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Keystone Pipeline Benefits?

From my understanding is that the keystone pipeline is solely about helping Canada get to the gulf and ship oil out the US and has nothing to do with: 1. Getting the US more oil (like many like myself were led to believe) and 2. Not about producing and sending any of our oil anywhere.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but other than the over inflated (yes the right lies about the number of jobs that are created, just like the left does) temporary jobs, what is the big benefit to the US that we continue fight back and forth over.

If it truly was about getting more Canadian oil to the stated, then I am for it. It should more forward, but if it's solely about getting Canadian oil to the gulf, then I have no idea why (other then generous kickbacks), whey the Republicans are pushing for this so hard!

Which will do MORE DAMAGE to the environment?
a One million barrel tanker traveling ONE mile on the open ocean.."See below Exxon Valdez"... OR
700 barrels of oil traveling one mile on dry land ?
It is that simple I'm all in favor of the pipeline as there is less of a risk on dry land versus open ocean and LESS damage done on dry land then
on thousands of miles of coastline and thousands of wildlife!

It will be shipping either through a pipeline of which I don't think you understand THERE ARE 185,000 MILES of oil pipeline already in the USA..
or Canada will send it via a tanker on the open Arctic Pacific ocean prone to daily storms,etc.

Which would you prefer...
  • The amount of oil spilled could fill 125 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • As many as 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 900 bald eagles and 250,000 seabirds died in the days following the disaster.
  • 1,300 miles of coastline were hit by the oil spill.
  • 1,000 harlequin ducks were killed by the oil spill, in addition to many chronic injuries that occurred as a result of the long term effects of the spill.
  • The cleanup required about 10,000 workers, 1,000 boats and roughly 100 airplanes and helicopters.
  • Four deaths were directly associated with cleanup efforts.
  • The spill caused over $300 million of economic harm to more than 32 thousand people whose livelihoods depended on commercial fishing.
  • Tourism spending decreased by eight percent in south central Alaska and by 35 percent in southwest Alaska in the year after the spill.
  • There was a loss of 9,400 visitors and $5.5 million in state spending.
  • Many fish populations were harmed during the spill. For example, sand lance populations went down in 1989 and 1990, herring returns were significantly fewer in 1992 and 1994 and adult fish had high rates of viral infections.
  • Pink salmon embryos continued to be harmed and killed by oil that remained on stones and gravel of stream banks through at least 1993. As a result, the southwestern part of Prince William Sound lost 1.9 million or 28 percent of its potential stock of wild pink salmon. By 1992, this part of the sound still had 6 percent less of the wild pink salmon stock than was estimated to have existed if the spill had not occurred.
  • Two years following the Exxon Valdez spill, the economic losses to recreational fishing were estimated to be $31 million.
  • Twelve years after the spill, oil could still be found on half of the 91 randomly selected beaches surveyed.
  • Three species of cormorant, the common loon, the harbor seal, the harlequin duck, the pacific herring and the pigeon guillemot still have not fully recovered.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Facts
There is zero reason to not build it. It's being held up due to demagoguery of radical enviro-kooks.
And these environmental idiots can't seem to comprehend the risk to the environment will be GREATER by NOT building it!
  • The amount of oil spilled could fill 125 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • As many as 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 900 bald eagles and 250,000 seabirds died in the days following the disaster.
  • 1,300 miles of coastline were hit by the oil spill.
  • 1,000 harlequin ducks were killed by the oil spill, in addition to many chronic injuries that occurred as a result of the long term effects of the spill.
  • The cleanup required about 10,000 workers, 1,000 boats and roughly 100 airplanes and helicopters.
  • Four deaths were directly associated with cleanup efforts.
  • The spill caused over $300 million of economic harm to more than 32 thousand people whose livelihoods depended on commercial fishing.
  • Tourism spending decreased by eight percent in south central Alaska and by 35 percent in southwest Alaska in the year after the spill.
  • There was a loss of 9,400 visitors and $5.5 million in state spending.
  • Many fish populations were harmed during the spill. For example, sand lance populations went down in 1989 and 1990, herring returns were significantly fewer in 1992 and 1994 and adult fish had high rates of viral infections.
  • Pink salmon embryos continued to be harmed and killed by oil that remained on stones and gravel of stream banks through at least 1993. As a result, the southwestern part of Prince William Sound lost 1.9 million or 28 percent of its potential stock of wild pink salmon. By 1992, this part of the sound still had 6 percent less of the wild pink salmon stock than was estimated to have existed if the spill had not occurred.
  • Two years following the Exxon Valdez spill, the economic losses to recreational fishing were estimated to be $31 million.
  • Twelve years after the spill, oil could still be found on half of the 91 randomly selected beaches surveyed.
  • Three species of cormorant, the common loon, the harbor seal, the harlequin duck, the pacific herring and the pigeon guillemot still have not fully recovered.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Facts
There is zero reason to not build it. It's being held up due to demagoguery of radical enviro-kooks.
And these environmental idiots can't seem to comprehend the risk to the environment will be GREATER by NOT building it!
  • The amount of oil spilled could fill 125 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • As many as 2,800 sea otters, 300 harbor seals, 900 bald eagles and 250,000 seabirds died in the days following the disaster.
  • 1,300 miles of coastline were hit by the oil spill.
  • 1,000 harlequin ducks were killed by the oil spill, in addition to many chronic injuries that occurred as a result of the long term effects of the spill.
  • The cleanup required about 10,000 workers, 1,000 boats and roughly 100 airplanes and helicopters.
  • Four deaths were directly associated with cleanup efforts.
  • The spill caused over $300 million of economic harm to more than 32 thousand people whose livelihoods depended on commercial fishing.
  • Tourism spending decreased by eight percent in south central Alaska and by 35 percent in southwest Alaska in the year after the spill.
  • There was a loss of 9,400 visitors and $5.5 million in state spending.
  • Many fish populations were harmed during the spill. For example, sand lance populations went down in 1989 and 1990, herring returns were significantly fewer in 1992 and 1994 and adult fish had high rates of viral infections.
  • Pink salmon embryos continued to be harmed and killed by oil that remained on stones and gravel of stream banks through at least 1993. As a result, the southwestern part of Prince William Sound lost 1.9 million or 28 percent of its potential stock of wild pink salmon. By 1992, this part of the sound still had 6 percent less of the wild pink salmon stock than was estimated to have existed if the spill had not occurred.
  • Two years following the Exxon Valdez spill, the economic losses to recreational fishing were estimated to be $31 million.
  • Twelve years after the spill, oil could still be found on half of the 91 randomly selected beaches surveyed.
  • Three species of cormorant, the common loon, the harbor seal, the harlequin duck, the pacific herring and the pigeon guillemot still have not fully recovered.
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Facts

