Key inflation cause: Republican policy

Not my problem you don't know the difference between debt and deficit.
Meh. Not my problem you cant read and have to argue stupid points instead of the real issue driving inflation: Republican policy.
Ole Joe, your hero, does it again !!
GO JOE !!!

The inflation of 2021/2022 is undoubtably the result of key Republican policy failures specific to the workforce and oil pricing. These two Republican pressures behind the worldwide supply availability are the three direct causes of inflation. Mic drop.

1. Labor shortage - 3.5M deficit in workers
  1. Declining immigration
  2. Covid deaths
  3. Early retirees due to safety
2. Gas prices
  1. Oil rig shut downs during Trump - over 600
  2. Negotiated reduction in OPEC - over 2M B/D
3. World wide supply shortage
  1. This is not the pubs fault as it’s affected every country.

Irrefutable Data:

Their exit is causing a ripple effect. Between early retirees, “a surge in deaths,” and a decline in immigration, the American labor force is missing about 3.5 million people, Fed chair Jerome Powell said in late November. The excess retirements in particular “might now account for more than 2 million of the 3 ½ million shortfall in the labor force,” he said. Experts worry the shortfall could make it harder to tame inflation.

Oil rigs in use at the end of January:

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hahah. blaming the party out of power for demafasict policies is comical
hahah. blaming the party out of power for demafasict policies is comical
Don’t be an idiot. Inflation starting hitting well before the democrats did anything as it was the result of the things I outlined. Being a simpleton who wants to yell “go team” in the face of disastrous policies is counter to your welfare.

Tell me this. What do you think about Trump shutting down 60% of oil rigs before Biden came into office?

What do you think about the two million less barrels Trump negotiated to output?

What do you think about a shrinking workforce from a restricted immigration policy and bad health policy of Republicans?
Don’t be an idiot. Inflation starting hitting well before the democrats did anything as it was the result of the things I outlined. Being a simpleton who wants to yell “go team” in the face of disastrous policies is counter to your welfare.

Tell me this. What do you think about Trump shutting down 60% of oil rigs before Biden came into office?

What do you think about the two million less barrels Trump negotiated to output?

What do you think about a shrinking workforce from a restricted immigration policy and bad health policy of Republicans?
There was no inflation under Carter?
Don’t be an idiot. Inflation starting hitting well before the democrats did anything as it was the result of the things I outlined. Being a simpleton who wants to yell “go team” in the face of disastrous policies is counter to your welfare.

Tell me this. What do you think about Trump shutting down 60% of oil rigs before Biden came into office?

What do you think about the two million less barrels Trump negotiated to output?

What do you think about a shrinking workforce from a restricted immigration policy and bad health policy of Republicans?
nope inflation hit when the dems took over….prior to them, during the trump admin we had a normal inflation rate. Facts don’t support your false narrative

the gop has been in power..these are xiden policies in place that is destroying the workforce…and this isis wirh his open border policies
nope inflation hit when the dems took over….prior to them, during the trump admin we had a normal inflation rate. Facts don’t support your false narrative

the gop has been in power..these are xiden policies in place that is destroying the workforce…and this isis wirh his open border policies
I just outlined the drivers. They are indisputable. None of you have taken any exception to oil wells, OPEC output or shrinking workforce. No debate on it cause you know it’s true. Instead of addressing the causes I outlined you take your ball and go home like you just did. No facts just “nanny nanny boo boo”.
I just outlined the drivers. They are indisputable. None of you have taken any exception to oil wells, OPEC output or shrinking workforce. No debate on it cause you know it’s true. Instead of addressing the causes I outlined you take your ball and go home like you just did. No facts just “nanny nanny boo boo”.
yea xiden’s policies are hitting on every driver. Kick the demafasict out and inflation goes back to normal
You never explain anything in context which is why I find you laughable at best.
It was already in context. We’ve been discussing the current inflation so I knew your comment was just a silly dig. It happens when you can’t debate the facts. I get it.
yea xiden’s policies are hitting on every driver. Kick the demafasict out and inflation goes back to normal
Still no debate on the facts. Just name calling. You guys are out classed. Where are the smart righties?
It was already in context. We’ve been discussing the current inflation so I knew your comment was just a silly dig. It happens when you can’t debate the facts. I get it.
Current inflation is part of a continuum.
Meh. Not my problem you cant read and have to argue stupid points instead of the real issue driving inflation: Republican policy.
Already addressed your lying OP, Simp.

Nazi Piglosy has controlled the purse strings since 2018, and your Dimtards have controlled everything since Jan 2021 when inflation was 1.4%.

Nobody is buying your bullshit Republicans are responsible for Bidenflation, Dumbass.

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