Kick Them Out

Real liberals and real conservatives are rare. I call out both the left and the right on racism, they both disgust me.

So it wasn't food for thought, your snarky attitude is noted.
Of course you do and you're welcome.
I believe I am the only person who directly answered your OP on why people who don't agree with Trump vote for him.

Did I ask that question?

Fascists are never really looking for an answer, are you? You're here to tell us what we think
Trust me when I say I have no idea what, how or if you think at all.
Do you think if/when they hit bottom they'll change? I've used to think the GOP would finally move past it's more recent (compared to Democrats) racist tendencies. To evolve for the sake of survival. Many of them are kind of OK with gay marriage compared to a couple of years ago. Some will now even state that interracial marriage is just fine (it's a joke wingnuts). So, maybe they will progress, they've dragged their feet on damn near everything else.
Your 'they' is a figment of your own imagination and what CNN and your Marxist associates tell you 'they' are. Now, if you want to talk about hitting bottom, the Democrat party has already done that and will pay dearly next election cycle. I mean, come on man!!! They have a brain dead POTUS. a vacuous whore for VP and a dried up old bag for Speaker. Oh yeah, and don't forget the Squad commies that even they (the Democrat geriatric leaders) are trying to figure out how to distance themselves from.
Did I ask that question?

Trust me when I say I have no idea what, how or if you think at all.

I was being polite saying you "asked" rather than you are an arrogant ass who told us what we think.

But since you want to play it that way, I call bull shit to your claim you can read minds since you're doubling down on it.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 1 million. What is it, mind reader?
Sure, why not?
Because that is an asinine request. Because I have no idea how many there are or who they are. I recognize a few of them like Quasar and Broke Loser because they are prevalent enough and I simply do not engage with such worthless trash but identifying them does not make a point. It is name calling.

There are a few left wing racists here. Are you going to point them out or is this just a one sided deal?

You don't think the views of members of this forum count? Or they just don't count when it's convenient?
Count for what....?

As representatives of the Republicans? No I don't and I doubt you are ignorant enough to actually believe that some random people on the internet are representative of anything. I guess I should pick a racists left winger out from the board here and then declare that is the left.

No, pointing to the people that actually hold power is actually relevant unlike some idiot somewhere on a message board.

When sane people remain silent that's when the inmates take over the asylum. This board is only an example, the most vocal conservative posters on this forum appear to be racists. BL, EMH, JC and others have taken all the conservative oxygen away and turned it into white grievance.
Take over what asylum? Usmessageboard? Who gives a shit? You want them to go away from here, calling them out is the absolute worst possible way to go about it. Don't feed the trolls is common phrase for a reason - they persist here precisely because they get engagement - talking to yourself gets boring for the vast majority of people. However, I will refer, again, to the fact that you focus on random people here that simply do not matter in any shape or form but are still studiously ignoring those that actually have power.
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I was being polite saying you "asked" rather than you are an arrogant ass who told us what we think.

But since you want to play it that way, I call bull shit to your claim you can read minds since you're doubling down on it.

I am thinking of a number between 1 and 1 million. What is it, mind reader?
I already told you I can't confirm if you think at all. If I had to guess, I'd go with pineapple.
Conservatives, you're at a crossroads and it appears you've chosen your path to set aside some traditional conservative values for Trumpism. That's fine, I'm not posting about cult of personalities or right wing echo chambers.

I'm posting about people like this:

When I'm told that liberals are the real racists or that we always play the race card, I'm struck by what appears to be a complete 180 when some of you openly flaunt your racist views. However some of you seem to be getting a little fed up with the poster who started that thread and that's a good thing, it lends credibility to your arguments when you tell me conservatives aren't racist. However for those who ignore that poster or who actually go on and debate liberals in tandem with him then you're just setting yourselves back. You want broad support for your ideas? Then you have to attract more than just other white (and most likely elderly) conservatives. Maybe you think taxes are too high? OK, that's worthy of debate, but when you ask others to agree with and stand next to what appears to be the KKK it's going to push potential new conservatives away.

For your own sake, for the sake of the country, throw these poison pills out of your circles of influence, they are only going to continue to drag you down. The Republican party is shrinking, younger voters aren't digging you and older voters are expiring. The GOP is becoming more and more exclusive to white elderly people, how do you expect to remain competitive? Calling out RINOs? That's not going to work. Maybe you're a bunch of nihilists who don't give a fuck? But if you do, when is it exactly that racism is going to win the day for you?

Now, I'm sure the usual band of rejects are going to respond and that's fine. But how about those that don't want to go down on their ship? What's the plan for you?
A very small percentage of the Republican party consists of racists, but there are also plenty of racists in the democrat party. There are certainly plenty of anti-Semites. The Republican racists are over represented in forums like this because they have an agenda to push. The overwhelming majority of Republicans just want the government to leave them alone.
The more the Democrats are proven to be the party of Marxists, Communist-supporters, domestic terrorist supporters, racists, criminals, foreign espionage facilitators, influence-peddlers, & traitors the deeper the snowflake sheep bury their heads, like ticks, burrowing in, determined to blindly support, defend, and comply. It's truly amazing.