In the same year the Valdez dumped 10 million gallons, an Iranian tanker in the Canary Islands dumped 19 million in a spill.

According to your thinking that makes the Atlantic more dangerous than the Pacific.
For Oklahoma welders this was a mega bonus. $134,000 for work on the pipeline.

"Goulet said the project created 4,000 jobs, including 339 pipefitters and welders from Local 798.

"They're productive and we appreciate the support they provide, not only to the project, but what they provide for the permitting process for future projects," he said.

Goulet said the Gulf Coast pipeline's success should help TransCanada get approval for the Keystone XL pipeline. It will go from Nebraska to Canada.

Union leaders say these projects provide jobs and stability for hundreds of people. For example, they say, their members who worked on the Gulf Coast Pipeline earned, on average, $134,000 per person.

"Which means they've got healthcare for another year, they've got a pension credit for when they retire," said Danny Hendrix, with the Local 798. "It means that those families have got healthcare, dental care--so it means a lot. It means they can make a house payment, it means they can send their kids to college."

Gulf Coast Pipeline Construction Creates Hundreds Of Jobs For Lo - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa OK - News Weather Video and Sports - KOTV.com

a one time situation IN OKLAHOMA .. Kansas and Texas, same thing ...

temp contract work, is not a JOB per se' ..

but it is good to know you're pro union now.

