Kevin McCarthy to campaign in 100 districts in 25 states for the midterms, says he guarantees the GOP will take back the House

I bet 9 out of 10 Republicans couldn’t even pick McCarthy out of a lineup.
I bet 9 out of 10 Republicans couldn’t even pick McCarthy out of a lineup.
He was the guy blaming Trump for the capital riots the day of and then kissing his ass a few days later. He’s what some would call, a big vagina
Yeah well I don’t think there is vast conspiracy of thousands of independent pros working for the democrats pulling off this election fraud initiative without leaving proof. You sound like a nut. Ocaams razor says, you lost, can’t accept it and are now just lying about the winners cheating.
You have seen the proof. You deny it.
He was the guy blaming Trump for the capital riots the day of and then kissing his ass a few days later. He’s what some would call, a big vagina
I’m trying to picture his face but all I come up with is a vague grey blotch. His lack of spine is his chief qualification.
You have seen the proof. You deny it.
I’ve seen what you call proof. It’s not proof. It’s assumptions. I deny it because it is not actual proof. If it was there would be legal action. It it were proof then you wouldn’t be saying you need an investigation to prove it.
So you’re not even gonna try and prove it?! Haha. Enough said.
It was already proven that you and your friends lied about Russian Collusion, Lied in The Mueller Investigation, Lied in The Two Fake Impeachments, Lied to The Justice Department, Lied to The FISA Court.

It's not every day people like Obama, Biden and Clinton hit the Trifecta of Committing Treason, Sedition, and Launching a COUP and Insurrection to remove a duly elected president and then followed that up with massive election fraud.

Well done Denizen of Hell.
I’m trying to picture his face but all I come up with is a vague grey blotch. His lack of spine is his chief qualification.
He’s almost as bad as Ted Cruz but not quite there yet. Close though
It was already proven that you and your friends lied about Russian Collusion, Lied in The Mueller Investigation, Lied in The Two Fake Impeachments, Lied to The Justice Department, Lied to The FISA Court.

It's not every day people like Obama, Biden and Clinton hit the Trifecta of Committing Treason, Sedition, and Launching a COUP and Insurrection to remove a duly elected president and then followed that up with massive election fraud.

Well done Denizen of Hell.
Hahahahaha. Oh it was already shown?! Gotchya. It was shown before but you can’t show it now. Excellent. You’re retarded.
Hahahahaha. Oh it was already shown?! Gotchya. It was shown before but you can’t show it now. Excellent. You’re retarded.
It's already proven, Obama, Clinton and Biden colluded with Putin and their corrupt friends in The FBI to lie to The American People, waste our tax dollars to create and carry out The Russian Collusion Scam.
I’ve seen what you call proof. It’s not proof. It’s assumptions. I deny it because it is not actual proof. If it was there would be legal action. It it were proof then you wouldn’t be saying you need an investigation to prove it.
Assumptions seem to go a long way when they are against Trump. Why not here?
It's already proven, Obama, Clinton and Biden colluded with Putin and their corrupt friends in The FBI to lie to The American People, waste our tax dollars to create and carry out The Russian Collusion Scam.
What are you yabbering on about?! You called me a liar. I challenged you to prove it and show my lie. What you just posted has zero to do with anything I’ve said.
What are you yabbering on about?! You called me a liar. I challenged you to prove it and show my lie. What you just posted has zero to do with anything I’ve said.
You are a liar. You and all the Children of Hell that come on this message board daily to spam it with anti democracy anti-American Propaganda.

Now don't you have to get busy pleasuring Xi or Putin for your next election scam in 2024? You probably already have your 2022 scam in place by now. Who'd you get to help you with that? Iran? North Korea?
Assumptions seem to go a long way when they are against Trump. Why not here?
You changing the subject then? The hypocrisy game doesn’t work in this debate unless you are admitting you lied and really don’t have proof but are calling your assumptions proof because the Dems did it to Trump so that makes it ok. Is that what you’re saying?!
You are a liar. You and all the Children of Hell that come on this message board daily to spam it with anti democracy anti-American Propaganda.

Now don't you have to get busy pleasuring Xi or Putin for your next election scam in 2024? You probably already have your 2022 scam in place by now. Who'd you get to help you with that? Iran? North Korea?
So again, no proof or even an attempt to back up your claims. Just empty insults followed by pointless ranting. Man you’re pathetic.
You changing the subject then? The hypocrisy game doesn’t work in this debate unless you are admitting you lied and really don’t have proof but are calling your assumptions proof because the Dems did it to Trump so that makes it ok. Is that what you’re saying?!
Actually it should but playing by the rules and respecting the Constitution or rule of law is not a Democrat thing. They are now nothing more than fascists.

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