Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

We have to change a system that incentivizes and rewards this madness.

Before it's too late. Literally.

If fixing the system includes any, and I mean ANY of the insane bullshit you have suggested throughout the years? No thanks, gridlock & madness is preferable.
I got more game in my pinky finger than the sum total of the intellect on the left.
Shit, I wish you did. Then you would actually be worth talking to.

If the 2020 election was stolen, then why did the Republicans gain several House seats? That makes zero sense. If the Democrats were to steal the 2020 election from Trump, then they also would have stolen House seats and Senate seats.

You people are idiot, unsophisticated simpletons who are easily fooled by con men like Trump because of your self-destructive hatred and sick obsession to "own the libs".
Democrats ARE the party of of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles you stupid ignorant idot. They EFEND it and PROMOTE is. You are a sick lying sack of shit.

Democrats are EVIL in their spirit. They support and promote and defend evil, from sodomy to trannies to pedophiles and groomers, to the murder of children (abortion) . . .
. . . they support socialism, Marxism, open borders and roving hate gangs in the streets (Antifa and BLM).

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

On January 6th...........................they tried.


September 4 2020
For over a year, President Donald Trump has been pushing for a third term in office in 2024. The incumbent, who is currently trailing his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the presidency, insisted again that he could “negotiate” a third term.

"We're gonna win four more years in the White House. And then after that, we'll negotiate. Because probably — based on the way we were treated, we're probably entitled to another four after that," Trump said on Saturday night at a campaign rally in Minden, Nevada.
Definitely well groomed to believe anything you are told to believe by the rightwing cult, ignoring your own eyes and ears.
July 24 2018
Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) gathering in Kansas City, Trump implored his audience to forget about what they see and read — and instead just listen to him.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
Shit, I wish you did. Then you would actually be worth talking to.

If the 2020 election was stolen, then why did the Republicans gain several House seats? That makes zero sense. If the Democrats were to steal the 2020 election from Trump, then they also would have stolen House seats and Senate seats.

You people are idiot, unsophisticated simpletons who are easily fooled by con men like Trump because of your self-destructive hatred and sick obsession to "own the libs".
Plus No GOP member seeking re-election lost in 2020.Just a couple who
had been in Congress due to special Elections..
Plus Trump won 2,497 Counties.
Biden winning 477 counties.
Trump won 18 of 19 Battleground counties.
He won Florida,Ohio and Texas Early and decisively.
Name another General election where Voting was halted in the
the early hours of the morning.And it taking till late on a friday to
determine the winner.
Or where 102 Million mail-in ballots were collected and counted.
No President in 150 years had lost a Re-election when they Increased
their lead.Trump getting more than 3 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.
If fixing the system includes any, and I mean ANY of the insane bullshit you have suggested throughout the years? No thanks, gridlock & madness is preferable.
"Insane bullshit" like what, exactly?

You must have several great examples, for it to stick in your head like that.

Go ahead.

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July 24 2018
Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) gathering in Kansas City, Trump implored his audience to forget about what they see and read — and instead just listen to him.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
Trump was Spot-on.Each passing week Trump's advice was Historically
spot-on.The Left,Mainstream Media,Press and Cable outlets { CNN,MSNBC }
and The Networks Plus Social Media and Zuckerberg were intensely engaged
in Lying about Trump every day.Some times multiple times.Plus even Lizard face
Zuckerbergs had to cave and admit that - Rigged - the latest *Documentary
now airing around the country was accurate.

* - Rigged : The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump - {2022}
If the 2020 election was stolen, then why did the Republicans gain several House seats? That makes zero sense. If the Democrats were to steal the 2020 election from Trump, then they also would have stolen House seats and Senate seats.

You are angry, and not very educated in political science. I can see you are a victim of public education, and too much social media and mass corporate media, it's a shame. What you have stated, is precisely one of the very indicators of why most sane, intelligent, highly educated folks in the field are suspect of the results.

What happened, was precisely the REVERSE of the Coattail Effect. One would have expected, if the Trump years were so bad, to see more folks from the DNC elected, but it was not so. There were no coattails for Joe.


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March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

On January 6th...........................they tried.

View attachment 634937

September 4 2020
For over a year, President Donald Trump has been pushing for a third term in office in 2024. The incumbent, who is currently trailing his challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, for the presidency, insisted again that he could “negotiate” a third term.

"We're gonna win four more years in the White House. And then after that, we'll negotiate. Because probably — based on the way we were treated, we're probably entitled to another four after that," Trump said on Saturday night at a campaign rally in Minden, Nevada.
So next time there is a riot at the Capitol, it will be you folks and ANTIFA. . . these folks are playing you people like a fiddle.

. .. and you will say, well, it is different this time.

July 24 2018
Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) gathering in Kansas City, Trump implored his audience to forget about what they see and read — and instead just listen to him.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

― George Orwell, 1984
Trump, McCarthy and MTG are their models.

Just lie. Just lie. It'll get covered by the next insane development.
Yeah, I didn't think so.

You guys NEVER answer that question. You run. Every time.

No, every time I got through the trouble of answering you, then? You drop the issue and run from me. It has happened with you now a half dozen times. I am tired of putting any effort into any real conversation with YOU, you have proven not to be worth my time anymore.

Once you go back and answer all those posts I posed to you in your threads? Then we will talk. Till then? You are bullshit.

You do the same bullshit to Natural Citizen to.
You are angry, and not very educated in political science. I can see you are a victim of public education, and too much social media and mass corporate media, it's a shame. What you have stated, is precisely one of the very indicators of why most sane, intelligent, highly educated folks in the field are suspect of the results.

What happened, was precisely the REVERSE of the Coattail Effect. One would have expected, if the Trump years were so bad, to see more folks from the DNC elected, but it was not so. There were no coattails for Joe.


If Only that was even remotely true.Very very few Republicans and even
most Conservatives were just too cowardly to speak up and voice concern
about the Election of 2020.Case in Point.Outright and outspoken Conservative
Dennis Prager among them.He used as excuse { Real cute Dennis } his
being Agnostic towards the Election and it's results.
He was simply too cowardly.Could not handle the feedback he'd obvioulsy welcome.
So he played it safe.Whereas America's Mayor { Rudy Giuliani } was actively
taking-on along with Sidney Powell the Election inconsistencies and absurd
demands that Questioning the Election would Not Be Tolerated.
A Stalinist Approach.
It turned out to be 100 % Stalinist.Even Joe Biden used the phrase
it's not who voted but who counted votes.
Sadfully Jerome Corsi was also wrong.He did the opposite each weekday
on YouTube.He kept pleading that he was 100 % sure that Trump would be
found the true winner.Right up to around January 3rd.
After Janusry 6th and the hype ... The Stalinist went into action.Making sure
January 6th was Their Day of Infamy.And No one should forget it.
It was their attempt to take out any Trump and his fan base approval.
Weaponizing Radical Democrats and Judges and Lawyers to do what has
never been done before.Transforming American citizens into Political Prisoners.
Jerome Corsi was banned off YouTube and fled like a Holocaust Prisoner
during Hitlers reign.Never to be seen or heard from again.
They pulled the same crap with Giuliani and Powell.And Steve Bannon.
And then Mark Meadows.Then Matt Gates.

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