What the hell is with you? Being a construction worker means every job you are on is a temporary job for crying out loud.

It's what they do for a living. To say that a construction worker isn't working a "real job" is just freaking nuts.

then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.
Just curious, who is paying for this Pipeline? Are any of our tax payers funding any of it?

And will we be able to utilize it? Or is this a closed pipeline?

And wouldn't it just be cheaper for TransCanada to put in a few refineries in Canada?

Why does this company need this pipeline, how do they benefit from this pipeline? And I don't mind if they benefit, just wondering what the true benefits of this is to them.....?

And are pipelines Oil Type Specific? Like built specifically for Tar sand oil so they can not transport other types of oil?

Edit: yes, I am admittingly, very ignorant on the topic..

First up you have to understand Care4all is that Trans Canada who is building Keystone XL pipeline is strictly an infrastructure company.

They don't drill. They don't refine. They are simply a "moving company" to use a simple analogy to get the crude from point A the oil fields in Canada and point B the Bakken fields in North Dakota to Point C the refineries on the Gulf Coast for customers.That's XL.

Just a moving company. Yes your producers can use the pipeline as well. Heidi Heitkamp (D) North Dakota has been a huge proponent for XL for the Bakken producers in her state.

Canada has hundreds of refineries. And yes Trans Canada and other companies deliver crude to them.

Trans Canada is paying for the pipeline. Just like they did for Keystone I and Keystone II. Trans Canada makes their $$$$ by contracts with both refineries and producers.

The pipeline is just a method of transportation. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Quickie sort of Cole's notes for the pipeline without the BS here.

Myths Facts Keystone XL Pipeline
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From my understanding is that the keystone pipeline is solely about helping Canada get to the gulf and ship oil out the US and has nothing to do with: 1. Getting the US more oil (like many like myself were led to believe) and 2. Not about producing and sending any of our oil anywhere.


The USA consumes 19 million barrels of oil per day. Keystone XL pipeline can only ship 850 thousand barrels of oil per day. It would take 23 Keystone XL pipelines to satisfy the US oil demand before we would be a net exporter.

Enbridge Flanagan South Pipeline is a 36" pipeline that already carries Canada sands oil here to the USA. The other large Keystone Phase I pipeline is also already doing the same. We need more pipeline capacity both directions across the US & Canada.

US shale is producing a condensate glut here in the USA, preventing refiners from producing cheaper gasoline & fuel. Canada needs this condensate to cleanly extract oil from their sands in an environmentally friendly way. This condensate will also cut in half the cost of oil production from Canada's sands. That means cleaner & cheaper oil for US here in the USA. Canada already needs 400,000 barrels of condensate per day. Soon Canada's condensate demand from the USA will max-out the capacity of a Keystone XL pipeline flowing in reverse. We need a lot more pipelines between Texas and Canada.
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It is more about the right complaining about welfare for Individuals, even artificial Persons as Individuals getting bailed out by Socialism, like Usual.

Promoting the general welfare should be more than just bailing out the fossil fuel sector through eminent domain. It should be about Infrastructure sufficient to meet any demand required of it. Mass transit in goods and services should be included as Infrastructure since we have a Commerce Clause, to facilitate commerce and lower that cost to the private sector.
It is more about the right complaining about welfare for Individuals, even artificial Persons as Individuals getting bailed out by Socialism, like Usual.

Promoting the general welfare should be more than just bailing out the fossil fuel sector through eminent domain. It should be about Infrastructure sufficient to meet any demand required of it. Mass transit in goods and services should be included as Infrastructure since we have a Commerce Clause, to facilitate commerce and lower that cost to the private sector.

Bail out the fossil fuel industry? What type of left wing wanker are you?

Look you idiot. Trans Canada pays for the whole shebang you moron. It's just a freaking pipeline to transport crude. That's all it is fool.

And Keystone I and Keystone II and Keystone III from Cushing to the Gulf are pumping daily. Where were all you assholes protesting those pipelines that Obama's government passed?

