KGB Donald ... look out people.

Apparently this is more yellow journalism, but why are "liberals" such fucking neocon douchebags nowadays? Russia should be an ally. The still are one of the few places making great vacuum tubes for audio gear. Stop being brainwashed by the neocon MSM. Get a fucking clue, the "cold war" was mostly propaganda, and in addition, it is over.
Pretty damning for the Trump campaign, and even worse, that these allegations come out the day Trump is to make his big foreign policy speech. And with Trump's numbers in the dumps, the timing of this revelation is really gonna hurt his campaign.

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations?

The conservatives have made a huge mistake choosing Trump, a pro-Russian POTUS candidate.
If liberals we so confident Hillary would suspend her campaign, pull the negative ads and you assholes wouldn't be sniffing around for every dingleberry to savor. You are too lazy or stupid to post content so I'm not going to leave the board to see what you're babbling about.

If you weren't too lazy to read the link, you'd have read that this information wasn't "sniffed out" by liberals or the media, but by Ukrainian investigators and then reported by the media.

I am no Hillary fan, but Trump's campaign just took a really big fucking hit.
You are too lazy or stupid to post content, don't try to pin it on me. You are slimming Trump for something you allege his campaign manager did illegally? Ease off the bong dude, the big hit was all you.
That idiot Jillian beat you to it. Anything coming out of the Ukraine against Trump or Manafort is bullshit.

Ukrainian anti Russian oligarchs were the top donors to the Clinton Foundation.
by all means, please show us a check the Clintons received from the Clinton Foundation Charity as their payoff transfer.... ;)
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Shit, what does Trump have to do for one of his fans to at least QUESTION those ties?
And this story comes out just after rumors that George Soros' emails have been hit by a hactivist.....what a coincidence.
Look Siete. Pinchuk and the current President of the Ukraine are ALL Clinton Foundation donors. Ukrainian oligarchs gave the most money to the Clinton Foundation. On record.

which has nothing to do with Trump hiring a Russian to work for him and with him, on American soil ... and after all the effort Reagan made dealing with Russia?

seriously ?

WTF? Manafort is not a Russian. He's from Connecticut. Good grief! You left wing whackos have gone bonkers!
Look Siete. Pinchuk and the current President of the Ukraine are ALL Clinton Foundation donors. Ukrainian oligarchs gave the most money to the Clinton Foundation. On record.

which has nothing to do with Trump hiring a Russian to work for him and with him, on American soil ... and after all the effort Reagan made dealing with Russia?

seriously ?

WTF? Manafort is not a Russian. He's from Connecticut. Good grief! You left wing whackos have gone bonkers!

Ok, he's not Russian but I think thats not the focus of the problem here. For future reference anyone who says Manafort is Russian ignore. But he did take about 12 million from the Ukrainian dude tho. Thats not good for anyone

The problem is that Manafort continued working in the Ukraine after Yanukovych's government failed, helping allies form a political bloc that opposed the new pro-western administration.

Manafort spent his time in Russia after Yanukovych as a pro-Russian, anti-western operative. Nothing else matters, what he did afterward makes him a Russian stooge and Trump a Russian puppet.
Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?
Pretty damning for the Trump campaign, and even worse, that these allegations come out the day Trump is to make his big foreign policy speech. And with Trump's numbers in the dumps, the timing of this revelation is really gonna hurt his campaign.

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations?

The conservatives have made a huge mistake choosing Trump, a pro-Russian POTUS candidate.

All pro-Russian Ukrainian leaders have been already thrown to prison or killed by official Kiev, controlled by Washington.

Another absurd thread, which Washington's ears are sticking out of.
Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?

We know what the reason was for the Iran money. We dont know the reason why Manafort got 12 milly tho. Dont you at least want to know why?
Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?
The left is a lot more successful than the right about finding crime in government, the right hypothesizes and turns it into conspiracy that goes nowhere.
That idiot Jillian beat you to it. Anything coming out of the Ukraine against Trump or Manafort is bullshit.

Ukrainian anti Russian oligarchs were the top donors to the Clinton Foundation.
by all means, please show us a check the Clintons received from the clinton foundation Charity as their payoff.... ;)

Seriously you don't know? Pinchuk is in deep with the Clintons. He organized thru his foundation to donate millions to the Clintons. This is all on record. Because I am half Uk I know this saga very well.

Let me get you Pinchuk's link to the Clintons. Oh and he brags that he runs with Soros as well.
Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?

We know what the reason was for the Iran money. We dont know the reason why Manafort got 12 milly tho. Dont you at least want to know why?

First off you have no proof that Manafort got 12 million. The Ukraine government is a total joke.

But if you want the tie in to Iran?


Boy oh boy you guys have opened a can of whoop ass on yourselves. I'm going to start a thread on it.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
That idiot Jillian beat you to it. Anything coming out of the Ukraine against Trump or Manafort is bullshit.

Ukrainian anti Russian oligarchs were the top donors to the Clinton Foundation.
by all means, please show us a check the Clintons received from the clinton foundation Charity as their payoff.... ;)

Seriously you don't know? Pinchuk is in deep with the Clintons. He organized thru his foundation to donate millions to the Clintons. This is all on record. Because I am half Uk I know this saga very well.

Let me get you Pinchuk's link to the Clintons. Oh and he brags that he runs with Soros as well.

bla bla bla ... stfu Natasha, Trump and his KGB crew are in my country going city to city. Manafort could be snapping pics, and sending intel back to Russia for all you know.
Apparently this is more yellow journalism, but why are "liberals" such fucking neocon douchebags nowadays? Russia should be an ally. The still are one of the few places making great vacuum tubes for audio gear. Stop being brainwashed by the neocon MSM. Get a fucking clue, the "cold war" was mostly propaganda, and in addition, it is over.
Sure, it's over.... :rolleyes:

That's why the Russians hacked the DNC and why the Russians hack our government servers tens of thousands of times a year!

And do some reading please, on Russia, the Ukraine, Crimea, Iran etc etc etc etc....

A LOT is going on out there that gets little attention in the media when they have Clinton and Trump to report on and make their money!
Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?

We know what the reason was for the Iran money. We dont know the reason why Manafort got 12 milly tho. Dont you at least want to know why?

First off you have no proof that Manafort got 12 million. The Ukraine government is a total joke.

Let me ask you something so I know how to respond. If Manafort did get 12 million from the Ukraine under the table would that be a concern to you?

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