19, 2011. That sly old Obama the Nobel Peace winner just bombing the ever living shit out of Libya and its civilians.

An "encounter" that was only supposed to last weeks according to Barak the Magnificent.

Over 4 months of bombing with nothing to show for it. He owns this one entirely. How many dead baby Libyans are there? No one seems to know because the press doesn't seem to care about dead Libyan babies when a Democrat is killing them.

Oh and how much is Obama's new war costing the American people?

mmmm mmmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama killing babies

mmmm mmmm mmm Barack Hussein Obama killing babies.

Where's Jodie and Code Pink? Where are all the protests by liberals?

They ain't happening because a Democrat President is killing innocents.

And that's just fine with Obama's base. It's only bad when a Republican is bombing somewhere on the planet.

Hypocrite thy name is Democrat.
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the tea pots are delusional. they really believe young America is going to let old right tired America go back forty years. amazing.
My wifes' Uncle was a Captain in the Navy at the time, and was just above the officer who Kerry reported to. He said that the swift boater's accusations were ridiculous and untrue.

Yeah, we have one of those uncles too. He served in Korea and knew a man who was shot down twice and twice escaped from North Korean POW camps by commandeering a train. He was awarded the MOH too. That story is as credible as the one you posted.

Why would my wife's uncle lie about this? You just choose to accept what you believe, this is known as ignorance.

And who says you have a wife or an uncle..?? Your 'proof' or evidence is nothing more than hearsay at BEST... and more probably complete fabrication
We aren't bombing anyone in Libya, the French and Brits are, numbskull. That's why the WPA doesn't apply. Turn off the BS.


US leads 'Odyssey Dawn' initial attack on Libya - CSMonitor.com19 Mar 2011 ... The first major attack of "Odyssey Dawn" came as 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles
struck surface-to-air missiles, early warning sites, ...
www.csmonitor.com/.../2011/.../US-leads-Odyssey-Dawn-initial-attack-on-Libya - 83k - Cached - Similar pages

Crisis in Libya: U.S. bombs Qaddafi's airfields - World Watch ...19 Mar 2011 ... Crisis in Libya: U.S. bombs Qaddafi's airfields ... shot down in Benghazi on
March 19, 2011 as Libya's rebel stronghold came under attack, ...
Crisis in Libya: U.S. bombs Qaddafi's airfields - World Watch - CBS News - 121k - Cached - Similar pages

U.S. joins bombing of Libya - The Union LeaderPat Buchanan: Will black America pull away from Obama? 07/13/2011. Dad of 3 is
victim of city's first homicide in 2011. 07/13/2011 ...
www.unionleader.com/article.aspx?...U...bombing...Libya... - 38k - Cached - Similar pages

Shall I go on? Why I do believe I shall....

Coalition targets Gadhafi compound - CNNMarch 20, 2011|By the CNN Wire Staff. Airstrikes Sunday in the heart of ... to
the 1986 American bombing of Libya, in which one U.S. plane was downed. ...
articles.cnn.com/2011.../libya.civil.war_1_military-convoy-new-military-attacks-coalition-military-official?_... - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

U.S., allies launch air attacks on Libya - World - CBC News19 Mar 2011 ... The United States and its allies launched air attacks on Libyan targets on
Saturday, in what U.S. President Barack Obama described as the ...
U.S., allies launch air attacks on Libya - World - CBC News - Similar pages

BBC News - Libya: US, UK and France attack Gaddafi forces20 Mar 2011 ... Libya: US, UK and France attack Gaddafi forces. US destroyer USS Barry launches
Tomahawk missiles on Libya (19 March 2011) US and UK cruise ...
BBC News - Libya: US, UK and France attack Gaddafi forces - 82k - Cached - Similar pages

libya usa bombing tomahawk missile libya tripolis benghazi bengasi bombs britain france 19-03-2011 libya kaddafi 19 march 2011 us ...
2 min -

I see U.S. listed. Do you see the U.S.listed?
Yeah, we have one of those uncles too. He served in Korea and knew a man who was shot down twice and twice escaped from North Korean POW camps by commandeering a train. He was awarded the MOH too. That story is as credible as the one you posted.

Why would my wife's uncle lie about this? You just choose to accept what you believe, this is known as ignorance.

And who says you have a wife or an uncle..?? Your 'proof' or evidence is nothing more than hearsay at BEST... and more probably complete fabrication

You cannot refute what I say, so you call it fabrication. Weak, very weak, but what should we expect? i was posting something from a conversation that I had with a retired navy man, if you do not believe it. I do not care.
My wifes' Uncle was a Captain in the Navy at the time, and was just above the officer who Kerry reported to. He said that the swift boater's accusations were ridiculous and untrue.

Yeah, we have one of those uncles too. He served in Korea and knew a man who was shot down twice and twice escaped from North Korean POW camps by commandeering a train. He was awarded the MOH too. That story is as credible as the one you posted.

Why would my wife's uncle lie about this? You just choose to accept what you believe, this is known as ignorance.

Why would my uncle lie about people he knows? People lie all the time to make themselves more important. I choose to believe what I believe based on MANY other people's recollections who were there and who actually did do things. Nothing about Kerry's record adds up. Did he serve? Yes. Was he in harms way? Yes. Did he "earn" the medals involve? Maybe. There are a lot of questions about that. Most of my contacts are in SF and they all categorically say that Kerry's war record has been massaged.

That's their opinion which I value far more than mine on this issue. They were there, I wasn't. They worked within the system and know how it was abused by officers wanting to pad their record to advance their careers.
tinydancer is posting material from March, the WPA does not apply, the Fr and Br are carrying the load, and all the Far Extremist Righty Fascists can do is whine.
I know that I value the men who worked immediately with Kerry, whose words put a lie to the talk about Kerry. I know that I do not value the rambling accusations of an alcoholic rear admiral who hated Kerry because Kerry was the honorable man the other could never be.

I know that I can never value those here from the Far Righty Extremists that take hearsay about Kerry and spin lies.

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