Oh and the lateral to Houston? No protests?

Why only the northern leg? Political theatre. All bullshit. Did you protest Obama's government approval of the Alberta Clipper?

How about protesting your big greeny Steyer's pipelines?
For Oklahoma welders this was a mega bonus. $134,000 for work on the pipeline.

"Goulet said the project created 4,000 jobs, including 339 pipefitters and welders from Local 798.

"They're productive and we appreciate the support they provide, not only to the project, but what they provide for the permitting process for future projects," he said.

Goulet said the Gulf Coast pipeline's success should help TransCanada get approval for the Keystone XL pipeline. It will go from Nebraska to Canada.

Union leaders say these projects provide jobs and stability for hundreds of people. For example, they say, their members who worked on the Gulf Coast Pipeline earned, on average, $134,000 per person.

"Which means they've got healthcare for another year, they've got a pension credit for when they retire," said Danny Hendrix, with the Local 798. "It means that those families have got healthcare, dental care--so it means a lot. It means they can make a house payment, it means they can send their kids to college."

Gulf Coast Pipeline Construction Creates Hundreds Of Jobs For Lo - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa OK - News Weather Video and Sports - KOTV.com

a one time situation IN OKLAHOMA .. Kansas and Texas, same thing ...

temp contract work, is not a JOB per se' ..

but it is good to know you're pro union now.

What the hell is with you? Being a construction worker means every job you are on is a temporary job for crying out loud.

It's what they do for a living. To say that a construction worker isn't working a "real job" is just freaking nuts.

then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.
For Oklahoma welders this was a mega bonus. $134,000 for work on the pipeline.

"Goulet said the project created 4,000 jobs, including 339 pipefitters and welders from Local 798.

"They're productive and we appreciate the support they provide, not only to the project, but what they provide for the permitting process for future projects," he said.

Goulet said the Gulf Coast pipeline's success should help TransCanada get approval for the Keystone XL pipeline. It will go from Nebraska to Canada.

Union leaders say these projects provide jobs and stability for hundreds of people. For example, they say, their members who worked on the Gulf Coast Pipeline earned, on average, $134,000 per person.

"Which means they've got healthcare for another year, they've got a pension credit for when they retire," said Danny Hendrix, with the Local 798. "It means that those families have got healthcare, dental care--so it means a lot. It means they can make a house payment, it means they can send their kids to college."

Gulf Coast Pipeline Construction Creates Hundreds Of Jobs For Lo - NewsOn6.com - Tulsa OK - News Weather Video and Sports - KOTV.com

a one time situation IN OKLAHOMA .. Kansas and Texas, same thing ...

temp contract work, is not a JOB per se' ..

but it is good to know you're pro union now.

What the hell is with you? Being a construction worker means every job you are on is a temporary job for crying out loud.

It's what they do for a living. To say that a construction worker isn't working a "real job" is just freaking nuts.

then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.

The pipeline is not about permanent pipeline jobs. It's about increasing oil production & refinery jobs and cheap gasoline & fuel for US citizens.

Tie the pipeline to a larger infrastructure bill with high speed trains that reduce oil consumption & create jobs so everyone is happy.
a one time situation IN OKLAHOMA .. Kansas and Texas, same thing ...

temp contract work, is not a JOB per se' ..

but it is good to know you're pro union now.

What the hell is with you? Being a construction worker means every job you are on is a temporary job for crying out loud.

It's what they do for a living. To say that a construction worker isn't working a "real job" is just freaking nuts.

then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.

The pipeline is not about permanent pipeline jobs. It's about increasing oil production & refinery jobs and cheap gasoline & fuel for US citizens.

Tie the pipeline to a larger infrastructure bill with high speed trains that reduce oil consumption & create jobs so everyone is happy.

oh please, increased production for what again? cheap gas. Gas is cheap and Keystone hasn't been finished. Keystone was about job growth, now its not about job growth. You got nothing but a brown streak in your Jockeys SJ.


mistaken identity, mea culpa.
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What the hell is with you? Being a construction worker means every job you are on is a temporary job for crying out loud.