Despite the COVID-19 Delta Variant infecting the majority of people who have been vaccinated, despite the vast majority of people being infected being asymptomatic, despite kids being proven to be almost totally protected from contracting it, unable to pass it on because they don't enough of a viral load, despite the mortality rate being proven to only be 0.08% - making it less deadly than the seasonal flu - despite SCIENCE proving all this ('follow the science', remember snowflakes), Democrats are once again bullying, berating, and engaging in fear mongering people to get them to surrender, submit, and comply.

The fact is Democrats / Biden can not impose mask mandates on any American who is NOT a federal employee or military member, so all they can do is bully, intimidate, and attempt to scare the hell out of Americans.

Biden and admin personnel have already admitted cloth masks do not prevent/protect from contracting the virus.
Prolonged mask wearing is detrimental physically and mentally for kids, physically for adults.
Kids are safe, and teachers are vaccinated.
Science has told us al lof the above as well.

DEMOCRATS LIKE PEOSI, WHITMER, & NEWSOM SHOWED all of us this by hypocritically violating their own edicts that the courts have now said violated out Constitutional and civil rights. They convinced sheep the virus was so deadly it was worth giving up those rights and complying. It turned out to be BS....but now they are trying to make the same argument with the Delta variant....AND THE DELTA VARIANT IS WAY LESS DEADLY!


As the saying goes, 'Fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice...and I'm a DUMBASS!'

In the last few weeks / months alone Democrats have:
- Surrendered our energy independence

- Surrendered our Border Security

- Surrendered our National Security

- Surrendered 1st Amendment rights - some, not all. That's how its done - incrementally.

- While Democrats support/facilitate domestic Marxist terrorists conservative 1/6 participants are political prisoners

- Democrats /Biden refused to condemn Communism, refused to immediately stand with Cubans seeking FREEDOM

- Biden was caught supporting / advocating radicals promoting 'anti-racst' / CTR in our schools to indoctrinate our children into believing all whites are 'racists' and evil, to hate each other, and hate out nation
-- That's called a Marxist attack rom within
-- The WH called it an 'error'....that's like finding your best friend f*ing your wife & he tells you it was an 'accident'. WTF? Like he was walking around naked, slipped, and fell w/his d!ck in your wife?! The only mistake was slipping up and letting the public know what the Biden administration is doing and stands for.

....and on and on and on......

IMO we are well past the point that the majority of snowflakes can use being naïve, ignorant, gullible, or just plain stupid as an excuse for supporting, defending, and going along with their lies and Marxist BS. At this point it is an obvious case of being a complete f*ing SHEEP.

I mean, it has been proven beyond denial that the former President of the united States collaborated with the Russians, knowngly obtaining Russian-authored propaganda - delivered by a Trump-hating foreign ex-spy who was working for Barry's FBI AND the Russians - in a failed political coup in an attempt to overthrow the United States government by removing the newly elected President of the united States...and that current President Joe Biden was a co-conspirator.

It has been proven the FBI has been illegally spying on Americans, violating Constitution and Law for DECADES ... and are still doing it.....

It was proven that Speaker Pelosi attempted 2 completely faux Impeachments - coup attempts to overthrow the US Govt, jut like Barry tried, by removing the President from office - based on ZERO crime, zero evidence, and ZERO witnesses, that Democrats in both Impeachment attempts illegally attempted to manufacture evidence (Schiff & Swalwell).....

And traitorous anti-American, Marxist/Communist/traitor/domestic terrorist-supporting douche-bag snowflake sheep STILL support them, defend them, and support their continued attempts to destroy this country.

These traitors can even tell you they are doing it, and you don't even blink - you just keep defending them.

Case in point, former CIA Director Brennan stood before Congress and confessed to illegally spying on them - Congress...along with illegally spying on USSC Justices and Americans, part of a deal to keep his ass out of prison....this is not even in question - CNN, MSN, the WSJ reported it - I've posted the links on this board....and snowflakes don't even blink. They either refuse to believe it (avoiding reality), try to justify their crimes, or simply defend them.

And you can not blame Marxist, Communist/terrorist-supporting, self-enriching criminals and traitors doing all this - its who they are and what they are allowed to get away with. The fault lies squarely on the partisan, party-1st, anti-American, stupid f*ng sheep who see all of this yet still follow, support, defend, and keep letting these traitors get away with the shit.

All of this is not knew.
Snowflakes have heard it before.
None of it is anything they don't know.....
And nothing changes......

Thus this country is F*ed......

Will the last American out please bring the flag.
A very small percentage of the Republican party consists of racists, but there are also plenty of racists in the democrat party. There are certainly plenty of anti-Semites. The Republican racists are over represented in forums like this because they have an agenda to push. The overwhelming majority of Republicans just want the government to leave them alone.

bri, my man.

What are your thoughts on why blacks commit more crimes than whites?

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