Kick Them Out

Conservatives, you're at a crossroads and it appears you've chosen your path to set aside some traditional conservative values for Trumpism. That's fine, I'm not posting about cult of personalities or right wing echo chambers.

I'm posting about people like this:

When I'm told that liberals are the real racists or that we always play the race card, I'm struck by what appears to be a complete 180 when some of you openly flaunt your racist views. However some of you seem to be getting a little fed up with the poster who started that thread and that's a good thing, it lends credibility to your arguments when you tell me conservatives aren't racist. However for those who ignore that poster or who actually go on and debate liberals in tandem with him then you're just setting yourselves back. You want broad support for your ideas? Then you have to attract more than just other white (and most likely elderly) conservatives. Maybe you think taxes are too high? OK, that's worthy of debate, but when you ask others to agree with and stand next to what appears to be the KKK it's going to push potential new conservatives away.

For your own sake, for the sake of the country, throw these poison pills out of your circles of influence, they are only going to continue to drag you down. The Republican party is shrinking, younger voters aren't digging you and older voters are expiring. The GOP is becoming more and more exclusive to white elderly people, how do you expect to remain competitive? Calling out RINOs? That's not going to work. Maybe you're a bunch of nihilists who don't give a fuck? But if you do, when is it exactly that racism is going to win the day for you?

Now, I'm sure the usual band of rejects are going to respond and that's fine. But how about those that don't want to go down on their ship? What's the plan for you?
Your talking the endless racism mantra when many of those Deplorables are talking their own survival.
Conservatives, you're at a crossroads and it appears you've chosen your path to set aside some traditional conservative values for Trumpism. That's fine, I'm not posting about cult of personalities or right wing echo chambers.

I'm posting about people like this:

When I'm told that liberals are the real racists or that we always play the race card, I'm struck by what appears to be a complete 180 when some of you openly flaunt your racist views. However some of you seem to be getting a little fed up with the poster who started that thread and that's a good thing, it lends credibility to your arguments when you tell me conservatives aren't racist. However for those who ignore that poster or who actually go on and debate liberals in tandem with him then you're just setting yourselves back. You want broad support for your ideas? Then you have to attract more than just other white (and most likely elderly) conservatives. Maybe you think taxes are too high? OK, that's worthy of debate, but when you ask others to agree with and stand next to what appears to be the KKK it's going to push potential new conservatives away.

For your own sake, for the sake of the country, throw these poison pills out of your circles of influence, they are only going to continue to drag you down. The Republican party is shrinking, younger voters aren't digging you and older voters are expiring. The GOP is becoming more and more exclusive to white elderly people, how do you expect to remain competitive? Calling out RINOs? That's not going to work. Maybe you're a bunch of nihilists who don't give a fuck? But if you do, when is it exactly that racism is going to win the day for you?

Now, I'm sure the usual band of rejects are going to respond and that's fine. But how about those that don't want to go down on their ship? What's the plan for you?

Trump drew a lot of us in who are at best tepid supporters of Trump's policies because he did something Republicans haven't done since Reagan. Fight back against leftist fascists. Don't overthink it
they passed many crossroads since at least 2015, always right towards the bottom.
Do you think if/when they hit bottom they'll change? I've used to think the GOP would finally move past it's more recent (compared to Democrats) racist tendencies. To evolve for the sake of survival. Many of them are kind of OK with gay marriage compared to a couple of years ago. Some will now even state that interracial marriage is just fine (it's a joke wingnuts). So, maybe they will progress, they've dragged their feet on damn near everything else.
I don't. Then again there isn't anything inherently wrong with being a Marxist, I just happen to not be one myself.
You certainly sound like one. But then, lots of low intellect folks get sucked in to Marxism.
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I'm not so sure it is. I say that of course as my opinion only but I feel there are millions of Republicans whose existence is not wrapped up in what the 'wetbacks' are doing. We here on this board see the underbelly of the far right more closely than most. USMB is hyper partisan and on the right that means we've see some pretty hardcore racists posting.


You know what? I don't know, I'm having a hard time convincing myself enough of them are decent.

The guy who posted above this post has no political future. He can't understand why his country is changing but sure knows who the hell to scapegoat. I don't think conservatives are Nazis or Hitler incarnate. The poster above though? Yep.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm referring to BL and not Mac. :auiqs.jpg:

The circle jerk continues ...
Do you think if/when they hit bottom they'll change? I've used to think the GOP would finally move past it's more recent (compared to Democrats) racist tendencies. To evolve for the sake of survival. Many of them are kind of OK with gay marriage compared to a couple of years ago. Some will now even state that interracial marriage is just fine (it's a joke wingnuts). So, maybe they will progress, they've dragged their feet on damn near everything else.

Once again, when you have a klansman representing your party in the governor's office in Virginia, and your president is a virulent racist with a 50 year history of racist policies, comments, and writings, you need to clean your own house first.
Do you think if/when they hit bottom they'll change? I've used to think the GOP would finally move past it's more recent (compared to Democrats) racist tendencies. To evolve for the sake of survival. Many of them are kind of OK with gay marriage compared to a couple of years ago. Some will now even state that interracial marriage is just fine (it's a joke wingnuts). So, maybe they will progress, they've dragged their feet on damn near everything else.
apparently, there is no bottom.

I agree that both sides mention race, sure. I would even go so far as to say that some on the left have been a little too Social Justice Warriory for my taste. But that's decidedly different than calling someone a nappy headed ho or wetback and day after day after day proclaiming their own superiority because they happen to be white. Wouldn't you agree?

Do you tend to call out liberals when talking about race but never conservatives who demean entire segments of our population based solely on race? You don't need to reply, it's just food for thought.
Real liberals and real conservatives are rare. I call out both the left and the right on racism, they both disgust me.

So it wasn't food for thought, your snarky attitude is noted.
Thanks for the update from the basement. :puke:

I believe I am the only person who directly answered your OP on why people who don't agree with Trump vote for him.

Fascists are never really looking for an answer, are you? You're here to tell us what we think

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