It's what they do for a living. To say that a construction worker isn't working a "real job" is just freaking nuts.

then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.

The pipeline is not about permanent pipeline jobs. It's about increasing oil production & refinery jobs and cheap gasoline & fuel for US citizens.

Tie the pipeline to a larger infrastructure bill with high speed trains that reduce oil consumption & create jobs so everyone is happy.

oh please, increased production for what again? cheap gas. Gas is cheap and Keystone hasn't been finished. Keystone was about job growth, now its not about job growth. You got nothing but a brown streak in your Jockeys SJ.


Keystone runs from Alberta to the Gulf now. XL is only a northern leg that would pick up crude from the Bakken.

Get a grip Siete.
From my understanding is that the keystone pipeline is solely about helping Canada get to the gulf and ship oil out the US and has nothing to do with: 1. Getting the US more oil (like many like myself were led to believe) and 2. Not about producing and sending any of our oil anywhere.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but other than the over inflated (yes the right lies about the number of jobs that are created, just like the left does) temporary jobs, what is the big benefit to the US that we continue fight back and forth over.

If it truly was about getting more Canadian oil to the stated, then I am for it. It should more forward, but if it's solely about getting Canadian oil to the gulf, then I have no idea why (other then generous kickbacks), whey the Republicans are pushing for this so hard!

Bohner should invite the Canadian prime minister to give his views to the congress on this issue.
then quit pumping up the job issues as if they're permanent jobs ... provide the actual work time too..

not a thing is wrong with me Miss Pro Union

I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.

The pipeline is not about permanent pipeline jobs. It's about increasing oil production & refinery jobs and cheap gasoline & fuel for US citizens.

Tie the pipeline to a larger infrastructure bill with high speed trains that reduce oil consumption & create jobs so everyone is happy.

oh please, increased production for what again? cheap gas. Gas is cheap and Keystone hasn't been finished. Keystone was about job growth, now its not about job growth. You got nothing but a brown streak in your Jockeys SJ.


Keystone runs from Alberta to the Gulf now. XL is only a northern leg that would pick up crude from the Bakken.

Get a grip Siete.

Bakken northern leg?

great, no American land, no American jobs, and gas is cheap without Keystone.

so much for Keystone benefits.
The number ONE reason environmentalists SHOULD support Keystone can be said in two words: "Exxon Valdez"!
Why are environmentalists so stupid as to contest a pipeline that in one mile holds 700 barrels while if NOT built Canada will ship the
1 million barrels in a tanker that travels one mile while carrying 1 million barrels through
Unimak Pass is about 800 miles southwest of Anchorage.
David Mosley, public affairs specialist for the U.S. Coast Guard in Alaska, says that the thousands of ships that already navigate its waters each year
face "winter hurricanes" with 40-foot seas and 100-knot winds that appear with little advanced notice.
Large ships must ride out the storms in sheltered coves in the Aleutians.
In a typical year, at least one ship gets into trouble. "A vessel will have some sort of mechanical or physical issue that then puts them at the mercy of the weather and the waves."
The Environmental Dangers of em Not em Building Keystone XL - Popular Mechanics
So now environmentalists want to add equivalent of 365 tankers carrying 365 million barrels into the waters known for "winter hurricanes"??
Makes NO SENSE ... but wait what the hell is the prime characteristic of environmentalists... they make no sense!
Keystone never has made any sense. It's a political pipeline.
Keystone never has made any sense. It's a political pipeline.
So how do you think the Canadians will ship 1 million barrels of oil a day because THEY are committed to selling that oil?
My point which obviously goes way over simple heads is WHICH IS ENVIRONMENTALLY WORSE??
1 million barrels in a tanker traveling 1 mile in an area known for "winter hurricanes" OR 700 barrels traveling ONE mile on dry land?
GEEZ I just don't understand why this is so hard to comprehend!
Which is a bigger number ... 1 million barrels or 700 barrels??? GEEZ!
It is more about the right complaining about welfare for Individuals, even artificial Persons as Individuals getting bailed out by Socialism, like Usual.

