Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

Um.. like where'd you git the Jerry Nadler bar mitvah photo.?
Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

If he did then Trump would have told his punk ass to fuck off and real Americans would have cheered.

Democrats are the party ofGroomers, Pedophiles, Socialism, Sodomy, Infanticide, not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Trump was the greatest president since Reagan.

Many Americans who have had loved ones KILLED by Dem policies and open borders have good reason to hate Dems guts!
Also, Americans who have had children sexually groomed and indocrinated into transgenderism and homosexuality ALSO have good reason to hate Dems guts!

Hey, dumbass, stop spreading raw sewage!
So says the Queen of Sewage
Trump was Spot-on.Each passing week Trump's advice was Historically
spot-on.The Left,Mainstream Media,Press and Cable outlets { CNN,MSNBC }
and The Networks Plus Social Media and Zuckerberg were intensely engaged
in Lying about Trump every day.Some times multiple times.Plus even Lizard face
Zuckerbergs had to cave and admit that - Rigged - the latest *Documentary
now airing around the country was accurate.

* - Rigged : The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump - {2022}
So, when are these people going to testify?
Are the Italians going to let their space satellite(s) testify?
You are angry, and not very educated in political science. I can see you are a victim of public education, and too much social media and mass corporate media, it's a shame. What you have stated, is precisely one of the very indicators of why most sane, intelligent, highly educated folks in the field are suspect of the results.

What happened, was precisely the REVERSE of the Coattail Effect. One would have expected, if the Trump years were so bad, to see more folks from the DNC elected, but it was not so. There were no coattails for Joe.


You didn't answer my questions....because you can't. Just more stupid insults.

So the Democrats did a brilliant job of stealing the election from Trump. They did such a brilliant job and covered their tracks so beautifully that they left no evidence of fraud behind.....Yet, somehow, the Democrats did a horrible job stealing House seats and Senate seats?

THAT is your idiotic argument.

There are no impartial observers who feel the election was stolen by Trump. Period. You lose, just like Trump did in 2020.
So next time there is a riot at the Capitol, it will be you folks and ANTIFA. . . these folks are playing you people like a fiddle.

. .. and you will say, well, it is different this time.

Next time?
We aren't that stupid.

ANTIFA is going for round two, now?
But trump says he is Okay with Kevin. He understands that Kevin is as big a Liar as He is. Poor Kevin soiled his psnts a little when he.called TFG to explain the audio that proves he is a Liar.

The repub party - "We will Lie for You!".
Also, Americans who have had children sexually groomed and indocrinated into transgenderism and homosexuality ALSO have good reason to hate Dems guts!

So says the Queen of Sewage
Mores so each passing day.Since Passover is done over.
I wonder how The Dems like their arses cooked this fall.
But trump says he is Okay with Kevin. He understands that Kevin is as big a Liar as He is. Poor Kevin soiled his psnts a little when he.called TFG to explain the audio that proves he is a Liar.

The repub party - "We will Lie for You!".
I tell ya what Doctor Lie checker.Tell us all what Truth Your prized
Democrats have uttered in the last 2 years.Yes,including Biden on the
Campaign trail.Not an hour passed where they dint lie worse than
crooked Riverboat Gamblers.
This would be a great counter-argument....if it ever actually happened.

And it won't happen, except in your fantasy Trumpster wet dreams.
" Man is not a mammal " -- W.J.Bryan
Attorney Clarence Darrow forced Bryan to repeat this incredible
statement several times.
If he did then Trump would have told his punk ass to fuck off and real Americans would have cheered.

Democrats are the party ofGroomers, Pedophiles, Socialism, Sodomy, Infanticide, not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

Trump was the greatest president since Reagan.

View attachment 634951

Trump is the worst president since Reagan, more corrupt and a traitor, just like Ronnie.

The presidency of Ronald Reagan in the United States was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president in American history.

The most well-known and politically damaging of the scandals came to light since Watergate was in 1986, when Ronald Reagan conceded that the United States had sold weapons to the Islamic Republic of Iran, as part of a largely unsuccessful effort to secure the release of six U.S. citizens being held hostage in Lebanon.

It was also disclosed that some of the money from the arms deal with Iran had been covertly and illegally funneled into a fund to aid the right-wing Contras counter-revolutionary groups seeking to overthrow the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.
So the Democrats did a brilliant job of stealing the election from Trump. They did such a brilliant job and covered their tracks so beautifully that they left no evidence of fraud behind.....Yet, somehow, the Democrats did a horrible job stealing House seats and Senate seats?
Yeah well Democrats aren't the brightest crayons in the box.
---Kevin McCarthy Is a Swamp Snake and We Don’t Like Him – In a Moment of Crisis He Wet His Pants---

---Michele Bachmann Calls on a Worthy GOP Member to Stand Up and Announce a Run for GOP House Leader---

You know, even in that radio interview, this lie is repeated over and over again.

But? If anyone looked close at that "gallows," you could see, it was a non-functional, protest prop. It makes me think the whole thing is a psychological media operation. No one ever was going to "hang," the VP, because that gallows was non-functional.

No one can prove there was any more intention to hang anyone, than there was an intention to hang GOP members in the Florida House today when the DNC members protested that legislation on their house floor and shut down their chambers.

It is an absurd piece of propaganda.

Anyone that thinks THIS? Could hang anyone? They can be lied into believing anything.


Anyone that listens to the radio broadcast can hear, the whole thing is a non-issue.
Yup, I always pack gallows when I visit places. Great conversation-starter. Why do Dems take everything so seriously?

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