KGB Donald ... look out people.

Barry Hussein sends 4 million in cold hard cash to Iran for God only knows what reason and the left worries about a "secret ledger" found in freaking Russia that may or may not indicate a "legal" transaction concerning a Trump "aid"? Wikileaks indicates a freaking hundred felonies committed by Hillary and the left worries about a "secret ledger" in freaking Russia?

We know what the reason was for the Iran money. We dont know the reason why Manafort got 12 milly tho. Dont you at least want to know why?

First off you have no proof that Manafort got 12 million. The Ukraine government is a total joke.

But if you want the tie in to Iran?


Boy oh boy you guys have opened a can of whoop ass on yourselves. I'm going to start a thread on it.

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran
By Rory Ross On 4/18/15 at 6:15 AM

Hillary Clinton's Big Benefactor Has Trade Links with Iran

Clinton's corrupt and no doubt sold access to the SoS office. However, no one has yet shown much of a quid pro quo beyond ... access. And that not only isn't illegal, it's not unusual. Pols sell access every waking second of their days. It's how gummit works, that was the subject of the Scotus overturning VA's ex governor's conviction. Hillary had "merely" taken the process to a new and higher scale. We exprect cabinet official who are appointed by a pol, but who actually run a bipartisan arm of govt, to maintain a decorum not befitting a twobit politician.

Trump and taking defensive weapons for the Ukraine out of the gop platform does appear to be a clear cut quid pro quo.
The thread is about KGB operative Donald Trump and his Spies Who Love Him. If you see one of them with an umbrella with an inordinately sharp point quickly walk the other way.
Please people!

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Mannafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!
That idiot Jillian beat you to it. Anything coming out of the Ukraine against Trump or Manafort is bullshit.

Ukrainian anti Russian oligarchs were the top donors to the Clinton Foundation.
by all means, please show us a check the Clintons received from the clinton foundation Charity as their payoff.... ;)

Seriously you don't know? Pinchuk is in deep with the Clintons. He organized thru his foundation to donate millions to the Clintons. This is all on record. Because I am half Uk I know this saga very well.

Let me get you Pinchuk's link to the Clintons. Oh and he brags that he runs with Soros as well.

bla bla bla ... stfu Natasha, Trump and his KGB crew are in my country going city to city. Manafort could be snapping pics, and sending intel back to Russia for all you know.

Natasha? Ha-ha, now I understand, in which Natasha do you believe:

From the OP link:

While working in Ukraine, Mr. Manafort had also positioned himself to profit from business deals that benefited from connections he had gained through his political consulting. One of them, according to court filings, involved a network of offshore companies that government investigators and independent journalists in Ukraine have said was used to launder public money and assets purportedly stolen by cronies of the government.
Before he fled to Russia two years ago, Mr. Yanukovych and his Party of Regions relied heavily on the advice of Mr. Manafort and his firm, who helped them win several elections. During that period, Mr. Manafort never registered as a foreign agent with the United States Justice Department — as required of those seeking to influence American policy on behalf of foreign clients — although one of his subcontractors did.
Please people!

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Mannafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!
Republicans have differed about Ukraine. Most of them as far as I can recall wanted no US involvement. Especially with this dickweed in the WH. What are your concerns about the Clinton's ties with their foundations biggest contributor, a Ukrainian, shipping products to Iran during the sanctions?

Clinton's Ukrainian donors and ties to Iran for a pipeline
Wait, now you leftist commies are bitching about commies? You folks are bipolar.
Hillary's not a commie. She's a corrupt tool of the Elite.

I never said she is..... and yes, I agree, she is as corrupt as the day is long.
Well there aren't any commies posting on the board, so I wrongfully assumed you were not just posting bullshit. (-:

Whatever...... got have a cocktail.
Please people!

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Mannafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!
Republicans have differed about Ukraine. Most of them as far as I can recall wanted no US involvement. Especially with this dickweed in the WH. What are your concerns about the Clinton's ties with their foundations biggest contributor, a Ukrainian, shipping products to Iran during the sanctions?

Clinton's Ukrainian donors and ties to Iran for a pipeline
The State department did NOT make the decision on the Sale of the Uranium mine....they did not try to influence or encourage the 9 others making the decision on the sale, there was no quid pro matter how hard your right wing propagandists try to claim it so... PERIOD.
Pretty damning for the Trump campaign, and even worse, that these allegations come out the day Trump is to make his big foreign policy speech. And with Trump's numbers in the dumps, the timing of this revelation is really gonna hurt his campaign.

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations?

The conservatives have made a huge mistake choosing Trump, a pro-Russian POTUS candidate.
If liberals we so confident Hillary would suspend her campaign, pull the negative ads and you assholes wouldn't be sniffing around for every dingleberry to savor. You are too lazy or stupid to post content so I'm not going to leave the board to see what you're babbling about.
I posted this in another thread on this topic:

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Manafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!
Pretty damning for the Trump campaign, and even worse, that these allegations come out the day Trump is to make his big foreign policy speech. And with Trump's numbers in the dumps, the timing of this revelation is really gonna hurt his campaign.

The Daily 202: Can Trump chairman Paul Manafort survive new Ukraine revelations?

The conservatives have made a huge mistake choosing Trump, a pro-Russian POTUS candidate.

Mr. Colorado, this is absolutely stunning! No wonder Mr. Trump is trying to discredit the New York Times. They've BUSTED him. No way this pig is going to look any better with lipstick.
Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump’s Campaign Chief
I posted this in another thread on this topic:

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Manafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!

What the hell are you talking about. SPY? Manafort's a fucking spy now? Are you insane?


Please tell me you are kidding because otherwise you really look like a bloody fool. He's from Connecticut for crying out loud.
I posted this in another thread on this topic:

This is not a one incident thing regarding the Trump campaign and Russia...

We have the Trump LOVE he shows Putin and has shown Putin for a few years now...with Trump putting Putin on a pedestal of admiration for his brutalness, and so many other statements of Trump's groveling for some attention at Putin's feet.

We have the Russians hacking the DNC AND disseminating these emails on a timing schedule to try to influence our elections, in FAVOR of Trump. (And I might add all of the Putin lovers from Russia on this board posting as members are all pushing Trump)

We have Donald Trump's Campaign in the RNC Rules committee remove the strong stance against Russia in the Ukraine (that Republicans have always maintained), from their RNC Platform with denials from everyone on the trump campaign then another controversy of Trump's took it out of the news.


Then we have this tidbit of information on Paul Manafort, Mr. potential PAID (millions) SPY of the Russians either joining/recruited by/ or infiltrating the campaign, perhaps without Trump realizing it, God only knows at this point???!!!!

What the hell are you talking about. SPY? Manafort's a fucking spy now? Are you insane?


Please tell me you are kidding because otherwise you really look like a bloody fool. He's from Connecticut for crying out loud.

Yes, she's completely nuts.

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