Promoting the general welfare should be more than just bailing out the fossil fuel sector through eminent domain. It should be about Infrastructure sufficient to meet any demand required of it. Mass transit in goods and services should be included as Infrastructure since we have a Commerce Clause, to facilitate commerce and lower that cost to the private sector.

Bail out the fossil fuel industry? What type of left wing wanker are you?

Look you idiot. Trans Canada pays for the whole shebang you moron. It's just a freaking pipeline to transport crude. That's all it is fool.

And Keystone I and Keystone II and Keystone III from Cushing to the Gulf are pumping daily. Where were all you assholes protesting those pipelines that Obama's government passed?

Oh and the lateral to Houston? No protests?

Why only the northern leg? Political theatre. All bullshit. Did you protest Obama's government approval of the Alberta Clipper?

How about protesting your big greeny Steyer's pipelines?

did you know that non sequiturs are usually considered fallacies?

Promoting the general welfare should be more than just bailing out the fossil fuel sector through eminent domain. It should be about Infrastructure sufficient to meet any demand required of it. Mass transit in goods and services should be included as Infrastructure since we have a Commerce Clause, to facilitate commerce and lower that cost to the private sector.
I'm not pro Union neither am I anti Union workers. Not discussing the upper echelons of the Union heirarchy here nor their political persuasions.

I'm pro job. I'm pro worker.

Now lets get to temporary jobs. Construction workers work temporary jobs.

That is their life. It is the very nature of construction that keeps these jobs temporary.

And you are fucked in the head along with anyone else who would term construction projects as not giving skilled and unskilled workers a "real job".

It's really that simple. You are fucked up.

who cares what you think ? As a whole, the RW is anti union, and you don't speak for them . After the project is complete 50 PERMANENT jobs are left for you to be pro job/worker .. maybe, just maybe those 50 jobs will be held by American workers. Maybe Canadians. Either way, they'y be "Union Thugs" as the Republicans call them. Either way, you're an idiot.

The pipeline is not about permanent pipeline jobs. It's about increasing oil production & refinery jobs and cheap gasoline & fuel for US citizens.

Tie the pipeline to a larger infrastructure bill with high speed trains that reduce oil consumption & create jobs so everyone is happy.

oh please, increased production for what again? cheap gas. Gas is cheap and Keystone hasn't been finished. Keystone was about job growth, now its not about job growth. You got nothing but a brown streak in your Jockeys SJ.


Keystone runs from Alberta to the Gulf now. XL is only a northern leg that would pick up crude from the Bakken.

Get a grip Siete.

Bakken northern leg?

great, no American land, no American jobs, and gas is cheap without Keystone.

so much for Keystone benefits.

Yes. Oil from the Bakken oil fields in North Dakota and Montana.

You are a left wing moron to believe that construction jobs don't count because they are only temporary. :lol:

America is seeing benefits like cheap gas because of pipelines like Keystone I, II, II and the oil boom in the US and Canada.

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? The crude has to get to refineries. Keystone is just a freaking pipeline.

The truth. And these stats are only on the leg of the Keystone from Cushing to the Gulf.

4,844 thank yous


Construction of the Gulf Coast Pipeline Project required:

  • US$2.3 billion in private-sector investment
  • Six modern pump stations
  • More than 11 million hours of labor completed by 4,844 workers in the United States of America – heavy equipment operators, welders, laborers, transportation operators and supervisory personnel (including environment, safety and quality control inspectors)
  • More than 50 contracts with U.S. manufacturers and companies building the pipeline and equipment in locations that include: Arkansas, California, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Texas
  • The manufacturing of more than 485 miles of high-strength, advanced oil pipeline (36-inch diameter); hundreds of large valves; thousands of fittings; thousands of pieces of equipment used to build transformers, meters, electric motors, cabling and electrical equipment; and piping assembling and structural steel for supports
  • About 2.25 million barrels of new oil storage capacity at Cushing, Oklahoma.
More at link:

4 844 thank you s Keystone XL Pipeline

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